센서보드 RF IRQ 테스트 중 and bug fix?

Fork of EV-COG-AD3029LZ by JunMo Hong


Wolfgang Betz

File content as of revision 34:edda6a7238ec:

  * @file    SPIRIT_Radio.c
  * @author  VMA division - AMS
  * @version 3.2.2
  * @date    08-July-2015
  * @brief   This file provides all the low level API to manage Analog and Digital
  *          radio part of SPIRIT.
  * @details
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
  *      without specific prior written permission.

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "SPIRIT_Radio.h"
#include "MCU_Interface.h"
#include <math.h>

/** @addtogroup SPIRIT_Libraries
* @{

/** @addtogroup SPIRIT_Radio
* @{

/** @defgroup Radio_Private_TypesDefinitions            Radio Private Types Definitions
* @{

* @}

/** @defgroup Radio_Private_Defines                     Radio Private Defines
* @{

* @}

/** @defgroup Radio_Private_Macros                      Radio Private Macros
* @{
#define XTAL_FLAG(xtalFrequency)               (xtalFrequency>=25e6) ? XTAL_FLAG_26_MHz:XTAL_FLAG_24_MHz

#define ROUND(A)                                  (((A-(uint32_t)A)> 0.5)? (uint32_t)A+1:(uint32_t)A)
* @}

/** @defgroup Radio_Private_Variables                   Radio Private Variables
* @{
* @brief  The Xtal frequency. To be set by the user (see SetXtalFreq() function)
static uint32_t s_lXtalFrequency;

* @brief  Factor is: B/2 used in the formula for SYNTH word calculation
static const uint8_t s_vectcBHalfFactor[4]={(HIGH_BAND_FACTOR/2), (MIDDLE_BAND_FACTOR/2), (LOW_BAND_FACTOR/2), (VERY_LOW_BAND_FACTOR/2)};

* @brief  BS value to write in the SYNT0 register according to the selected band
static const uint8_t s_vectcBandRegValue[4]={SYNT0_BS_6, SYNT0_BS_12, SYNT0_BS_16, SYNT0_BS_32};

* @brief  It represents the available channel bandwidth times 10 for 26 Mhz xtal.
* @note   The channel bandwidth for others xtal frequencies can be computed since this table
*         multiplying the current table by a factor xtal_frequency/26e6.
static const uint16_t s_vectnBandwidth26M[90]=
  8001, 7951, 7684, 7368, 7051, 6709, 6423, 5867, 5414, \
    4509, 4259, 4032, 3808, 3621, 3417, 3254, 2945, 2703, \
      2247, 2124, 2015, 1900, 1807, 1706, 1624, 1471, 1350, \
        1123, 1062, 1005,  950,  903,  853,  812,  735,  675, \
          561,  530,  502,  474,  451,  426,  406,  367,  337, \
            280,  265,  251,  237,  226,  213,  203,  184,  169, \
              140,  133,  126,  119,  113,  106,  101,   92,   84, \
                70,   66,   63,   59,   56,   53,   51,   46,   42, \
                  35,   33,   31,   30,   28,   27,   25,   23,   21, \
                    18,   17,   16,   15,   14,   13,   13,   12,   11

* @brief  It represents the available VCO frequencies
static const uint16_t s_vectnVCOFreq[16]=
  4644, 4708, 4772, 4836, 4902, 4966, 5030, 5095, \
    5161, 5232, 5303, 5375, 5448, 5519, 5592, 5663

* @brief  This variable is used to enable or disable
*  the VCO calibration WA called at the end of the SpiritRadioSetFrequencyBase fcn.
*  Default is enabled.
static SpiritFunctionalState xDoVcoCalibrationWA=S_ENABLE;

* @brief  These values are used to interpolate the power curves.
*         Interpolation curves are linear in the following 3 regions:
*       - reg value: 1 to 13    (up region)
*       - reg value: 13 to 40   (mid region)
*       - reg value: 41 to 90   (low region)
*       power_reg = m*power_dBm + q
*       For each band the order is: {m-up, q-up, m-mid, q-mid, m-low, q-low}.
* @note The power interpolation curves have been extracted
*       by measurements done on the divisional evaluation boards.
static const float fPowerFactors[5][6]={ 
  {-2.11,25.66,-2.11,25.66,-2.00,31.28},   /* 915 */
  {-2.04,23.45,-2.04,23.45,-1.95,27.66},   /* 868 */
  {-3.48,38.45,-1.89,27.66,-1.92,30.23},   /* 433 */
  {-3.27,35.43,-1.80,26.31,-1.89,29.61},   /* 315 */
  {-4.18,50.66,-1.80,30.04,-1.86,32.22},   /* 169 */

* @}

/** @defgroup Radio_Private_FunctionPrototypes          Radio Private Function Prototypes
* @{

* @}

/** @defgroup Radio_Private_Functions                    Radio Private Functions
* @{

* @brief  Initializes the SPIRIT analog and digital radio part according to the specified
*         parameters in the pxSRadioInitStruct.
* @param  pxSRadioInitStruct pointer to a SRadioInit structure that
*         contains the configuration information for the analog radio part of SPIRIT.
* @retval Error code: 0=no error, 1=error during calibration of VCO.
uint8_t SpiritRadioInit(SRadioInit* pxSRadioInitStruct)
  int32_t FOffsetTmp;
  uint8_t anaRadioRegArray[8], digRadioRegArray[4];
  int16_t xtalOffsetFactor;
  uint8_t drM, drE, FdevM, FdevE, bwM, bwE;
  /* Workaround for Vtune */
  uint8_t value = 0xA0; SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(0x9F, 1, &value);
  /* Calculates the offset respect to RF frequency and according to xtal_ppm parameter: (xtal_ppm*FBase)/10^6 */
  FOffsetTmp = (int32_t)(((float)pxSRadioInitStruct->nXtalOffsetPpm*pxSRadioInitStruct->lFrequencyBase)/PPM_FACTOR);
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Disable the digital, ADC, SMPS reference clock divider if fXO>24MHz or fXO<26MHz */
    /* Delay for state transition */
    for(volatile uint8_t i=0; i!=0xFF; i++);
    /* Reads the MC_STATUS register */
  /* Goes in READY state */
    /* Delay for state transition */
    for(volatile uint8_t i=0; i!=0xFF; i++);
    /* Reads the MC_STATUS register */
  /* Calculates the FC_OFFSET parameter and cast as signed int: FOffsetTmp = (Fxtal/2^18)*FC_OFFSET */
  xtalOffsetFactor = (int16_t)(((float)FOffsetTmp*FBASE_DIVIDER)/s_lXtalFrequency);
  anaRadioRegArray[2] = (uint8_t)((((uint16_t)xtalOffsetFactor)>>8)&0x0F);
  anaRadioRegArray[3] = (uint8_t)(xtalOffsetFactor);
  /* Calculates the channel space factor */
  anaRadioRegArray[0] =((uint32_t)pxSRadioInitStruct->nChannelSpace<<9)/(s_lXtalFrequency>>6)+1;
  /* 2nd order DEM algorithm enabling */
  uint8_t tmpreg; SpiritSpiReadRegisters(0xA3, 1, &tmpreg);
  tmpreg &= ~0x02; SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(0xA3, 1, &tmpreg);
  /* Check the channel center frequency is in one of the possible range */
  s_assert_param(IS_FREQUENCY_BAND((pxSRadioInitStruct->lFrequencyBase + ((xtalOffsetFactor*s_lXtalFrequency)/FBASE_DIVIDER) + pxSRadioInitStruct->nChannelSpace * pxSRadioInitStruct->cChannelNumber)));  
  /* Calculates the datarate mantissa and exponent */
  SpiritRadioSearchDatarateME(pxSRadioInitStruct->lDatarate, &drM, &drE);
  digRadioRegArray[0] = (uint8_t)(drM);
  digRadioRegArray[1] = (uint8_t)(0x00 | pxSRadioInitStruct->xModulationSelect |drE);
  /* Read the fdev register to preserve the clock recovery algo bit */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(0x1C, 1, &tmpreg);
  /* Calculates the frequency deviation mantissa and exponent */
  SpiritRadioSearchFreqDevME(pxSRadioInitStruct->lFreqDev, &FdevM, &FdevE);
  digRadioRegArray[2] = (uint8_t)((FdevE<<4) | (tmpreg&0x08) | FdevM);
  /* Calculates the channel filter mantissa and exponent */
  SpiritRadioSearchChannelBwME(pxSRadioInitStruct->lBandwidth, &bwM, &bwE);
  digRadioRegArray[3] = (uint8_t)((bwM<<4) | bwE);
  float if_off=(3.0*480140)/(s_lXtalFrequency>>12)-64;
  uint8_t ifOffsetAna = ROUND(if_off);
    /* if offset digital is the same in case of single xtal */
    anaRadioRegArray[1] = ifOffsetAna;
    /* ... otherwise recompute it */
    anaRadioRegArray[1] = ROUND(if_off);
//  if(s_lXtalFrequency==24000000) {
//    ifOffsetAna = 0xB6;
//    anaRadioRegArray[1] = 0xB6;
//  }
//  if(s_lXtalFrequency==25000000) {
//    ifOffsetAna = 0xAC;
//    anaRadioRegArray[1] = 0xAC;
//  }
//  if(s_lXtalFrequency==26000000) {
//    ifOffsetAna = 0xA3;
//    anaRadioRegArray[1] = 0xA3;
//  }
//  if(s_lXtalFrequency==48000000) {
//    ifOffsetAna = 0x3B;
//    anaRadioRegArray[1] = 0xB6;
//  }
//  if(s_lXtalFrequency==50000000) {
//    ifOffsetAna = 0x36;
//    anaRadioRegArray[1] = 0xAC;
//  }
//  if(s_lXtalFrequency==52000000) {
//    ifOffsetAna = 0x31;
//    anaRadioRegArray[1] = 0xA3;
//  }
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(IF_OFFSET_ANA_BASE, 1, &ifOffsetAna);

