All mbed code for control over dive planes, pump motor, valve motor, BCUs, UART interface, etc.

Dependencies:   mbed ESC mbed MODDMA

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/robotic_fish_6/BuoyancyControlUnit/BuoyancyControlUnit.cpp	Tue Jan 14 19:17:05 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+#include <BuoyancyControlUnit/BuoyancyControlUnit.h>
+// The static instance
+BuoyancyControlUnit buoyancyControlUnit;
+// Initialization
+// Constructor
+BuoyancyControlUnit::BuoyancyControlUnit() :
+    				// Initialize variables
+    				//bcuPWM(bcuPwmPin),
+					bcuDirA(bcuDirAPin),
+					bcuDirB(bcuDirBPin),
+					//bcuCurrent(bcuCurrentPin),
+					wiper(wiperPin),
+					pressureSensor(PIN_IMU_TX,PIN_IMU_RX)
+	setDepth = 0; // input command
+	curDepth = 0; // actual depth based on sensor
+	depthLastTime = 0.0;
+	prevDepthErr = 0.0;
+	depthInt = 0.0;
+	posLastTime = 0.0;
+	prevPosErr = 0.0;
+	posInt = 0.0;
+	VRef = 0;
+	resetFlag = 0;
+	inDepthLoop = 0;
+	inPosLoop = 0;
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::start()
+	bcuDirA.write(0.0); // apply nothing to start
+	bcuDirB.write(0.0); // apply nothing to start
+	//bcuEncoder.reset(); // gives it a reference to return to
+	pressureSensor.MS5837Init();
+	timer.start();
+	// pressure sensor takes just over 0.3 seconds to read
+	depthControl.attach(&buoyancyControlUnit, &BuoyancyControlUnit::setDepthFuncVoid, 0.4);
+	posControl.attach(&buoyancyControlUnit, &BuoyancyControlUnit::setEncoderPosVoid, 0.1);
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::stop()
+	//bcuPWM.write(0.0);
+	// return bcu back to start position
+	// have to rethink how to call this because we don't want the while loop stopping everything else
+//	while(curPos > 15){
+//		this->setEncoderPosition(0);
+//	}
+	depthControl.detach();
+	posControl.detach();
+	bcuDirA = 0.0;
+	bcuDirB = 0.0;
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::returnToZero()
+	depthControl.detach();
+	resetFlag = 1;
+// Processing
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::set(float depthDesIn)
+	setDepth = depthDesIn;
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::setDepthFuncVoid(){
+	while(inPosLoop);
+	inDepthLoop = 1;
+	this->setDepthFunc(setDepth);
+	inDepthLoop = 0;
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::setEncoderPosVoid(){
+	while(inDepthLoop);
+	inPosLoop = 1;
+	if(resetFlag){
+		posRef = 0;
+	} else {
+		depthErr = setDepth - curDepth;
+		if(depthErr < 5 && depthErr > -5){
+			posRef = curPos;
+		}
+	}
+	this->setEncoderPosition(posRef);
+	inPosLoop = 0;
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::setDepthFunc(float depthDesIn){
+	setDepth = depthDesIn;
+//	pressureSensor.Barometer_MS5837();
+//	curDepth = pressureSensor.MS5837_Pressure();
+TODO: Map measured depth to 0 - 30 using h = P/rg. 
+#define MIN_DEPTH 1019.0 //mbar
+curDepth = curDepth * (fishMaxPitch - fishMinPitch)/(MAX_DEPTH - MIN_DEPTH)
+	curDepth = (curPos * 1.25); // fake depth readings
+	depthErr = setDepth - curDepth;
+/*	float depthdt = - depthLastTime;
+	depthInt += depthErr * depthdt;
+	depthDer = (depthErr - prevDepthErr)/depthdt;
+	posRef += KpDepth*depthErr + KiDepth*depthInt + KdDepth*depthDer;
+	posRef += KpDepth * depthErr;
+	if (posRef > 30){
+		posRef = 30;
+	}
+	else if (posRef < 0){
+		posRef = 0;
+	}
+//	if(posRef < 0){
+//		posRef = 0; // limit position to only values greater than 0
+//		depthInt = 0; // reset these values so they don't build while the bcu can't reach this depth value
+//		depthDer = 0;
+//	}
+//	depthLastTime =;
+//	prevDepthErr = depthErr;
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::setEncoderPosition(float setPosIn) {
+	setPos = setPosIn;
+	if(setPos < 0){ setPos = 0; }
+	curPos = wiper * (30.0); //map ADC reading to system level voltage, try adjusting pitch max and min values (0 - 30)
+	posErr = setPos - curPos;
+	float posdt = - posLastTime;
+	posInt += posErr * posdt;
+	posDer = (posErr - prevPosErr)/posdt;
+	VRef = KpEnc * posErr + KiEnc * posInt + KdEnc * posDer;
+//	VRef = KpEnc * posErr;
+	/* Add constrain + map here */
+	if (VRef > 6.0){
+		VRef = 6.0;
+	}
+	else if (VRef < -6.0){
+		VRef = -6.0;
+	}
+	// Map Vref to 0.7 - 1.0 duty cycle
+	if (VRef < 0){
+		VRef = VRef * (0.3/(-6.0)) + 0.7;
+		bcuDir = 1;
+	}
+	else if (VRef > 0){
+		VRef = VRef * (0.3/(6.0)) + 0.7;
+		bcuDir = 0;
+	}
+	posLastTime =;
+	prevPosErr = posErr;
+	if(resetFlag){
+		if(posErr > 10 || posErr < -10){
+			this->setV(VRef);
+		} else {
+			resetFlag = 0;
+			this->stop();
+		}
+	} else {
+		if(posErr > 5 || posErr < -5) { // TODO: determine appropriate tolerance (final error from target pos?)
+			this->setV(VRef);
+			#ifdef debugBCU
+			DigitalOut test(LED1);
+			test = 0;
+			#endif
+		} else {
+			bcuDirA = 0.0;
+			bcuDirB = 0;
+			#ifdef debugBCU
+			//Testing whether fishController is running
+			DigitalOut test(LED1);
+			test = 1;
+			#endif 
+		}
+	}
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::setV(float Vin){
+	float setV;
+	if(bcuDir == 1){
+		bcuDirA.write(setV);
+		bcuDirB.write(0.0);
+	} else if(bcuDir == 0){
+		bcuDirA.write(0.0);
+		bcuDirB.write(setV);
+	}
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::runBackwards() {
+	this->stop();
+	this->setV(-0.2);
+void BuoyancyControlUnit::runForwards() {
+	this->stop();
+	this->setV(0.2);
+bool BuoyancyControlUnit::getBCUdir() { return bcuDir; }
+float BuoyancyControlUnit::getVset() { return VRef; }
+float BuoyancyControlUnit::getSetDepth() { return setDepth; }
+float BuoyancyControlUnit::getCurDepth() { return curDepth; }
+float BuoyancyControlUnit::getSetPos() { return setPos; }
+float BuoyancyControlUnit::getCurPos() { return curPos; }
+float BuoyancyControlUnit::readPressure()
+	pressureSensor.Barometer_MS5837();
+	return pressureSensor.MS5837_Pressure();