Lizzy project

Dependencies:   aconno_I2C Lis2dh12 adc52832_common aconno_SEGGER_RTT

Thu Sep 13 15:14:14 2018 +0200
LAUT example program

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 1 #ifndef __LIZZY_SERVICE_H__
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 2 #define __LIZZY_SERVICE_H__
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 3
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 4 #include "mbed.h"
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 5 #include "ble/BLE.h"
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 6
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 7 #define NUM_LEDS (3)
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 8 #define NUM_AXIS (3)
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 9
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 10
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 11 typedef struct
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 12 {
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 13 bool buzz;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 14 bool leds[NUM_LEDS];
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 15 uint16_t acc_lsb;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 16 int16_t acc_data[NUM_AXIS];
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 17 } init_lizzy_t;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 18
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 19 class LizzyService{
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 20 public:
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 21 const static uint16_t LIZZY_SERVICE_UUID = 0xAB00;
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 22 const static uint16_t RED_UUID = 0xAB02;
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 23 const static uint16_t GREEN_UUID = 0xAB03;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 24
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 25 LizzyService(BLEDevice &_ble, init_lizzy_t *init) :
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 26 ble(_ble),
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 27 red_led(RED_UUID, &(init->leds[0]),
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 28 GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY),
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 29 green_led(GREEN_UUID, &(init->leds[1]),
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 30 GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY)
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 31 {
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 32 // Add characteristics in table
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 33 GattCharacteristic *charTable[] = {&red_led, &green_led};
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 34 GattService AckService(LIZZY_SERVICE_UUID, charTable,
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 35 sizeof(charTable)/sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 36 ble.gattServer().addService(AckService); // Add service in the BLE
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 37 }
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 38
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 39 inline BLEDevice *get_ble(){
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 40 return &ble;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 41 }
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 42
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 43 // Characteristic setters.
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 44 inline void set_red_state(bool new_state){
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 45 ble.gattServer().write(red_led.getValueHandle(),
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 46 (uint8_t*)&new_state, sizeof(new_state));
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 47 }
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 48 inline void set_green_state(bool new_state){
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 49 ble.gattServer().write(green_led.getValueHandle(),
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 50 (uint8_t*)&new_state, sizeof(new_state));
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 51 }
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 52
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 53 // Characteristic getters.
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 54 inline bool get_red_state(){
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 55 bool tmp;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 56 uint16_t size = sizeof(tmp);
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 57 ble.gattServer().read(red_led.getValueHandle(), (uint8_t*)&tmp,
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 58 &size);
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 59 return tmp;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 60 }
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 61 inline bool get_green_state(){
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 62 bool tmp;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 63 uint16_t size = sizeof(tmp);
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 64 ble.gattServer().read(green_led.getValueHandle(), (uint8_t*)&tmp,
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 65 &size);
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 66 return tmp;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 67 }
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 68
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 69 inline GattAttribute::Handle_t get_red_handle(){
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 70 return red_led.getValueHandle();
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 71 }
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 72 inline GattAttribute::Handle_t get_green_handle(){
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 73 return green_led.getValueHandle();
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 74 }
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 75
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 76 private:
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 77 BLEDevice &ble;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 78 // Create new characteristics
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 79 ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<bool> red_led;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 80 ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<bool> green_led;
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 81 };
dbartolovic 8:7ba4f82de9b6 82
jurica238814 22:7dae8496b97c 83 #endif //__LIZZY_SERVICE_H__