  /* Sets Xtal configuration */
  /* Sets the channel number in the corresponding register */
  SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(CHNUM_BASE, 1, &pxSRadioInitStruct->cChannelNumber);
  /* Configures the Analog Radio registers */
  SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(CHSPACE_BASE, 4, anaRadioRegArray);
  /* Configures the Digital Radio registers */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(MOD1_BASE, 4, digRadioRegArray);
  /* Enable the freeze option of the AFC on the SYNC word */
  /* Set the IQC correction optimal value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(0x99, 2, anaRadioRegArray);
  return SpiritRadioSetFrequencyBase(pxSRadioInitStruct->lFrequencyBase);

* @brief  Returns the SPIRIT analog and digital radio structure according to the registers value.
* @param  pxSRadioInitStruct pointer to a SRadioInit structure that
*         contains the configuration information for the analog radio part of SPIRIT.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioGetInfo(SRadioInit* pxSRadioInitStruct)
  uint8_t anaRadioRegArray[8], digRadioRegArray[4];
  BandSelect band;
  int16_t xtalOffsetFactor;
  /* Get the RF board version */
  //SpiritVersion xSpiritVersion = SpiritGeneralGetSpiritVersion();
  /* Reads the Analog Radio registers */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(SYNT3_BASE, 8, anaRadioRegArray);
  /* Reads the Digital Radio registers */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(MOD1_BASE, 4, digRadioRegArray);
  /* Reads the operating band masking the Band selected field */
  if((anaRadioRegArray[3] & 0x07) == SYNT0_BS_6)
    band = HIGH_BAND;
  else if ((anaRadioRegArray[3] & 0x07) == SYNT0_BS_12)
    band = MIDDLE_BAND;
  else if ((anaRadioRegArray[3] & 0x07) == SYNT0_BS_16)
    band = LOW_BAND;
  else if ((anaRadioRegArray[3] & 0x07) == SYNT0_BS_32)
    band = VERY_LOW_BAND;
    /* if it is another value, set it to a valid one in order to avoid access violation */
    uint8_t tmp=(anaRadioRegArray[3]&0xF8)|SYNT0_BS_6;
    band = HIGH_BAND;
  /* Computes the synth word */
  uint32_t synthWord = (uint32_t)((((uint32_t)(anaRadioRegArray[0]&0x1F))<<21)+(((uint32_t)(anaRadioRegArray[1]))<<13)+\
  /* Calculates the frequency base */
  uint8_t cRefDiv = (uint8_t)SpiritRadioGetRefDiv()+1;
  pxSRadioInitStruct->lFrequencyBase = (uint32_t)round(synthWord*(((double)s_lXtalFrequency)/(FBASE_DIVIDER*cRefDiv*s_vectcBHalfFactor[band])));
  /* Calculates the Offset Factor */
  uint16_t xtalOffTemp = ((((uint16_t)anaRadioRegArray[6])<<8)+((uint16_t)anaRadioRegArray[7]));
  /* If a negative number then convert the 12 bit 2-complement in a 16 bit number */
  if(xtalOffTemp & 0x0800)
    xtalOffTemp = xtalOffTemp | 0xF000;
    xtalOffTemp = xtalOffTemp & 0x0FFF;
  xtalOffsetFactor = *((int16_t*)(&xtalOffTemp));
  /* Calculates the frequency offset in ppm */
  pxSRadioInitStruct->nXtalOffsetPpm =(int16_t)((uint32_t)xtalOffsetFactor*s_lXtalFrequency*PPM_FACTOR)/((uint32_t)FBASE_DIVIDER*pxSRadioInitStruct->lFrequencyBase);
  /* Channel space */
  pxSRadioInitStruct->nChannelSpace = anaRadioRegArray[4]*(s_lXtalFrequency>>15);
  /* Channel number */
  pxSRadioInitStruct->cChannelNumber = SpiritRadioGetChannel();
  /* Modulation select */
  pxSRadioInitStruct->xModulationSelect = (ModulationSelect)(digRadioRegArray[1] & 0x70);
  /* Reads the frequency deviation for mantissa and exponent */
  uint8_t FDevM = digRadioRegArray[2]&0x07;
  uint8_t FDevE = (digRadioRegArray[2]&0xF0)>>4;
  /* Reads the channel filter register for mantissa and exponent */
  uint8_t bwM = (digRadioRegArray[3]&0xF0)>>4;
  uint8_t bwE = digRadioRegArray[3]&0x0F;
  uint8_t cDivider = 0;
  cDivider = SpiritRadioGetDigDiv();
  /* Calculates the datarate */
  pxSRadioInitStruct->lDatarate = ((s_lXtalFrequency>>(5+cDivider))*(256+digRadioRegArray[0]))>>(23-(digRadioRegArray[1]&0x0F));
  /* Calculates the frequency deviation */
  // (((s_lXtalFrequency>>6)*(8+FDevM))>>(12-FDevE+cCorrection));
  pxSRadioInitStruct->lFreqDev =(uint32_t)((float)s_lXtalFrequency/(((uint32_t)1)<<18)*(uint32_t)((8.0+FDevM)/2*(1<<FDevE)));
  /* Reads the channel filter bandwidth from the look-up table and return it */
  pxSRadioInitStruct->lBandwidth = (uint32_t)(100.0*s_vectnBandwidth26M[bwM+(bwE*9)]*((s_lXtalFrequency>>cDivider)/26e6));

* @brief  Sets the Xtal configuration in the ANA_FUNC_CONF0 register.
* @param  xXtal one of the possible value of the enum type XtalFrequency.
*         @arg XTAL_FLAG_24_MHz:  in case of 24 MHz crystal
*         @arg XTAL_FLAG_26_MHz:  in case of 26 MHz crystal
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetXtalFlag(XtalFlag xXtal)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the ANA_FUNC_CONF_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(ANA_FUNC_CONF0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xXtal == XTAL_FLAG_26_MHz)
    tempRegValue &= (~SELECT_24_26_MHZ_MASK);
  /* Sets the 24_26MHz_SELECT field in the ANA_FUNC_CONF_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(ANA_FUNC_CONF0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the Xtal configuration in the ANA_FUNC_CONF0 register.
* @param  None.
* @retval XtalFrequency Settled Xtal configuration.
XtalFlag SpiritRadioGetXtalFlag(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the Xtal configuration in the ANA_FUNC_CONF_0 register and return the value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(ANA_FUNC_CONF0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return (XtalFlag)((tempRegValue & 0x40)>>6);

