All mbed code for control over dive planes, pump motor, valve motor, BCUs, UART interface, etc.

Dependencies:   mbed ESC mbed MODDMA

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/robotic_fish_6/SerialControl/SerialController.cpp	Tue Jan 14 19:17:05 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ * Author: Joseph DelPreto
+ */
+#include "SerialController.h"
+#ifdef serialControl
+// The static instance
+SerialController serialController;
+void lowBatteryCallbackSerialStatic()
+	serialController.lowBatteryCallback();
+// Initialization
+SerialController::SerialController(Serial* serialObject /* = NULL */, Serial* usbSerialObject /* = NULL */):
+		terminated(false)
+	#ifdef debugLEDsSerial
+	serialLEDs[0] = new DigitalOut(LED1);
+	serialLEDs[1] = new DigitalOut(LED2);
+	serialLEDs[2] = new DigitalOut(LED3);
+	serialLEDs[3] = new DigitalOut(LED4);
+	#endif
+	init(serialObject, usbSerialObject);
+void SerialController::init(Serial* serialObject /* = NULL */, Serial* usbSerialObject /* = NULL */)
+	// Create serial object or use provided one
+	if(serialObject == NULL)
+	{
+		serialObject = new Serial(serialDefaultTX, serialDefaultRX);
+		serialObject->baud(serialDefaultBaud);
+	}
+	serial = serialObject;
+	// Create usb serial object or use provided one
+	if(usbSerialObject == NULL)
+	{
+		usbSerialObject = new Serial(USBTX, USBRX);
+		usbSerialObject->baud(serialDefaultBaudUSB);
+	}
+	usbSerial = usbSerialObject;
+	// Will check for low battery at startup and using an interrupt
+	lowBatteryVoltageInput = new DigitalIn(lowBatteryVoltagePin);
+	lowBatteryVoltageInput->mode(PullUp);
+	// NOTE Switching to polling instead of interrupt
+	// since it seems like the low battery detector chip may have spurious falls
+	// that cause the interrupt to trigger when the battery isn't actually low
+	//lowBatteryInterrupt = new InterruptIn(lowBatteryVoltagePin);
+	//lowBatteryInterrupt->fall(lowBatteryCallbackSerialStatic);
+	detectedLowBattery = false;
+	lowBatteryTicker.attach(&lowBatteryCallbackSerialStatic, 5);
+	#ifdef debugLEDsSerial
+	serialLEDs[0]->write(1);
+	serialLEDs[1]->write(0);
+	serialLEDs[2]->write(0);
+	serialLEDs[3]->write(0);
+	#endif
+// Parse the received word into the desired fish state
+// FORMAT: 5 successive bytes indicating selectButton, Pitch, Yaw, Thrust, Frequency
+//         a null termination character (0) ends the word
+//         each one maps 1-255 to the range specified by the min and max values for that property
+void SerialController::processSerialWord(uint8_t* word)
+	// Scale the bytes into the desired ranges for each property
+	bool selectButton = (word[0] > 127);
+	float pitch = word[1];
+	pitch = ((pitch) * (serialMaxPitch - serialMinPitch) / 6.0) + serialMinPitch;
+	float yaw = word[2];
+	yaw = ((yaw) * (serialMaxYaw - serialMinYaw) / 6.0) + serialMinYaw;
+	float thrust = word[3];
+	thrust = ((thrust) * (serialMaxThrust - serialMinThrust) / 3.0) + serialMinThrust;
+	float frequency = word[4];
+	frequency = ((frequency) * (serialMaxFrequency- serialMinFrequency) / 3.0) + serialMinFrequency;
+	// Apply the new state to the fish
+	fishController.setSelectButton(selectButton);
+	fishController.setPitch(pitch);
+	fishController.setYaw(yaw);
+	fishController.setThrust(thrust);
+	fishController.setFrequency(frequency, 1.0/(2.0*frequency));
+	#ifdef printStatusSerialController
+	//usbSerial->printf("%s", word);
+	usbSerial->printf("Start %d\t Pitch %f\t Yaw %f\t Thrust %f\t Freq %.8f\r\n", selectButton, pitch, yaw, thrust, frequency);
+	#endif
+// Stop the controller (will also stop the fish controller)
+void SerialController::stop()
+	terminated = true;
+// Main loop
+// This is blocking - will not return until terminated by timeout or by calling stop() in another thread
+void SerialController::run()
+	#ifdef serialControllerControlFish
+    // Start the fish controller
+    fishController.start();
+    #endif
