stoppuhr s

Fork of FeuerwehrStoppuhr by Jovica D.

Wed May 08 13:59:35 2013 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 1 #include "mbed.h"
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 2 #include "PinDetect.h"
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 3 #include "stdlib.h"
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 4 #include "TextLCD.h"
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 5
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 6
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 7 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 8 Timer t;
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 9 TextLCD lcd(p36, p34, p24, p23, p15, p16); // rs, e, d0-d3
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 10 PinDetect pb1(p18);
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 11 PinDetect pb2(p19);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 12 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 13 Serial hm(p9, p10); // definiere UART für HM-TPR433 Modul
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 14 DigitalOut config(p22);
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 15 DigitalOut enable(p21);
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 16
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 17 // Global count variable
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 18 int volatile count=0;
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 19 int volatile resetcnt=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 20 int volatile zz1=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 21 int volatile zz2=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 22 int volatile sblock=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 23 int volatile reset=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 24 int volatile D=0;
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 25 //int volatile send=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 26 int ms;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 27 int sec;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 28 int min;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 29 int ms1;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 30 char buffer[9];
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 31 char zwischenzeit[9];
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 32 char zwischenzeit1[9];
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 33
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 34 /*Funktions Dekleration*/
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 35
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 36 void empfangen() {
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 37 // Note: you need to actually read from the serial to clear the RX interrupt
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 38
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 39 // send = 1;
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 40 t.stop();
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 41 if(sblock==1)
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 42 {
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 43 lcd.cls();
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 44 lcd.printf("RESET: START LANGE DRUEKEN!");
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 45 wait(1);
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 46 }
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 47 pc.printf("Gesamtzeit: %s\n", buffer);
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 48 pc.printf("Zwischenzeit: %s\n", zwischenzeit);
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 49 pc.printf("Zwischenzeit: %s\n", zwischenzeit1);
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 50 sblock=1;
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 51 lcd.printf("%c\n", hm.getc());
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 52 return;
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 53 }
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 54
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 55 void konfiguration(void)
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 56 {
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 57 config = 0;
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 58 enable = 0;
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 59 hm.printf("AA FA F0");
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 60 wait(0.1);
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 61 config = 1;
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 62 return;
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 63 }
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 64
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 65 void stoppuhr(void)
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 66 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 67 ms = t.read_ms(); //hole mir den TimerWert in ms
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 68 sec = (ms/1000); //erzeuge mir durch division eine sekunde - aktueller Timerwert/1000 - z.b: 2548/1000=2sec
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 69 ms = ms - (sec*1000); //stelle meine ms richtig
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 70 min = (sec/60); //erzeuge mir Minuten
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 71 sec = sec - (min*60); //stelle Sekunden richtig
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 72 ms = (ms/10);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 73 ms1 = (ms/10); //erzeuge mir zwei Stellen nach komma
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 74 sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d", min, sec, ms); //schreibe in den buffer
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 75 return;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 76 }
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 77
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 78 void reset_halten( void )
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 79 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 80 if(sblock==1)
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 81 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 82 t.stop();
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 83 t.reset();
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 84 stoppuhr();
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 85 sprintf(zwischenzeit,"%01d:%02d:%1d", min, sec, ms1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 86 sprintf(zwischenzeit1,"%01d:%02d:%1d", min, sec, ms1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 87 resetcnt=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 88 count=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 89 zz1=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 90 zz2=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 91 sblock=0;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 92 D++;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 93 if(D>99){D=0;}
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 94 }
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 95 }
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 96
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 97 // Callback routine is interrupt activated by a debounced pb1 hit
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 98 void pb1_hit_callback (void) {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 99
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 100 ++count; //erhöhe die Variable count nach jedem drücken des Startbuttoms um 1
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 101
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 102 if ((resetcnt==0) && (count <= 1)&& (sblock==0))
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 103 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 104 t.reset(); //restiere Timer
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 105 t.start(); //starte Timer
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 106 resetcnt=1;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 107 }
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 108 else if ((resetcnt==1) && (count <= 2) && (sblock==0))
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 109 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 110 zz1=1;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 111 sprintf(zwischenzeit,"%01d:%02d:%1d", min, sec, ms1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 112 resetcnt=2;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 113 }
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 114 else if ((resetcnt==2) && (count <= 3) && (sblock==0))
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 115 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 116 zz2=1;
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 117 sprintf(zwischenzeit1,"%01d:%02d:%1d", min, sec, ms1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 118 }
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 119 else
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 120 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 121 lcd.cls();
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 122 // wait(0.05);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 123 lcd.locate(1, 0);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 124 if(sblock==0)
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 125 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 126
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 127 lcd.printf("STOPP DRUEKEN!");
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 128 wait(1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 129 }
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 130 if(sblock==1)
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 131 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 132 lcd.printf("RESET: START LANGE DRUEKEN!");
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 133 wait(1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 134 }
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 135 }
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 136 resetcnt=resetcnt++;
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 137 }
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 138 /*
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 139 // Callback routine is interrupt activated by a debounced pb2 hit
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 140 void pb2_hit_callback (void) {
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 141 t.stop();
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 142 if(sblock==1)
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 143 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 144 lcd.cls();
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 145 // wait(0.05);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 146 lcd.printf("RESET: START LANGE DRUEKEN!");
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 147 wait(1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 148 }
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 149 pc.printf("Gesamtzeit: %s\n", buffer);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 150 pc.printf("Zwischenzeit: %s\n", zwischenzeit);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 151 pc.printf("Zwischenzeit: %s\n", zwischenzeit1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 152 sblock=1;
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 153 }
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 154 */
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 155 int main() {
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 156
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 157 konfiguration();
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 158 hm.attach(&empfangen);
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 159
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 160 // Setup Interrupt callback functions for a pb hit
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 161 pb1.attach_deasserted(&pb1_hit_callback);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 162 pb1.attach_deasserted_held(&reset_halten);
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 163 // pb2.attach_deasserted(&pb2_hit_callback);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 164
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 165 // Start sampling pb inputs using interrupts
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 166 pb1.setSampleFrequency();
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 167 // pb2.setSampleFrequency();
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 168
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 169
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 170 while (1) {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 171 wait(.1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 172 lcd.cls();
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 173 // if(send=1){
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 174
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 175 //}
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 176 myled = !myled; // LED1 blickt
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 177 stoppuhr(); //rufe Funktion stoppuhr auf
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 178 lcd.locate(0, 0); //setze den curser auf Zeihen 0 Reihe 1
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 179 lcd.printf("D%02d", D); //Formatiere mein LCD-Ausgabe nach D00 (zwei stellen)
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 180 lcd.locate(4, 0);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 181 lcd.printf("ZE:%s", buffer);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 182 if(zz1==1)
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 183 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 184 lcd.locate(0, 1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 185 lcd.printf("A%s", zwischenzeit);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 186 }
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 187 if(zz2==1)
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 188 {
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 189 lcd.locate(8, 1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 190 lcd.printf("B%s", zwischenzeit1);
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 191 }
joca89 3:6f6ee868bf8c 192
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 193 }
fox46 0:48f4880c730b 194
joca89 1:3ed42298abc3 195 }