* @brief  Returns the charge pump word for a given VCO frequency.
* @param  lFc channel center frequency expressed in Hz.
*         This parameter can be a value in one of the following ranges:<ul>
*         <li> High_Band: from 779 MHz to 915 MHz </li>
*         <li> Middle Band: from 387 MHz to 470 MHz </li>
*         <li> Low Band: from 300 MHz to 348 MHz </li>
*         <li> Very low Band: from 150 MHz to 174 MHz </li> </ul>
* @retval uint8_t Charge pump word.
uint8_t SpiritRadioSearchWCP(uint32_t lFc)
  int8_t i;
  uint32_t vcofreq;
  uint8_t BFactor;
  /* Check the channel center frequency is in one of the possible range */
  /* Search the operating band */
    BFactor = LOW_BAND_FACTOR;
  /* Calculates the VCO frequency VCOFreq = lFc*B */
  vcofreq = (lFc/1000000)*BFactor;
  /* Search in the vco frequency array the charge pump word */
    /* Search the value */
    for(i=0 ; i<15 && vcofreq>s_vectnVCOFreq[i] ; i++);
    /* Be sure that it is the best approssimation */
    if (i!=0 && s_vectnVCOFreq[i]-vcofreq>vcofreq-s_vectnVCOFreq[i-1])
  /* Return index */
  return (i%8);

* @brief  Returns the synth word.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint32_t Synth word.
uint32_t SpiritRadioGetSynthWord(void)
  uint8_t regArray[4];
  /* Reads the SYNTH registers, build the synth word and return it */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(SYNT3_BASE, 4, regArray);
  return ((((uint32_t)(regArray[0]&0x1F))<<21)+(((uint32_t)(regArray[1]))<<13)+\

* @brief  Sets the SYNTH registers.
* @param  lSynthWord the synth word to write in the SYNTH[3:0] registers.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetSynthWord(uint32_t lSynthWord)
  uint8_t tempArray[4];
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the SYNT0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(SYNT0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the Band selected field */
  tempRegValue &= 0x07;
  /* Build the array for SYNTH registers */
  tempArray[0] = (uint8_t)((lSynthWord>>21)&(0x0000001F));
  tempArray[1] = (uint8_t)((lSynthWord>>13)&(0x000000FF));
  tempArray[2] = (uint8_t)((lSynthWord>>5)&(0x000000FF));
  tempArray[3] = (uint8_t)(((lSynthWord&0x0000001F)<<3)| tempRegValue);
  /* Writes the synth word in the SYNTH registers */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(SYNT3_BASE, 4, tempArray);

* @brief  Sets the operating band.
* @param  xBand the band to set.
*         This parameter can be one of following parameters:
*         @arg  HIGH_BAND   High_Band selected: from 779 MHz to 915 MHz
*         @arg  MIDDLE_BAND: Middle Band selected: from 387 MHz to 470 MHz
*         @arg  LOW_BAND:  Low Band selected: from 300 MHz to 348 MHz
*         @arg  VERY_LOW_BAND:  Very low Band selected: from 150 MHz to 174 MHz
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetBand(BandSelect xBand)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the SYNT0 register*/
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(SYNT0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the SYNTH[4;0] field and write the BS value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xF8;
  tempRegValue |= s_vectcBandRegValue[xBand];
  /* Configures the SYNT0 register setting the operating band */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(SYNT0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the operating band.
* @param  None.
* @retval BandSelect Settled band.
*         This returned value can be one of the following parameters:
*         @arg  HIGH_BAND   High_Band selected: from 779 MHz to 915 MHz
*         @arg  MIDDLE_BAND: Middle Band selected: from 387 MHz to 470 MHz
*         @arg  LOW_BAND:  Low Band selected: from 300 MHz to 348 MHz
*         @arg  VERY_LOW_BAND:  Very low Band selected: from 150 MHz to 174 MHz
BandSelect SpiritRadioGetBand(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the SYNT0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(SYNT0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the Band selected field */
  if((tempRegValue & 0x07) == SYNT0_BS_6)
    return HIGH_BAND;
  else if ((tempRegValue & 0x07) == SYNT0_BS_12)
    return MIDDLE_BAND;
  else if ((tempRegValue & 0x07) == SYNT0_BS_16)
    return LOW_BAND;
    return VERY_LOW_BAND;

* @brief  Sets the channel number.
* @param  cChannel the channel number.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetChannel(uint8_t cChannel)
  /* Writes the CHNUM register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(CHNUM_BASE, 1, &cChannel);

* @brief  Returns the actual channel number.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t Actual channel number.
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetChannel(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the CHNUM register and return the value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(CHNUM_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return tempRegValue;

* @brief  Sets the channel space factor in channel space register.
*         The channel spacing step is computed as F_Xo/32768.
* @param  fChannelSpace the channel space expressed in Hz.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetChannelSpace(uint32_t fChannelSpace)
  uint8_t cChannelSpaceFactor;
  /* Round to the nearest integer */
  cChannelSpaceFactor = ((uint32_t)fChannelSpace*CHSPACE_DIVIDER)/s_lXtalFrequency;
  /* Write value into the register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(CHSPACE_BASE, 1, &cChannelSpaceFactor);

* @brief  Returns the channel space register.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint32_t Channel space. The channel space is: CS = channel_space_factor x XtalFrequency/2^15
*         where channel_space_factor is the CHSPACE register value.
uint32_t SpiritRadioGetChannelSpace(void)
  uint8_t channelSpaceFactor;
  /* Reads the CHSPACE register, calculate the channel space and return it */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(CHSPACE_BASE, 1, &channelSpaceFactor);
  /* Compute the Hertz value and return it */
  return ((channelSpaceFactor*s_lXtalFrequency)/CHSPACE_DIVIDER);

* @brief  Sets the FC OFFSET register starting from xtal ppm value.
* @param  nXtalPpm the xtal offset expressed in ppm.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetFrequencyOffsetPpm(int16_t nXtalPpm)
  uint8_t tempArray[2];
  int16_t xtalOffsetFactor;
  uint32_t synthWord, fBase;
  int32_t FOffsetTmp;
  BandSelect band;
  /* Reads the synth word */
  synthWord = SpiritRadioGetSynthWord();
  /* Reads the operating band */
  band = SpiritRadioGetBand();
  /* Calculates the frequency base */
  uint8_t cRefDiv = (uint8_t)SpiritRadioGetRefDiv()+1;
  fBase = synthWord*(s_lXtalFrequency/(s_vectcBHalfFactor[band]*cRefDiv)/FBASE_DIVIDER);
  /* Calculates the offset respect to RF frequency and according to xtal_ppm parameter */
  FOffsetTmp = (int32_t)(((float)nXtalPpm*fBase)/PPM_FACTOR);
  /* Check the Offset is in the correct range */
  /* Calculates the FC_OFFSET value to write in the corresponding register */  
  xtalOffsetFactor = (int16_t)(((float)FOffsetTmp*FBASE_DIVIDER)/s_lXtalFrequency);
  /* Build the array related to the FC_OFFSET_1 and FC_OFFSET_0 register */
  /* Writes the FC_OFFSET registers */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(FC_OFFSET1_BASE, 2, tempArray);

* @brief  Sets the FC OFFSET register starting from frequency offset expressed in Hz.
* @param  lFOffset frequency offset expressed in Hz as signed word.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetFrequencyOffset(int32_t lFOffset)
  uint8_t tempArray[2];
  int16_t offset;
  /* Check that the Offset is in the correct range */
  /* Calculates the offset value to write in the FC_OFFSET register */
  offset = (int16_t)(((float)lFOffset*FBASE_DIVIDER)/s_lXtalFrequency);
  /* Build the array related to the FC_OFFSET_1 and FC_OFFSET_0 register */
  /* Writes the FC_OFFSET registers */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(FC_OFFSET1_BASE, 2, tempArray);

* @brief  Returns the actual frequency offset.
* @param  None.
* @retval int32_t Frequency offset expressed in Hz as signed word.
int32_t SpiritRadioGetFrequencyOffset(void)
  uint8_t tempArray[2];
  int16_t xtalOffsetFactor;
  /* Reads the FC_OFFSET registers */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(FC_OFFSET1_BASE, 2, tempArray);
  /* Calculates the Offset Factor */
  uint16_t xtalOffTemp = ((((uint16_t)tempArray[0])<<8)+((uint16_t)tempArray[1]));
  if(xtalOffTemp & 0x0800)
    xtalOffTemp = xtalOffTemp | 0xF000;
    xtalOffTemp = xtalOffTemp & 0x0FFF;
  xtalOffsetFactor = *((int16_t*)(&xtalOffTemp));
  /* Calculates the frequency offset and return it */
  return ((int32_t)(xtalOffsetFactor*s_lXtalFrequency)/FBASE_DIVIDER);

