All mbed code for control over dive planes, pump motor, valve motor, BCUs, UART interface, etc.

Dependencies:   mbed ESC mbed MODDMA

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/robotic_fish_6/AcousticControl/ToneDetector.h	Tue Jan 14 19:17:05 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * Author: Joseph DelPreto
+ * A class for sampling a signal and detecting whether certain frequencies are present
+ * Implements the Goertzel algorithm for tone detection
+ *   Uses fixed-point arithmetic to a > 10x speedup over a floating-point implementation
+ *   Uses Q15 number format
+ *
+ * Can easily configure the sampling frequency, the tones to detect, and the length of the buffer window
+ * Can set a callback function to be called at the end of each buffer processing to see the relative powers of each target tone
+ *   Make sure the callback function execution time, plus the time to process a buffer of samples, takes less time than it takes to acquire the buffer!
+ *   You can check how long it takes to process a buffer of samples by enabling "timeProcess" below then using initProcessTimer() and getProcessTimes()
+ *
+ * Debugging options such as LEDs to indicate status are also available
+ * Can also choose to time each processing stage to ensure it is not taking longer the time needed to acquire the buffer of samples
+ * Can also record samples and write them to a file (max 1000 will be recorded)
+ * LED pattern if enabled:
+ *   LED1 indicates tone detection in progress
+ *   LED2 indicates at least two buffers have been filled
+ *   LED3 turns on when processing starts and off when it finishes (so lower duty cycle is better)
+ *   LED4 turns on when tone detection is stopped (and then other LEDs turn off)
+ * Debug pins will go high/low in same pattern as described above for LEDs, but using pins p5-p8
+ *
+ * Test mode can be enabled, in which case samples can be artificially generated instead of using the ADC
+ *
+ * Currently only set up for one instance of ToneDetector to be in operation
+ *   Use the object toneDetector, declared in this file, for all of your tone detecting needs!
+ *
+ */
+#define acousticControl
+#ifdef acousticControl
+//#define streamAcousticControlLog // for every buffer, streams goertzel powers f1, goerztel powers f2, signal level, gain, fish state/events over Serial
+// Configuration
+#define sampleInterval 4  // us between samples
+#define sampleWindow 125  // number of samples in a Goertzel buffer
+#define numTones 2
+#define numFSKGroups 1
+static const double targetTones[numTones] = {36000, 30000};  // Tones to detect (in Hz): first tone is a 0 bit second is a 1 bit
+// Test / Debugging options
+//#define artificialSamplesMode // if this is defined, should define either sampleFilename OR sumSampleFrequencies
+//#define sampleFilename "/local/2tone11.txt"
+//#define sumSampleFrequencies {10000,30000} // will be used to initialize float[] array.  Test signal will be summation of cosines with these frequencies (in Hz)
+#define debugLEDs
+#define debugPins
+#define recordStreaming // print to COM each sample/output (save everything), as opposed to only write last few hundred to a file (but faster since don't write to file while processing)
+						// note that either recordOutput or recordSamples must be undefined to actually record anything
+//#define recordOutput  // save tone powers - will either stream to COM or save the last numSavedTonePowers powers to a file (based on recordStreaming)
+//#define recordSamples // save samples - will either stream to COM or save the last numSavedSamples samples to a file (based on recordStreaming)
+#if defined(recordSamples) && !defined(recordStreaming)
+#define numSavedSamples 1000
+#if defined(recordOutput) && !defined(recordStreaming)
+#define numSavedTonePowers 250
+// Will use fixed-point arithmetic for speed
+//   numbers will be int32_t with 10 bits as fractional portion
+//   note: this means the 12 bits from the ADC can be used directly, implicitly scaling them to be floats in range [0,4]
+//     (so if you want to change the Q format, make sure to shift the samples accordingly in the processSamples() method)
+#define toFixedPoint(floatNum) ((int32_t)((float)(floatNum) * 1024.0f))
+#define toFloat(fixedPointNum) ((float)(fixedPointNum)/1024.0f)
+#define fixedPointMultiply(a,b) ((int32_t)(((int64_t)a * (int64_t)b) >> 10))
+// Constants
+#define tonePowersWindow 32 // change to 5 for threshold1
+// Include files
+#include <stdint.h>   // for types like int32_t
+#include <math.h>     // for cos // TODO remove this once samples are real samples
+#define PI 3.1415926  // not included with math.h for some reason
+#include "mbed.h"     // for the ticker
+#ifndef artificialSamplesMode
+#include "MODDMA.h"   // DMA for reading the ADC
+// Debugging
+#ifdef debugLEDs
+static DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+static DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+static DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+static DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+#ifdef debugPins
+static DigitalOut debugPin1(p5);
+static DigitalOut debugPin2(p6);
+static DigitalOut debugPin3(p7);
+static DigitalOut debugPin4(p8);
+// Define the ToneDetector!
