library to modify and read program variable in runtime from a serial console. You can reset as well the mbed from the console without pushing buttons. Handy for debugging from the online compiler as you can change the behavior of the program without need to recompile each time.


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
17:8c20a558d34f 2014-08-26 julmbed fixed doc typos default tip
16:19ea694d96c0 2014-08-26 julmbed added documentation..... still looks poor
15:a794a7ef6170 2014-08-26 julmbed trying to fix documentation
14:6cbe8366d587 2014-08-26 julmbed added beta comment
13:e1ba5bf9e51f 2014-08-26 julmbed first version of documentation
12:e9c8d2d9ac71 2014-08-26 julmbed using new and variable number of variables
11:a3af7a5e03d2 2014-08-26 julmbed ni idea de que cambios se han hecho
10:34d368966675 2014-08-26 julmbed converted worker2 from friend to static private to avoid clutter in namespace;
9:d081aa4e4418 2014-08-25 julmbed workin with rawserial and without malloc. dump string limited to 132 chars
8:934ec53fe2c0 2014-08-25 julmbed con rawserial y sin avanzar en dump de las variables
7:fafe81a95c08 2014-08-25 julmbed before changes to buffered serial
6:9848fdaf2ad9 2014-08-25 julmbed en modo gestion via interrupciones. Antes de hacer limpieza y preparar para publicacion
5:47b67a7c0bb7 2014-08-25 julmbed antes de meter los cambios de VarStore::MyThis en worker2
4:4be2eaf872df 2014-08-25 julmbed quitando el wait del thread worker
3:cf43e6de918e 2014-08-25 julmbed added wait command
2:a59207652720 2014-08-25 julmbed worker como static, lanzandolo de manera independiente en el main. admite tres comandos, via ->DO que son set/get-dump/reset para carge de nuevo programa en el mbed sin darle al boton
1:bbd6b84fc908 2014-08-25 julmbed antes de poner el worker en el constructor
0:85afbf3c9fad 2014-08-25 julmbed version inicial de la librer?a VarStore