* @brief  Sets the Synth word and the Band Select register according to desired base carrier frequency.
*         In this API the Xtal configuration is read out from
*         the corresponding register. The user shall fix it before call this API.
* @param  lFBase the base carrier frequency expressed in Hz as unsigned word.
* @retval Error code: 0=no error, 1=error during calibration of VCO.
uint8_t SpiritRadioSetFrequencyBase(uint32_t lFBase)
  uint32_t synthWord, Fc;
  uint8_t band, anaRadioRegArray[4], wcp;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Search the operating band */
    band = HIGH_BAND;
    band = MIDDLE_BAND;
  else if(IS_FREQUENCY_BAND_LOW(lFBase))
    band = LOW_BAND;
    band = VERY_LOW_BAND;
  int32_t FOffset  = SpiritRadioGetFrequencyOffset();
  uint32_t lChannelSpace  = SpiritRadioGetChannelSpace();
  uint8_t cChannelNum = SpiritRadioGetChannel();
  /* Calculates the channel center frequency */
  Fc = lFBase + FOffset + lChannelSpace*cChannelNum;
  /* Reads the reference divider */
  uint8_t cRefDiv = (uint8_t)SpiritRadioGetRefDiv()+1;
  /* Selects the VCO */
  case LOW_BAND:
  case HIGH_BAND:
  /* Search the VCO charge pump word and set the corresponding register */
  wcp = SpiritRadioSearchWCP(Fc);
  synthWord = (uint32_t)(lFBase*s_vectcBHalfFactor[band]*(((double)(FBASE_DIVIDER*cRefDiv))/s_lXtalFrequency));
  /* Build the array of registers values for the analog part */
  anaRadioRegArray[0] = (uint8_t)(((synthWord>>21)&(0x0000001F))|(wcp<<5));
  anaRadioRegArray[1] = (uint8_t)((synthWord>>13)&(0x000000FF));
  anaRadioRegArray[2] = (uint8_t)((synthWord>>5)&(0x000000FF));
  anaRadioRegArray[3] = (uint8_t)(((synthWord&0x0000001F)<<3)| s_vectcBandRegValue[band]);
  /* Configures the needed Analog Radio registers */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(SYNT3_BASE, 4, anaRadioRegArray);
    return SpiritManagementWaVcoCalibration();
  return 0;

* @brief  To say to the set frequency base if do or not the VCO calibration WA.
* @param  S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE the WA procedure.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioVcoCalibrationWAFB(SpiritFunctionalState xNewstate)

* @brief  Returns the base carrier frequency.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint32_t Base carrier frequency expressed in Hz as unsigned word.
uint32_t SpiritRadioGetFrequencyBase(void)
  uint32_t synthWord;
  BandSelect band;
  /* Reads the synth word */
  synthWord = SpiritRadioGetSynthWord();
  /* Reads the operating band */
  band = SpiritRadioGetBand();
  uint8_t cRefDiv = (uint8_t)SpiritRadioGetRefDiv() + 1;
  /* Calculates the frequency base and return it */
  return (uint32_t)round(synthWord*(((double)s_lXtalFrequency)/(FBASE_DIVIDER*cRefDiv*s_vectcBHalfFactor[band])));

* @brief  Returns the actual channel center frequency.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint32_t Actual channel center frequency expressed in Hz.
uint32_t SpiritRadioGetCenterFrequency(void)
  int32_t offset;
  uint8_t channel;
  uint32_t fBase;
  uint32_t channelSpace;
  /* Reads the frequency base */
  fBase = SpiritRadioGetFrequencyBase();
  /* Reads the frequency offset */
  offset = SpiritRadioGetFrequencyOffset();
  /* Reads the channel space */
  channelSpace = SpiritRadioGetChannelSpace();
  /* Reads the channel number */
  channel = SpiritRadioGetChannel();
  /* Calculates the channel center frequency and return it */
  return (uint32_t)(fBase +  offset + (uint32_t)(channelSpace*channel));

* @brief  Returns the mantissa and exponent, whose value used in the datarate formula
*         will give the datarate value closer to the given datarate.
* @param  fDatarate datarate expressed in bps. This parameter ranging between 100 and 500000.
* @param  pcM pointer to the returned mantissa value.
* @param  pcE pointer to the returned exponent value.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSearchDatarateME(uint32_t lDatarate, uint8_t* pcM, uint8_t* pcE)
  volatile SpiritBool find = S_FALSE;
  int8_t i=15;
  uint8_t cMantissaTmp;
  uint8_t cDivider = 0;
  /* Check the parameters */
  cDivider = (uint8_t)SpiritRadioGetDigDiv();
  /* Search in the datarate array the exponent value */
  while(!find && i>=0)
      find = S_TRUE;
  i<0 ? i=0 : i;
  *pcE = i;
  /* Calculates the mantissa value according to the datarate formula */
  cMantissaTmp = (lDatarate*((uint32_t)1<<(23-i)))/(s_lXtalFrequency>>(5+cDivider))-256;
  /* Finds the mantissa value with less approximation */
  int16_t mantissaCalculation[3];
  for(uint8_t j=0;j<3;j++)
  uint16_t mantissaCalculationDelta = 0xFFFF;
  for(uint8_t j=0;j<3;j++)
      mantissaCalculationDelta = S_ABS(mantissaCalculation[j]);
      *pcM = cMantissaTmp+j-1;

* @brief  Returns the mantissa and exponent for a given bandwidth.
*         Even if it is possible to pass as parameter any value in the below mentioned range,
*         the API will search the closer value according to a fixed table of channel
*         bandwidth values (@ref s_vectnBandwidth), as defined in the datasheet, returning the corresponding mantissa
*         and exponent value.
* @param  lBandwidth bandwidth expressed in Hz. This parameter ranging between 1100 and 800100.
* @param  pcM pointer to the returned mantissa value.
* @param  pcE pointer to the returned exponent value.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSearchChannelBwME(uint32_t lBandwidth, uint8_t* pcM, uint8_t* pcE)
  int8_t i, i_tmp;
  uint8_t cDivider = 1;
    /* Search in the channel filter bandwidth table the exponent value */
    cDivider = 2;
    cDivider = 1;
  uint32_t lChfltFactor = (s_lXtalFrequency/cDivider)/100;
  for(i=0;i<90 && (lBandwidth<(uint32_t)((s_vectnBandwidth26M[i]*lChfltFactor)/2600));i++);
    /* Finds the mantissa value with less approximation */
    int16_t chfltCalculation[3];
    for(uint8_t j=0;j<3;j++) 
      if(((i_tmp+j-1)>=0) || ((i_tmp+j-1)<=89))
        chfltCalculation[j] = lBandwidth - (uint32_t)((s_vectnBandwidth26M[i_tmp+j-1]*lChfltFactor)/2600);
        chfltCalculation[j] = 0x7FFF;
    uint16_t chfltDelta = 0xFFFF;
    for(uint8_t j=0;j<3;j++)
        chfltDelta = S_ABS(chfltCalculation[j]);
  (*pcE) = (uint8_t)(i/9);
  (*pcM) = (uint8_t)(i%9);

* @brief  Returns the mantissa and exponent, whose value used in the frequency deviation formula
*         will give a frequency deviation value most closer to the given frequency deviation.
* @param  fFDev frequency deviation expressed in Hz. This parameter can be a value in the range [F_Xo*8/2^18, F_Xo*7680/2^18].
* @param  pcM pointer to the returned mantissa value.
* @param  pcE pointer to the returned exponent value.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSearchFreqDevME(uint32_t lFDev, uint8_t* pcM, uint8_t* pcE)
  uint8_t i;
  uint32_t a,bp,b=0;
  float xtalDivtmp=(float)s_lXtalFrequency/(((uint32_t)1)<<18);
  /* Check the parameters */
  (*pcE) = i;

