A simple WIP that logs data from a Grove sensor, and can send and receive information over USB and SMS.

Dependencies:   DHT DS_1337 SDFileSystem USBDevice mbed

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
AbstractHandlerInherited by all handlers. It forms the basis of any handler, by having a simple run function, called in main.cpp, and a setRequest function which is used to set a request specific to the reimplemented class
CircBuffWrites in and reads out byte arrays into a circular buffer
Dht22ResultThe Dht22Result struct is the information read from a Dht22 Grove sensor
GprsHandlerSaves recipients and looks after incoming and outgoing messages
GroveDht22Handles the interface to the DHT22 humidity and temperature sensor
MeasurementHandlerForms the link between data generation and data output, and stores settings
MyTimersCreates a Ticker and decrements a collection of unsigned longs that act as timers across the program
SdHandlerWrites messages to file and handles SD card status
UsbCommsHandles input and output for the serial port connected to a PC The main run() function cycles through checking for input and copying to a buffer to be handled, and checking the output buffer to see if there is anything to be sent out