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PortInOut Class Reference

PortInOut Class Reference

A multiple pin digital in/out used to set/read multiple bi-directional pins. More...

#include <PortInOut.h>

Public Member Functions

 PortInOut (PortName port, int mask=0xFFFFFFFF)
 Create an PortInOut, connected to the specified port.
void write (int value)
 Write the value to the output port.
int read ()
 Read the value currently output on the port.
void output ()
 Set as an output.
void input ()
 Set as an input.
void mode (PinMode mode)
 Set the input pin mode.
PortInOutoperator= (int value)
 A shorthand for write()
 operator int ()
 A shorthand for read()

Detailed Description

A multiple pin digital in/out used to set/read multiple bi-directional pins.

Definition at line 29 of file PortInOut.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PortInOut ( PortName  port,
int  mask = 0xFFFFFFFF 

Create an PortInOut, connected to the specified port.

portPort to connect to (Port0-Port5)
maskA bitmask to identify which bits in the port should be included (0 - ignore)

Definition at line 37 of file PortInOut.h.

Member Function Documentation

void input (  )

Set as an input.

Definition at line 66 of file PortInOut.h.

void mode ( PinMode  mode )

Set the input pin mode.

modePullUp, PullDown, PullNone, OpenDrain

Definition at line 74 of file PortInOut.h.

operator int (  )

A shorthand for read()

Definition at line 92 of file PortInOut.h.

PortInOut& operator= ( int  value )

A shorthand for write()

Definition at line 80 of file PortInOut.h.

void output (  )

Set as an output.

Definition at line 60 of file PortInOut.h.

int read ( void   )

Read the value currently output on the port.

An integer with each bit corresponding to associated port pin setting

Definition at line 54 of file PortInOut.h.

void write ( int  value )

Write the value to the output port.

valueAn integer specifying a bit to write for every corresponding port pin

Definition at line 45 of file PortInOut.h.