* @brief  Sets the datarate.
* @param  fDatarate datarate expressed in bps. This value shall be in the range
*         [100 500000].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetDatarate(uint32_t lDatarate)
  uint8_t drE, tempRegValue[2];
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Calculates the datarate mantissa and exponent */
  SpiritRadioSearchDatarateME(lDatarate, &tempRegValue[0], &drE);
  /* Reads the MOD_O register*/
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(MOD0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue[1]);
  /* Mask the other fields and set the datarate exponent */
  tempRegValue[1] &= 0xF0;
  tempRegValue[1] |= drE;
  /* Writes the Datarate registers */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(MOD1_BASE, 2, tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the datarate.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint32_t Settled datarate expressed in bps.
uint32_t SpiritRadioGetDatarate(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue[2];
  uint8_t cDivider=0;
  /* Reads the datarate registers for mantissa and exponent */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(MOD1_BASE, 2, tempRegValue);
  /* Calculates the datarate */
  cDivider = (uint8_t)SpiritRadioGetDigDiv(); 
  return (((s_lXtalFrequency>>(5+cDivider))*(256+tempRegValue[0]))>>(23-(tempRegValue[1]&0x0F)));

* @brief  Sets the frequency deviation.
* @param  fFDev frequency deviation expressed in Hz. Be sure that this value
*         is in the correct range [F_Xo*8/2^18, F_Xo*7680/2^18] Hz.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetFrequencyDev(uint32_t lFDev)
  uint8_t FDevM, FDevE, tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  s_assert_param(IS_F_DEV(lFDev, s_lXtalFrequency));
  /* Calculates the frequency deviation mantissa and exponent */
  SpiritRadioSearchFreqDevME(lFDev, &FDevM, &FDevE);
  /* Reads the FDEV0 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(FDEV0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the other fields and set the frequency deviation mantissa and exponent */
  tempRegValue &= 0x08;
  tempRegValue |= ((FDevE<<4)|(FDevM));
  /* Writes the Frequency deviation register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(FDEV0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the frequency deviation.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint32_t Frequency deviation value expressed in Hz.
*         This value will be in the range [F_Xo*8/2^18, F_Xo*7680/2^18] Hz.
uint32_t SpiritRadioGetFrequencyDev(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue, FDevM, FDevE;  

  /* Reads the frequency deviation register for mantissa and exponent */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(FDEV0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  FDevM = tempRegValue&0x07;
  FDevE = (tempRegValue&0xF0)>>4;
  /* Calculates the frequency deviation and return it */
  //return (((s_lXtalFrequency>>6)*(8+FDevM))>>(13-FDevE));
  return (uint32_t)((float)s_lXtalFrequency/(((uint32_t)1)<<18)*(uint32_t)((8.0+FDevM)/2*(1<<FDevE)));

* @brief  Sets the channel filter bandwidth.
* @param  lBandwidth channel filter bandwidth expressed in Hz. This parameter shall be in the range [1100 800100]
*         Even if it is possible to pass as parameter any value in the above mentioned range,
*         the API will search the most closer value according to a fixed table of channel
*         bandwidth values (@ref s_vectnBandwidth), as defined in the datasheet. To verify the settled channel bandwidth
*         it is possible to use the SpiritRadioGetChannelBW() API.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetChannelBW(uint32_t lBandwidth)
  uint8_t bwM, bwE, tempRegValue;
  /* Search in the channel filter bandwidth table the exponent value */
  /* Calculates the channel bandwidth mantissa and exponent */
  SpiritRadioSearchChannelBwME(lBandwidth, &bwM, &bwE);
  tempRegValue = (bwM<<4)|(bwE);
  /* Writes the Channel filter register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(CHFLT_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the channel filter bandwidth.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint32_t Channel filter bandwidth expressed in Hz.
uint32_t SpiritRadioGetChannelBW(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue, bwM, bwE;
  /* Reads the channel filter register for mantissa and exponent */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(CHFLT_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  bwM = (tempRegValue&0xF0)>>4;
  bwE = tempRegValue&0x0F;
  /* Reads the channel filter bandwidth from the look-up table and return it */
  return (uint32_t)(100.0*s_vectnBandwidth26M[bwM+(bwE*9)]*s_lXtalFrequency/26e6);

* @brief  Sets the modulation type.
* @param  xModulation modulation to set.
*         This parameter shall be of type @ref ModulationSelect .
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetModulation(ModulationSelect xModulation)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the modulation register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(MOD0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the other fields and set the modulation type */
  tempRegValue &=0x8F;
  tempRegValue |= xModulation;
  /* Writes the modulation register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(MOD0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the modulation type used.
* @param  None.
* @retval ModulationSelect Settled modulation type.
ModulationSelect SpiritRadioGetModulation(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the modulation register MOD0*/
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(MOD0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Return the modulation type */
  return (ModulationSelect)(tempRegValue&0x70);

* @brief  Enables or Disables the Continuous Wave transmit mode.
* @param  xNewState new state for power ramping.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE .
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioCWTransmitMode(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the modulation register MOD0 and mask the CW field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(MOD0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue |=MOD0_CW;
    tempRegValue &= (~MOD0_CW);
  /* Writes the new value in the MOD0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(MOD0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Sets the OOK Peak Decay.
* @param  xOokDecay Peak decay control for OOK.
*         This parameter shall be of type @ref OokPeakDecay .
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetOokPeakDecay(OokPeakDecay xOokDecay)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the RSSI_FLT register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(RSSI_FLT_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the other fields and set OOK Peak Decay */
  tempRegValue &= 0xFC;
  tempRegValue |= xOokDecay;
  /* Writes the RSSI_FLT register to set the new OOK peak dacay value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(RSSI_FLT_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the OOK Peak Decay.
* @param  None
* @retval OokPeakDecay Ook peak decay value.
OokPeakDecay SpiritRadioGetOokPeakDecay(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the OOK peak decay register RSSI_FLT_BASE*/
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(RSSI_FLT_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Returns the OOK peak decay */
  return (OokPeakDecay) (tempRegValue & 0x03);

* @brief  Returns the PA register value that corresponds to the passed dBm power.
* @param  lFbase Frequency base expressed in Hz.
* @param  fPowerdBm Desired power in dBm.
* @retval Register value as byte.
* @note The power interpolation curves used by this function have been extracted
*       by measurements done on the divisional evaluation boards.
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetdBm2Reg(uint32_t lFBase, float fPowerdBm)
  uint8_t i=0;
  uint8_t j=0;
  float fReg;
    if(lFBase<900000000) i=1;// 868   
  else if(IS_FREQUENCY_BAND_LOW(lFBase))
  if(fPowerdBm>0 && 13.0/fPowerFactors[i][2]-fPowerFactors[i][3]/fPowerFactors[i][2]<fPowerdBm)
  else if(fPowerdBm<=0 && 40.0/fPowerFactors[i][2]-fPowerFactors[i][3]/fPowerFactors[i][2]>fPowerdBm)

  else if(fReg>90) 
  return ((uint8_t)fReg);

* @brief  Returns the dBm power that corresponds to the value of PA register.
* @param  lFbase Frequency base expressed in Hz.
* @param  cPowerReg Register value of the PA.
* @retval Power in dBm as float.
* @note The power interpolation curves used by this function have been extracted
*       by measurements done on the divisional evaluation boards.
float SpiritRadioGetReg2dBm(uint32_t lFBase, uint8_t cPowerReg)
  uint8_t i=0;
  uint8_t j=0;
  float fPower;
  if(cPowerReg==0 || cPowerReg>90)
    return (-130.0);
    if(lFBase<900000000) i=1;// 868   
  else if(IS_FREQUENCY_BAND_LOW(lFBase))
  if(cPowerReg<13) j=0;
  else if(cPowerReg>40) j=2;
  return fPower;

* @brief  Configures the Power Amplifier Table and registers with value expressed in dBm.
* @param  cPALevelMaxIndex number of levels to set. This parameter shall be in the range [0:7].
* @param  cWidth step width expressed in terms of bit period units Tb/8.
*         This parameter shall be in the range [1:4].
* @param  xCLoad one of the possible value of the enum type PALoadCapacitor.
*         @arg LOAD_0_PF    No additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_1_2_PF  1.2pF additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_2_4_PF  2.4pF additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_3_6_PF  3.6pF additional PA load capacitor
* @param  pfPAtabledBm pointer to an array of PA values in dbm between [-PA_LOWER_LIMIT: PA_UPPER_LIMIT] dbm.
*         The first element shall be the lower level (PA_LEVEL[0]) value and the last element
*         the higher level one (PA_LEVEL[paLevelMaxIndex]).
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetPATabledBm(uint8_t cPALevelMaxIndex, uint8_t cWidth, PALoadCapacitor xCLoad, float* pfPAtabledBm)
  uint8_t palevel[9], address, paLevelValue;
  uint32_t lFBase=SpiritRadioGetFrequencyBase();

