library to modify and read program variable in runtime from a serial console. You can reset as well the mbed from the console without pushing buttons. Handy for debugging from the online compiler as you can change the behavior of the program without need to recompile each time.

Embed: (wiki syntax)

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00001 #ifndef VARSTORE_H
00002 #define VARSTORE_H
00003 #include "mbed.h"
00004 #include "VarItems.h"
00006 #define STR_OK ""
00008 /** VarStore Class beta !!!!!!!
00009  *  Used for reading/modifying program variables from the console at runtime.
00010  *   Helpful for   debugging
00011  *  It has a facility as well to reset the mbed
00012  *  from the serial console without pressing  
00013  *  any button.
00014  *  It does not block the serial/input channel
00015  *  in case it is needed for other stuff
00016  *  
00017  *  From the console ( be aware that if you do not have local echo activated you wil not see what you tye. Commands are 
00018  *  triggered at CR
00019  *
00020  *  s:var:value               -> sets the value of var to value at runtime
00021  *  d:var                     -> dump content of var
00022  *  s:arr:val1,val2,val3      -> set first three values of arr to val1,val2,val3
00023  *  r                         -> reset mbed... and reload program
00024  *  w:milisecs                -> (beta) release the console input for your program for a period of time7
00025  *
00026  *  I do have in a note pad sets of commands, e.g. dumps of variables I want to check and then I just 
00027  *  copy and paste in to the terminal so see all of them at once or repeteadly show them.
00028  *  
00029  * hope it helps.
00030  *  
00031  * Example:
00032  * @code
00033  *
00034  * #include "mbed.h"
00035  * #include "rtos.h"
00036  * #include "VarStore.h"
00037  *
00038  * #include <RawSerial.h>
00039  *
00040  * RawSerial  pc(USBTX,USBRX);  // Be aware !!!! need rawserial. No printf for you anymore !! 
00041  *                              // no malloc nither as this works in ISR
00042  *
00043  * VarStore Store(&pc,20);      // create storage for 20 variables/arrays attach to serial pc
00044  * 
00045  * DigitalOut led1(LED1);
00046  * DigitalOut led2(LED2);
00047  * 
00048  * void led2_thread(void const *args) {
00049  *    
00050  *    int wait2=1000;
00051  *    Store.Load("wait2",&wait2,T_int);   // load variable wait2 in Store
00052  *    
00053  *    while (true) {
00054  *        led2 = !led2;
00055  *        Thread::wait(wait2);  // remember, no WAIT, STOPS CPU FROM RUNNING WHOLE PROGRAM.
00056  *                               // use Thread::wait to stop just your path of execution.
00057  *    }
00058  * }
00059  * 
00060  * int main() {
00061  *    
00062  *    int wait1=500;
00063  *    Store.Load("wait1",&wait1,T_int);  // Load variable wait1 in Store
00064  *    Thread VS_thread(VarStore::Worker,&Store,osPriorityNormal,DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE,NULL); // launch VarStore Thread
00065  *    
00066  *    Thread thread(led2_thread);
00067  *    
00068  *    while (true) {
00069  *        led1 = !led1;
00070  *        Thread::wait(wait1); // remember, no WAIT, STOPS CPU FROM RUNNING WHOLE PROGRAM.
00071  *                              // use Thread::wait to stop just your path of execution.
00072  *    }
00073  * }
00074  *
00075  * @endcode
00076  *
00077  *
00078  *
00079  *
00080  */
00081 class VarStore
00082 {
00085 // friend    void Worker2();
00086 public:
00087     /*
00088     * Constructor        
00089     */
00090     VarStore(   RawSerial *ser, int sz);
00092     /*
00093     * destr        
00094     */
00095     virtual ~VarStore();
00097     /* assigns (a) value(s) to a variable or array        
00098     */
00099     char * Set(char *Input);
00101     /*Get contents of a variable as a string
00102     */
00103     char*  Get(char *Name);
00105     /** Load a variable on VarStore
00106     *
00107     * @param Name string that will be used to query/set the value of the variable/array
00108     * @param VarPtr pointer to variable 
00109     * @param VarType enumerated type indicating int/float ( only supported currently) enum VarTypes {T_int,T_float};
00110     *
00111     * @returns ERR on error / NULL on success
00112     */
00113     int Load(char *Name, void *VarPtr,VarTypes VarType );
00115     /** Load an array on VarStore
00116     *
00117     * @param Name string that will be used to query/set the value of the variable/array
00118     * @param VarPtr pointer to base of array
00119     * @param VarType enumerated type indicating int/float ( only supported currently) enum VarTypes {T_int,T_float};
00120     * @param Size number of elements in the array
00121     *
00122     * @returns ERR on error / NULL on success
00123     */
00124     int Load(char *Name, void *VarPtr,VarTypes VarType, int Size );
00128    /** Thread that will manage the console interaction. Main role is to remain sleeping 
00129     * and only awakening to fire worker2 to deal with console input
00130     *
00131     * @param args pointer to the VarStore Object that will be managing.
00132     *
00133     * @returns ERR on error / NULL on success
00134     */
00135     static  void Worker(void const *args);
00138 protected:
00140 private:
00141     /* Get variable item by name
00142     */
00143     VarItem *GetVar(char *name);
00145     /* do stuff with console input
00146     */
00147     char  *Do(char *str);
00149     /* manages console input
00150     */
00151     static void Worker2();
00154     VarItem *Store;
00155     int sz;         // number of varibales to store / array size
00156     int VarCounter;
00157     RawSerial  *pc;
00159     static VarStore *MyThis;   // used by the workers reading the terminal
00160                                // instantiation via a static fucntion so need to record
00161                                // who am I 
00162 };
00166 #endif // VARSTORE_H