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Easyspin Class Reference

Easyspin library class. More...

#include <easyspin.h>

Public Member Functions

 Easyspin ()
void AttachFlagInterrupt (void(*callback)(void))
 Attaches a user callback to the flag Interrupt The call back will be then called each time the status flag pin will be pulled down due to the occurrence of a programmed alarms ( OCD, thermal pre-warning or shutdown, UVLO, wrong command, non-performable command)
void Begin (uint8_t nbShields)
 Starts the Easyspin library.
uint16_t GetAcceleration (uint8_t shieldId)
 Returns the acceleration of the specified shield.
uint16_t GetCurrentSpeed (uint8_t shieldId)
 Returns the current speed of the specified shield.
uint16_t GetDeceleration (uint8_t shieldId)
 Returns the deceleration of the specified shield.
shieldState_t GetShieldState (uint8_t shieldId)
 Returns the shield state.
uint8_t GetFwVersion (void)
 Returns the FW version of the library.
int32_t GetMark (uint8_t shieldId)
 Returns the mark position of the specified shield.
uint16_t GetMaxSpeed (uint8_t shieldId)
 Returns the max speed of the specified shield.
uint16_t GetMinSpeed (uint8_t shieldId)
 Returns the min speed of the specified shield.
int32_t GetPosition (uint8_t shieldId)
 Returns the ABS_POSITION of the specified shield.
void GoHome (uint8_t shieldId)
 Requests the motor to move to the home position (ABS_POSITION = 0)
void GoMark (uint8_t shieldId)
 Requests the motor to move to the mark position.
void GoTo (uint8_t shieldId, int32_t targetPosition)
 Requests the motor to move to the specified position.
void HardStop (uint8_t shieldId)
 Immediatly stops the motor and disable the power bridge.
void Move (uint8_t shieldId, dir_t direction, uint32_t stepCount)
 Moves the motor of the specified number of steps.
void ResetAllShields (void)
 Resets all Easyspin shields.
void Run (uint8_t shieldId, dir_t direction)
 Runs the motor.
bool SetAcceleration (uint8_t shieldId, uint16_t newAcc)
 Changes the acceleration of the specified shield.
bool SetDeceleration (uint8_t shieldId, uint16_t newDec)
 Changes the deceleration of the specified shield.
void SetHome (uint8_t shieldId)
 Set current position to be the Home position (ABS pos set to 0)
void SetMark (uint8_t shieldId)
 Sets current position to be the Mark position.
bool SetMaxSpeed (uint8_t shieldId, uint16_t newMaxSpeed)
 Changes the max speed of the specified shield.
bool SetMinSpeed (uint8_t shieldId, uint16_t newMinSpeed)
 Changes the min speed of the specified shield.
bool SoftStop (uint8_t shieldId)
 Stops the motor by using the shield deceleration.
void WaitWhileActive (uint8_t shieldId)
 Locks until the shield state becomes Inactive.
void Turn (rot_t rotation, uint16_t angle)
 Turn left or right with the specified angle.
void Move_cm (dir_t direction, uint16_t distance)
 Move forward or backward with the specified distance.
void CmdDisable (uint8_t shieldId)
 Issue the Disable command to the Easyspin of the specified shield.
void CmdEnable (uint8_t shieldId)
 Issues the Enable command to the Easyspin of the specified shield.
uint32_t CmdGetParam (uint8_t shieldId, Easyspin_Registers_t param)
 Issues the GetParam command to the Easyspin of the specified shield.
uint16_t CmdGetStatus (uint8_t shieldId)
 Issues the GetStatus command to the Easyspin of the specified shield.
void CmdNop (uint8_t shieldId)
 Issues the Nop command to the Easyspin of the specified shield.
void CmdSetParam (uint8_t shieldId, Easyspin_Registers_t param, uint32_t value)
 Issues the SetParam command to the Easyspin of the specified shield.
uint16_t ReadStatusRegister (uint8_t shieldId)
 Reads the Status Register value.
void Reset (void)
 Resets the Easyspin (reset pin set to low) of all shields.
void ReleaseReset (void)
 Releases the Easyspin reset (pin set to High) of all shields.
void SelectStepMode (uint8_t shieldId, Easyspin_STEP_SEL_t stepMod)
 Set the stepping mode.
void SetDirection (uint8_t shieldId, dir_t direction)
 Specifies the direction.
void StepClockHandler (uint8_t shieldId)
 Handles the shield state machine at each ste.

Static Public Member Functions

static class EasyspinGetInstancePtr (void)
 Gets the pointer to the Easyspin instance.

Detailed Description

Easyspin library class.

Definition at line 409 of file easyspin.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Easyspin (  )


Return values:

Definition at line 31 of file easyspin.cpp.