  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Check the PA level in dBm is in the range and calculate the PA_LEVEL value
  to write in the corresponding register using the linearization formula */
  for(int i=0; i<=cPALevelMaxIndex; i++)
  /* Sets the PA_POWER[0] register */
  /* Sets the base address */
  /* Configures the PA_POWER registers */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(address, cPALevelMaxIndex+2, palevel);

* @brief  Returns the Power Amplifier Table and registers, returning values in dBm.
* @param  pcPALevelMaxIndex pointer to the number of levels settled.
*         This parameter will be in the range [0:7].
* @param  pfPAtabledBm pointer to an array of 8 elements containing the PA value in dbm.
*         The first element will be the PA_LEVEL_0 and the last element
*         will be PA_LEVEL_7. Any value higher than PA_UPPER_LIMIT implies no output
*         power (output stage is in high impedance).
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioGetPATabledBm(uint8_t* pcPALevelMaxIndex, float* pfPAtabledBm)
  uint8_t palevelvect[9];
  uint32_t lFBase=SpiritRadioGetFrequencyBase();
  /* Reads the PA_LEVEL_x registers and the PA_POWER_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PA_POWER8_BASE, 9, palevelvect);
  /* Fill the PAtable */
  for(int i=7; i>=0; i--)
  /* Return the settled index */
  *pcPALevelMaxIndex = palevelvect[8]&0x07;

* @brief  Sets a specific PA_LEVEL register, with a value given in dBm.
* @param  cIndex PA_LEVEL to set. This parameter shall be in the range [0:7].
* @param  fPowerdBm PA value to write expressed in dBm . Be sure that this values is in the
*         correct range [-PA_LOWER_LIMIT: PA_UPPER_LIMIT] dBm.
* @retval None.
* @note This function makes use of the @ref SpiritRadioGetdBm2Reg fcn to interpolate the 
*       power value.
void SpiritRadioSetPALeveldBm(uint8_t cIndex, float fPowerdBm)
  uint8_t address, paLevelValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* interpolate the power level */

  /* Sets the base address */
  /* Configures the PA_LEVEL register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(address, 1, &paLevelValue);

* @brief  Returns a specific PA_LEVEL register, returning a value in dBm.
* @param  cIndex PA_LEVEL to read. This parameter shall be in the range [0:7]
* @retval float Settled power level expressed in dBm. A value
*         higher than PA_UPPER_LIMIT dBm implies no output power
*         (output stage is in high impedance).
* @note This function makes use of the @ref SpiritRadioGetReg2dBm fcn to interpolate the 
*       power value.
float SpiritRadioGetPALeveldBm(uint8_t cIndex)
  uint8_t address, paLevelValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Sets the base address */
  /* Reads the PA_LEVEL[cIndex] register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(address, 1, &paLevelValue);
  return SpiritRadioGetReg2dBm(SpiritRadioGetFrequencyBase(),paLevelValue);

* @brief  Configures the Power Amplifier Table and registers.
* @param  cPALevelMaxIndex number of levels to set. This parameter shall be in the range [0:7].
* @param  cWidth step width expressed in terms of bit period units Tb/8.
*         This parameter shall be in the range [1:4].
* @param  xCLoad one of the possible value of the enum type PALoadCapacitor.
*         @arg LOAD_0_PF    No additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_1_2_PF  1.2pF additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_2_4_PF  2.4pF additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_3_6_PF  3.6pF additional PA load capacitor
* @param  pcPAtable pointer to an array of PA values in the range [0: 90], where 0 implies no
*         output power, 1 will be the maximum level and 90 the minimum one
*         The first element shall be the lower level (PA_LEVEL[0]) value and the last element
*         the higher level one (PA_LEVEL[paLevelMaxIndex]).
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetPATable(uint8_t cPALevelMaxIndex, uint8_t cWidth, PALoadCapacitor xCLoad, uint8_t* pcPAtable)
  uint8_t palevel[9], address;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Check the PA levels are in the range */
  for(int i=0; i<=cPALevelMaxIndex; i++)
  /* Sets the PA_POWER[0] register */
  /* Sets the base address */
  /* Configures the PA_POWER registers */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(address, cPALevelMaxIndex+2, palevel);

* @brief  Returns the Power Amplifier Table and registers.
* @param  pcPALevelMaxIndex pointer to the number of levels settled.
*         This parameter shall be in the range [0:7].
* @param  pcPAtable pointer to an array of 8 elements containing the PA value.
*         The first element will be the PA_LEVEL_0 and the last element
*         will be PA_LEVEL_7. Any value equals to 0 implies that level has
*         no output power (output stage is in high impedance).
* @retval None
void SpiritRadioGetPATable(uint8_t* pcPALevelMaxIndex, uint8_t* pcPAtable)
  uint8_t palevelvect[9];
  /* Reads the PA_LEVEL_x registers and the PA_POWER_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PA_POWER8_BASE, 9, palevelvect);
  /* Fill the PAtable */
  for(int i=7; i>=0; i--)
    *pcPAtable = palevelvect[i];
  /* Return the settled index */
  *pcPALevelMaxIndex = palevelvect[8]&0x07;

* @brief  Sets a specific PA_LEVEL register.
* @param  cIndex PA_LEVEL to set. This parameter shall be in the range [0:7].
* @param  cPower PA value to write in the register. Be sure that this values is in the
*         correct range [0 : 90].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetPALevel(uint8_t cIndex, uint8_t cPower)
  uint8_t address;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Sets the base address */
  /* Configures the PA_LEVEL register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(address, 1, &cPower);

* @brief  Returns a specific PA_LEVEL register.
* @param  cIndex PA_LEVEL to read. This parameter shall be in the range [0:7].
* @retval uint8_t PA_LEVEL value. A value equal to zero
*         implies no output power (output stage is in high impedance).
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetPALevel(uint8_t cIndex)
  uint8_t address, tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Sets the base address */
  /* Reads the PA_LEVEL[cIndex] register and return the value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(address, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return tempRegValue;

* @brief  Sets the output stage additional load capacitor bank.
* @param  xCLoad one of the possible value of the enum type PALoadCapacitor.
*         @arg LOAD_0_PF    No additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_1_2_PF  1.2pF additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_2_4_PF  2.4pF additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_3_6_PF  3.6pF additional PA load capacitor
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetPACwc(PALoadCapacitor xCLoad)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the PA_POWER_0 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the CWC[1:0] field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0x3F;
  tempRegValue |= xCLoad;
  /* Configures the PA_POWER_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the output stage additional load capacitor bank.
* @param  None.
* @retval PALoadCapacitor Output stage additional load capacitor bank.
*         This parameter can be:
*         @arg LOAD_0_PF    No additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_1_2_PF  1.2pF additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_2_4_PF  2.4pF additional PA load capacitor
*         @arg LOAD_3_6_PF  3.6pF additional PA load capacitor
PALoadCapacitor SpiritRadioGetPACwc(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the PA_POWER_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the CWC[1:0] field and return the value*/
  return (PALoadCapacitor)(tempRegValue & 0xC0);

* @brief  Sets a specific PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX.
* @param  cIndex PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX to set. This parameter shall be in the range [0:7].
* @retval None
void SpiritRadioSetPALevelMaxIndex(uint8_t cIndex)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the PA_POWER_0 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX[1:0] field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xF8;
  tempRegValue |= cIndex;
  /* Configures the PA_POWER_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the actual PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t Actual PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX. This parameter will be in the range [0:7].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetPALevelMaxIndex(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the PA_POWER_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX[1:0] field and return the value */
  return (tempRegValue & 0x07);

* @brief  Sets a specific PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH.
* @param  cWidth step width expressed in terms of bit period units Tb/8.
*         This parameter shall be in the range [1:4].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetPAStepWidth(uint8_t cWidth)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the PA_POWER_0 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH[1:0] field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xE7;
  tempRegValue |= (cWidth-1)<<3;
  /* Configures the PA_POWER_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the actual PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t Step width value expressed in terms of bit period units Tb/8.
*         This parameter will be in the range [1:4].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetPAStepWidth(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the PA_POWER_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH[1:0] field and return the value */
  tempRegValue &= 0x18;
  return  ((tempRegValue>>3)+1);

