A simple Simon Says game using a Grove Base Shield, 3 Grove LED Bars, 1 Grove Buzzer, and 3 Grove Buttons.

Dependencies:   LED_Bar mbed

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Table of Contents

    Components Used

    Platform: ST-Nucleo-F401RE

    As an expansion board, Base Shield v2 has many Grove connectors, making it convenient for you to use Grove products together
    Digital on / off buzzer
    Seeed Grove Button module with digital interface
    The Grove LED Bar is comprised of a 10 segment LED gauge bar and an MY9221 LED controlling chip.

    Component Configuration

    LED_Bar mid(D6, D5);    //D5
    LED_Bar right(D8, D7);  //D7
    LED_Bar left(D4, D3);   //D3
    InterruptIn button_left(A2);
    InterruptIn button_mid(A1);
    InterruptIn button_right(A0);
    DigitalOut buzzer(D2);

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