+class ToneDetector
+    public:
+        // Initialization
+        ToneDetector();
+        void init();
+        void setCallback(void (*myFunction)(int32_t* tonePowers, uint32_t signalLevel));
+        // Execution Control
+        virtual void run();      // main loop, runs forever or until stop() is called
+        virtual void stop();      // stop the main loop
+        void finish();            // write final output to files and whatnot
+        volatile bool terminated; // indicates main loop should stop (may be set by error callback or by stop())
+        // Sampling / Processing (these are public to allow DMA callbacks to access them)
+        volatile bool fillingBuffer0;    // Whether sampling is currently writing to buffer 0 or buffer 1
+        volatile bool transferComplete;  // Signals that samplesProcessing is ready to be processed
+        uint32_t sampleBuffer0[sampleWindow];         // Buffer of samples used by one DMA operation
+        uint32_t sampleBuffer1[sampleWindow];         // Buffer of samples used by second DMA operation
+        volatile uint32_t* samplesWriting;    // Pointer to the buffer to which we should write (alternates between buffer0 and buffer1)
+        volatile uint32_t* samplesProcessing; // Pointer to the buffer which we should process (alternates between buffer0 and buffer1)
+        int32_t* getTonePowers();        // Get the most recent tone powers
+        #ifndef artificialSamplesMode
+        MODDMA dma;  // DMA controller
+        #endif
+    private:
+        // Initialization
+        bool readyToBegin;              // Whether sample window, sample interval, and tones have all been specified
+        #ifndef artificialSamplesMode
+        MODDMA_Config *dmaConf;         // Overall DMA configuration
+        MODDMA_LLI *lli[2];             // Linked List Items for chaining DMA operations (will have one for each ADC buffer)
+        void startDMA();
+        void startADC();
+        #endif
+        // Sampling
+        // Goertzel Processing (arrays will have an element per desired tone)
+        //   Tone detecting
+        int32_t goertzelCoefficients[numTones];  // Pre-computed coefficients based on target tones
+        int32_t tonePowersSum[numTones];         // Result of Goertzel algorithm (summed over tonePowersWindow to smooth results)
+        int32_t tonePowers[numTones][tonePowersWindow];           // For each tone, store the most recent tonePowersWindow powers (in circular buffers)
+        uint8_t tonePowersWindowIndex;  // Index into the circular buffers of tonePowers
+        bool readyToThreshold;          // Whether thresholding is ready, or first buffer is still being filled
+        void (*callbackFunction)(int32_t* tonePowers, uint32_t signalLevel);  // Called when new powers are computed
+        void processSamples();          // Process a buffer of samples to detect tones
+        // Testing / Debugging
+        #ifdef artificialSamplesMode
+        Ticker sampleTicker;            // Triggers a sample to be read from the pre-filled array
+        void initTestModeSamples();     // Creates the samples, either from a file or by summing tones
+        void tickerCallback();          // Called each time a sample is read
+        uint32_t* testSamples;          // Array of pre-stored sample values to use
+        uint16_t numTestSamples;        // Length of the testSamples array (need not be same as buffer length)
+        volatile uint16_t testSampleIndex;  // Current index into testSamples
+        volatile uint16_t sampleIndex;  // Index into current sample buffer
+        #endif
+        #ifndef recordStreaming
+            #ifdef recordSamples
+            uint16_t savedSamplesIndex;
+            uint32_t savedSamples[numSavedSamples];
+            #endif
+            #ifdef recordOutput
+            uint16_t savedTonePowersIndex;
+            int32_t savedTonePowers[numSavedTonePowers][numTones];
+            #endif
+        #endif
+// DMA IRQ callback methods
+void TC0_callback();    // Callback for when DMA channel 0 has filled a buffer
+void ERR0_callback();   // Error on dma channel 0
+// Create a static instance of ToneDetector to be used by anyone doing detection
+//   This allows the ticker callback to be a member function
+extern ToneDetector toneDetector;
+#ifdef streamAcousticControlLog
+extern int32_t acousticControlLogToStream[5]; // goertzel powers f1, goerztel powers f2, signal level, gain, events (events is deprecated)
+#endif // ifndef TONE_DETECTOR_H
+#endif // #ifdef acousticControl