* @brief  Enables or Disables the Power Ramping.
* @param  xNewState new state for power ramping.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioPARamping(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the PA_POWER_0 register and configure the PA_RAMP_ENABLE field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue |= PA_POWER0_PA_RAMP_MASK;
    tempRegValue &= (~PA_POWER0_PA_RAMP_MASK);
  /* Sets the PA_POWER_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the Power Ramping enable bit.
* @param  xNewState new state for power ramping.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE.
* @retval None.
SpiritFunctionalState SpiritRadioGetPARamping(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the PA_POWER_0 register and configure the PA_RAMP_ENABLE field */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PA_POWER0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask and return data */
  return (SpiritFunctionalState)((tempRegValue>>5) & 0x01);

* @brief  Enables or Disables the AFC.
* @param  xNewState new state for AFC.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioAFC(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AFC_2 register and configure the AFC Enabled field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue |= AFC2_AFC_MASK;
    tempRegValue &= (~AFC2_AFC_MASK);
  /* Sets the AFC_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AFC2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Enables or Disables the AFC freeze on sync word detection.
* @param  xNewState new state for AFC freeze on sync word detection.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioAFCFreezeOnSync(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AFC_2 register and configure the AFC Freeze on Sync field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue |= AFC2_AFC_FREEZE_ON_SYNC_MASK;
    tempRegValue &= (~AFC2_AFC_FREEZE_ON_SYNC_MASK);
  /* Sets the AFC_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AFC2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Sets the AFC working mode.
* @param  xMode the AFC mode. This parameter can be one of the values defined in @ref AFCMode :
*         @arg AFC_SLICER_CORRECTION     AFC loop closed on slicer
*         @arg AFC_2ND_IF_CORRECTION     AFC loop closed on 2nd conversion stage
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAFCMode(AFCMode xMode)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AFC_2 register and configure the AFC Mode field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xMode == AFC_2ND_IF_CORRECTION)
    tempRegValue |= AFC_2ND_IF_CORRECTION;
    tempRegValue &= (~AFC_2ND_IF_CORRECTION);
  /* Sets the AFC_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AFC2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AFC working mode.
* @param  None.
* @retval AFCMode Settled AFC mode. This parameter will be one of the values defined in @ref AFCMode :
*         @arg AFC_SLICER_CORRECTION     AFC loop closed on slicer
*         @arg AFC_2ND_IF_CORRECTION     AFC loop closed on 2nd conversion stage
AFCMode SpiritRadioGetAFCMode(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AFC_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the AFC Mode field and returns the value */
  return (AFCMode)(tempRegValue & 0x20);

* @brief  Sets the AFC peak detector leakage.
* @param  cLeakage the peak detector leakage. This parameter shall be in the range:
*         [0:31].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAFCPDLeakage(uint8_t cLeakage)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AFC_2 register and configure the AFC PD leakage field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  tempRegValue &= 0xE0;
  tempRegValue |= cLeakage;
  /* Sets the AFC_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AFC2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AFC peak detector leakage.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t Peak detector leakage value. This parameter will be in the range:
*         [0:31].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetAFCPDLeakage(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AFC_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the AFC PD leakage field and return the value */
  return (tempRegValue & 0x1F);

* @brief  Sets the length of the AFC fast period expressed as number of samples.
* @param  cLength length of the fast period in number of samples.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAFCFastPeriod(uint8_t cLength)
  /* Sets the AFC_1 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AFC1_BASE, 1, &cLength);

* @brief  Returns the AFC fast period expressed as number of samples.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t Length of the fast period in number of samples.
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetAFCFastPeriod(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AFC 1 register and return the value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC1_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return tempRegValue;

* @brief  Sets the AFC loop gain in fast mode.
* @param  cGain AFC loop gain in fast mode. This parameter shall be in the range:
*         [0:15].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAFCFastGain(uint8_t cGain)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AFC_0 register and configure the AFC Fast Gain field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  tempRegValue &= 0x0F;
  tempRegValue |= cGain<<4;
  /* Sets the AFC_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AFC0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AFC loop gain in fast mode.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t AFC loop gain in fast mode. This parameter will be in the range:
*         [0:15].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetAFCFastGain(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AFC_0 register, mask the AFC Fast Gain field and return the value  */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return ((tempRegValue & 0xF0)>>4);

* @brief  Sets the AFC loop gain in slow mode.
* @param  cGain AFC loop gain in slow mode. This parameter shall be in the range:
*         [0:15].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAFCSlowGain(uint8_t cGain)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AFC_0 register and configure the AFC Slow Gain field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  tempRegValue &= 0xF0;
  tempRegValue |= cGain;
  /* Sets the AFC_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AFC0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AFC loop gain in slow mode.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t AFC loop gain in slow mode. This parameter will be in the range:
*         [0:15].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetAFCSlowGain(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AFC_0 register, mask the AFC Slow Gain field and return the value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return (tempRegValue & 0x0F);

* @brief  Returns the AFC correction from the corresponding register.
* @param  None.
* @retval int8_t AFC correction, read from the corresponding register.
*         This parameter will be in the range [-128:127].
int8_t SpiritRadioGetAFCCorrectionReg(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AFC_CORR register, cast the read value as signed char and return it */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AFC_CORR_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return (int8_t)tempRegValue;

* @brief  Returns the AFC correction expressed in Hz.
* @param  None.
* @retval int32_t AFC correction expressed in Hz
*         according to the following formula:<ul>
*         <li> Fafc[Hz]= (Fdig/(12*2^10))*AFC_CORR  where </li>
*         <li> AFC_CORR is the value read in the AFC_CORR register </li> </ul>
int32_t SpiritRadioGetAFCCorrectionHz(void)
  int8_t correction;
  uint32_t xtal = s_lXtalFrequency;
  /* Reads the AFC correction register */
  correction = SpiritRadioGetAFCCorrectionReg();
    xtal /= 2;
  /* Calculates and return the Frequency Correction */
  return (int32_t)(xtal/(12*pow(2,10))*correction);

* @brief  Enables or Disables the AGC.
* @param  xNewState new state for AGC.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioAGC(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_0 register and configure the AGC Enabled field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue |= AGCCTRL0_AGC_MASK;
    tempRegValue &= (~AGCCTRL0_AGC_MASK);
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Sets the AGC working mode.
* @param  xMode the AGC mode. This parameter can be one of the values defined in @ref AGCMode :
*         @arg AGC_LINEAR_MODE     AGC works in linear mode
*         @arg AGC_BINARY_MODE     AGC works in binary mode
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAGCMode(AGCMode xMode)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_0 register and configure the AGC Mode field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xMode == AGC_BINARY_MODE)
    tempRegValue |= AGC_BINARY_MODE;
    tempRegValue &= (~AGC_BINARY_MODE);
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AGC working mode.
* @param  None.
* @retval AGCMode Settled AGC mode.  This parameter can be one of the values defined in @ref AGCMode :
*         @arg AGC_LINEAR_MODE     AGC works in linear mode
*         @arg AGC_BINARY_MODE     AGC works in binary mode
AGCMode SpiritRadioGetAGCMode(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_0 register, mask the AGC Mode field and return the value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return  (AGCMode)(tempRegValue & 0x40);