+    #ifdef enableAutoMode
+    fishController.startAutoMode();
+    #endif
+    // Moved to ticker instead of interrupt (see comments in init), so don't need this check
+    // Check for low battery voltage (also have the interrupt, but check that we're not starting with it low)
+	//if(lowBatteryVoltageInput == 0)
+	//	lowBatteryCallback();
+	#ifdef printStatusSerialController
+	usbSerial->printf("\r\nStarting to listen for serial commands 2\r\n");
+	#endif
+	#ifdef debugLEDsSerial
+	serialLEDs[0]->write(1);
+	serialLEDs[1]->write(1);
+	serialLEDs[2]->write(0);
+	serialLEDs[3]->write(0);
+	#endif
+	// Process any incoming serial commands
+	uint8_t serialBuffer[20];
+	uint32_t serialBufferIndex = 0;
+	programTimer.reset();
+	programTimer.start();
+	while(!terminated)
+	{
+		if(serial->readable())
+		{
+			#ifdef debugLEDsSerial
+			serialLEDs[2]->write(1);
+			#endif
+			//int nextByte = serial->putc('t');
+			//usbSerial->printf("Processed <%s>: ", nextByte);
+			uint8_t nextByte = serial->getc();
+			serialBuffer[serialBufferIndex++] = nextByte;
+			//usbSerial->printf("%c", serialBufferIndex);
+			// If we've received a complete command, process it now
+			if(nextByte == 8)
+			{
+				//usbSerial->printf("Got zero!\n");
+				//usbSerial->printf((char*) (serialBuffer));
+				processSerialWord(serialBuffer);
+				serialBufferIndex = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			#ifdef debugLEDsSerial
+			serialLEDs[2]->write(0);
+			#endif
+		}
+		#ifndef infiniteLoopSerial
+		if(programTimer.read_ms() > runTimeSerial)
+			stop(); //terminated is made true, break out of while loop
+		#endif
+		#ifdef print2Pi
+		if(programTimer.read_ms() - printTime > dataPeriod){
+			serial->printf("Start %d\t Pitch %f\t Yaw %f\t Thrust %f\t Freq %.8f\r\n", fishController.getSelectButton(), fishController.getPitch(), fishController.getYaw(), fishController.getThrust(), fishController.getFrequency());
+		    printTime = programTimer.read_ms();
+		}
+		//serial->printf("test");
+		#endif
+		#ifdef debugBCUControl 
+		usbSerial->printf("V %f\t SDepth %f\t CDepth %f\t sPos %f\t CPos %f\r\n", fishController.getBCUVset(), fishController.getBCUSetDepth(), fishController.getBCUCurDepth(), fishController.getBCUSetPos(), fishController.getBCUCurPos());
+		wait_ms(250);
+		#endif 
+		#ifdef debugSensor
+		usbSerial->printf("Pressure: %f\r\n", fishController.getreadPressure());
+		wait_ms(250);
+		#endif 
+	}
+	programTimer.stop();
+	#ifdef debugLEDsSerial
+	serialLEDs[0]->write(0);
+	serialLEDs[1]->write(0);
+	serialLEDs[2]->write(0);
+	serialLEDs[3]->write(0);
+	#endif
+	// Stop the fish controller
+	#ifdef serialControllerControlFish
+    fishController.stop();
+    #ifdef enableAutoMode
+    fishController.stopAutoMode();
+    #endif
+    // If battery died, wait a bit for pi to clean up and shutdown and whatnot
+    if(lowBatteryVoltageInput == 0)
+    {
+		wait(90); // Give the Pi time to shutdown
+		fishController.setLEDs(255, false);
+    }
+    #endif
+	#ifdef printStatusSerialController
+	usbSerial->printf("\r\nSerial controller done!\r\n");
+	#endif
+void SerialController::lowBatteryCallback()
+	if(lowBatteryVoltageInput == 0 && detectedLowBattery)
+	{
+		// Stop the serial controller
+		// This will end the main loop, causing main to terminate
+		// Main will also stop the fish controller once this method ends
+		stop();
+		// Also force the pin low to signal the Pi
+		// (should have already been done, but just in case)
+		// TODO check that this really forces it low after this method ends and the pin object may be deleted
+		DigitalOut simBatteryLow(lowBatteryVoltagePin);
+		simBatteryLow = 0;
+		#ifdef printStatusSerialController
+		usbSerial->printf("\r\nLow battery! Shutting down.\r\n");
+		wait(0.5); // wait for the message to actually flush
+		#endif
+	}
+	else if(lowBatteryVoltageInput == 0)
+	{
+		detectedLowBattery = true;
+	}
+#endif // #ifdef serialControl