
Dependents:   wheelchaircontrol wheelchaircontrol2 wheelchaircontrol3 wheelchaircontrol4 ... more

--- a/QEI.h	Fri Aug 31 17:09:18 2018 +0000
+++ b/QEI.h	Fri Apr 19 23:03:41 2019 +0000
@@ -206,10 +206,16 @@
      * @return Number of revolutions which have occured on the index channel.
+    float getRevolutions(void);
-    float getRevolutions(void);
+    /**
+     * Takes the difference of distance divided by the difference of time
+     */
+    float getVelocity();    
+    /**
+     * Calculates the distance travelled using the diameter of the wheel and how many revolutions have happened
+     */
     float getDistance(float diameter);
@@ -236,13 +242,18 @@
     InterruptIn channelB_;
     InterruptIn index_;
-    float        pulsesPerRev_;
-    int          prevState_;
-    int          currState_;
-    volatile int pulses_;
-    volatile int revolutions_;
+    float        pulsesPerRev_;      // variable that keeps the pulses in each revolution
+    float        oldDistance_;       // variable that keeps distance initial for velocity calculation
+    float        newDistance_;       // variable that keeps distance final for velocity calculation
+    float        velocity_;          // variable with the current velocity
+    int          prevState_;         // variable to use in direction logic
+    int          currState_;         // variable to use in direction logic
+    Timer ti;                        // pointer to timer library to keep track of time
+    volatile int pulses_;            // keeps track of how many pulses have happened from initializing position
+    volatile int revolutions_;       // keeps track of how many revolutions have happened from initializing position
-#endif /* QEI_H */
+#endif /* QEI_H */
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