Library for digital light sensor BH1750 (GY-30). SPI Test Comunication with ArduinoMega

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BH1750.h	Mon Aug 18 18:01:09 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+This is a library for the BH1750FVI (GY-30) Digital Light Sensor
+breakout board.
+The board uses I2C for communication. 2 pins are required to
+interface to the device and in most cases also pull up resistors.
+Inspired by Christopher Laws, March, 2013.
+Written by Michal Stehlik, August, 2014.
+#ifndef BH1750_h
+#define BH1750_h
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define BH1750_I2CADDR 0x46
+// No active state
+#define BH1750_POWER_DOWN 0x00
+// Wating for measurment command
+#define BH1750_POWER_ON 0x01
+// Reset data register value - not accepted in POWER_DOWN mode
+#define BH1750_RESET 0x07
+// Start measurement at 1lx resolution. Measurement time is approx 120ms.
+#define BH1750_CONTINUOUS_HIGH_RES_MODE  0x10
+// Start measurement at 0.5lx resolution. Measurement time is approx 120ms.
+#define BH1750_CONTINUOUS_HIGH_RES_MODE_2  0x11
+// Start measurement at 4lx resolution. Measurement time is approx 16ms.
+#define BH1750_CONTINUOUS_LOW_RES_MODE  0x13
+// Start measurement at 1lx resolution. Measurement time is approx 120ms.
+// Device is automatically set to Power Down after measurement.
+#define BH1750_ONE_TIME_HIGH_RES_MODE  0x20
+// Start measurement at 0.5lx resolution. Measurement time is approx 120ms.
+// Device is automatically set to Power Down after measurement.
+#define BH1750_ONE_TIME_HIGH_RES_MODE_2  0x21
+// Start measurement at 1lx resolution. Measurement time is approx 120ms.
+// Device is automatically set to Power Down after measurement.
+#define BH1750_ONE_TIME_LOW_RES_MODE  0x23
+* @code
+* #include "mbed.h"
+* #include "BH1750.h"
+* BH1750 lightSensor(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
+* Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
+* int main() 
+* {
+*    lightSensor.init();
+*    while(1) {
+*        pc.printf("Light intensity: %.4f Lux\r\n", lightSensor.readIntesity());
+*        wait(5);
+*    }
+* }
+* @endcode
+class BH1750
+    /**
+    * @param sda
+    * @param scl
+    */
+    BH1750(PinName sda, PinName slc);
+    /**
+    * Initialize sensor with specified mode.
+    * Default mode is set to BH1750_CONTINUOUS_HIGH_RES_MODE.
+    * @param mode of sensor operation.
+    */
+    void init(char mode = BH1750_CONTINUOUS_HIGH_RES_MODE);
+    /**
+    * Configure sensor with specified mode.
+    * This function is called also in init(char);
+    * @param mode of sensor operation.
+    */
+    void configure(char mode);
+    /**
+    * Read light intensity.
+    * In addition also error code and raw data are filled.
+    * @return light intensity in Lux.
+    */
+    float readIntesity(void);
+    /**
+    * Get raw data obtained after sucessfull executing of readIntesity(void).
+    * @return unprocessed raw data readed from sensor.
+    */
+    char* getRawData(void);
+    /**
+    * @returns
+    *     0 no error.
+    *     !=0 I2C error code.
+    */
+    int getStatus(void);
+    I2C i2c;
+    char rawDataBuffer[2];
+    int status;