* @brief  Enables or Disables the AGC freeze on steady state.
* @param  xNewState new state for AGC freeze on steady state.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioAGCFreezeOnSteady(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_2 register and configure the AGC Freeze On Steady field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue &= (~AGCCTRL2_FREEZE_ON_STEADY_MASK);
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Enable or Disable the AGC freeze on sync detection.
* @param  xNewState new state for AGC freeze on sync detection.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioAGCFreezeOnSync(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_2 register and configure the AGC Freeze On Sync field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue &= (~AGCCTRL2_FREEZE_ON_SYNC_MASK);
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Enable or Disable the AGC to start with max attenuation.
* @param  xNewState new state for AGC start with max attenuation mode.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE.
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioAGCStartMaxAttenuation(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue = 0x00;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_2 register and configure the AGC Start Max Attenuation field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Sets the AGC measure time.
* @param  nTime AGC measure time expressed in us. This parameter shall be in the range [0, 393216/F_Xo].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAGCMeasureTimeUs(uint16_t nTime)
  uint8_t tempRegValue, measure;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_2 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Calculates the measure time value to write in the register */
  measure = (uint8_t)lroundf(log2((float)nTime/1e6 * s_lXtalFrequency/12));
  (measure>15) ? (measure=15):(measure);
  /* Mask the MEAS_TIME field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xF0;
  tempRegValue |= measure;
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AGC measure time.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint16_t AGC measure time expressed in us. This parameter will be in the range [0, 393216/F_Xo].
uint16_t SpiritRadioGetAGCMeasureTimeUs(void)
  uint8_t measure;
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &measure);
  /* Mask the MEAS_TIME field */
  measure &= 0x0F;
  /* Calculates the measure time value to write in the register */
  return (uint16_t)((12.0/s_lXtalFrequency)*(float)pow(2,measure)*1e6);

* @brief  Sets the AGC measure time.
* @param  cTime AGC measure time to write in the MEAS_TIME field of AGCCTRL_2 register.
*         This parameter shall be in the range [0:15].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAGCMeasureTime(uint8_t cTime)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_2 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the MEAS_TIME field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xF0;
  tempRegValue |= cTime;
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_2 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AGC measure time.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t AGC measure time read from the MEAS_TIME field of AGCCTRL_2 register.
*         This parameter will be in the range [0:15].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetAGCMeasureTime(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_2 register, mask the MEAS_TIME field and return the value  */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL2_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return (tempRegValue & 0x0F);

* @brief  Sets the AGC hold time.
* @param  cTime AGC hold time expressed in us. This parameter shall be in the range[0, 756/F_Xo].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAGCHoldTimeUs(uint8_t cTime)
  uint8_t tempRegValue, hold;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_0 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Calculates the hold time value to write in the register */
  hold = (uint8_t)lroundf(((float)cTime/1e6 * s_lXtalFrequency)/12);
  (hold>63) ? (hold=63):(hold);
  /* Mask the HOLD_TIME field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xC0;
  tempRegValue |= hold;
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AGC hold time.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t AGC hold time expressed in us. This parameter will be in the range:
*         [0, 756/F_Xo].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetAGCHoldTimeUs(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the HOLD_TIME field */
  tempRegValue &= 0x3F;
  /* Calculates the hold time value and return it */
  return (uint8_t)lroundf ((12.0/s_lXtalFrequency)*(tempRegValue*1e6));

* @brief  Sets the AGC hold time.
* @param  cTime AGC hold time to write in the HOLD_TIME field of AGCCTRL_0 register.
*         This parameter shall be in the range [0:63].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAGCHoldTime(uint8_t cTime)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_0 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the HOLD_TIME field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xC0;
  tempRegValue |= cTime;
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AGC hold time.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t AGC hold time read from the HOLD_TIME field of AGCCTRL_0 register.
*         This parameter will be in the range [0:63].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetAGCHoldTime(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_0 register, mask the MEAS_TIME field and return the value  */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return (tempRegValue & 0x3F);

* @brief  Sets the AGC high threshold.
* @param  cHighThreshold AGC high threshold to write in the THRESHOLD_HIGH field of AGCCTRL_1 register.
*         This parameter shall be in the range [0:15].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAGCHighThreshold(uint8_t cHighThreshold)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_1 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL1_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the THRESHOLD_HIGH field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0x0F;
  tempRegValue |= cHighThreshold<<4;
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_1 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL1_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AGC high threshold.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t AGC high threshold read from the THRESHOLD_HIGH field of AGCCTRL_1 register.
*         This parameter will be in the range [0:15].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetAGCHighThreshold(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_1 register, mask the THRESHOLD_HIGH field and return the value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL1_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return ((tempRegValue & 0xF0)>>4);

* @brief  Sets the AGC low threshold.
* @param  cLowThreshold AGC low threshold to write in the THRESHOLD_LOW field of AGCCTRL_1 register.
*         This parameter shall be in the range [0:15].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetAGCLowThreshold(uint8_t cLowThreshold)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_1 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL1_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the THRESHOLD_LOW field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xF0;
  tempRegValue |= cLowThreshold;
  /* Sets the AGCCTRL_1 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(AGCCTRL1_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the AGC low threshold.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t AGC low threshold read from the THRESHOLD_LOW field of AGCCTRL_1 register.
*         This parameter will be in the range [0:15].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetAGCLowThreshold(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the AGCCTRL_1 register, mask the THRESHOLD_LOW field and return the value  */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(AGCCTRL1_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return (tempRegValue & 0x0F);

* @brief  Sets the clock recovery algorithm.
* @param  xMode the Clock Recovery mode. This parameter can be one of the values defined in @ref ClkRecMode :
*         @arg CLK_REC_PLL     PLL alogrithm for clock recovery
*         @arg CLK_REC_DLL     DLL alogrithm for clock recovery
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetClkRecMode(ClkRecMode xMode)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Reads the FDEV_0 register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(FDEV0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the CLOCK_REC_ALGO_SEL field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xF7;
  tempRegValue |= (uint8_t)xMode;
  /* Sets the FDEV_0 register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(FDEV0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the Clock Recovery working mode.
* @param  None.
* @retval ClkRecMode Clock Recovery mode. This parameter can be one of the values defined in @ref ClkRecMode :
*         @arg CLK_REC_PLL     PLL alogrithm for clock recovery
*         @arg CLK_REC_DLL     DLL alogrithm for clock recovery
ClkRecMode SpiritRadioGetClkRecMode(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the FDEV_0 register, mask the CLOCK_REC_ALGO_SEL field and return the value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(FDEV0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return (ClkRecMode)(tempRegValue & 0x08);

* @brief  Sets the clock recovery proportional gain.
* @param  cPGain the Clock Recovery proportional gain to write in the CLK_REC_P_GAIN field of CLOCKREC register.
*         It represents is log2 value of the clock recovery proportional gain.
*          This parameter shall be in the range [0:7].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetClkRecPGain(uint8_t cPGain)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Reads the CLOCKREC register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(CLOCKREC_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the CLK_REC_P_GAIN field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0x1F;
  tempRegValue |= (cPGain<<5);
  /* Sets the CLOCKREC register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(CLOCKREC_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the log2 of the clock recovery proportional gain.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t Clock Recovery proportional gain read from the CLK_REC_P_GAIN field of CLOCKREC register.
*         This parameter will be in the range [0:7].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetClkRecPGain(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the CLOCKREC register, mask the CLK_REC_P_GAIN field and return the value  */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(CLOCKREC_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return ((tempRegValue & 0xEF)>>5);

* @brief  Sets the clock recovery integral gain.
* @param  cIGain the Clock Recovery integral gain to write in the CLK_REC_I_GAIN field of CLOCKREC register.
*         This parameter shall be in the range [0:15].
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetClkRecIGain(uint8_t cIGain)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Reads the CLOCKREC register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(CLOCKREC_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the CLK_REC_P_GAIN field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xF0;
  tempRegValue |= cIGain;
  /* Sets the CLOCKREC register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(CLOCKREC_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the clock recovery integral gain.
* @param  None.
* @retval uint8_t Clock Recovery integral gain read from the
*         CLK_REC_I_GAIN field of CLOCKREC register.
*         This parameter will be in the range [0:15].
uint8_t SpiritRadioGetClkRecIGain(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the CLOCKREC register, mask the CLK_REC_I_GAIN field and return the value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(CLOCKREC_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return (tempRegValue & 0x0F);

* @brief  Sets the postfilter length for clock recovery algorithm.
* @param  xLength the postfilter length in symbols. This parameter can be one of the values defined in @ref PstFltLength :
*         @arg PSTFLT_LENGTH_8     Postfilter length is 8 symbols
*         @arg PSTFLT_LENGTH_16    Postfilter length is 16 symbols
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetClkRecPstFltLength(PstFltLength xLength)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameter */
  /* Reads the CLOCKREC register */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(CLOCKREC_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  /* Mask the PSTFLT_LEN field and write the new value */
  tempRegValue &= 0xEF;
  tempRegValue |= (uint8_t)xLength;
  /* Sets the CLOCKREC register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(CLOCKREC_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Returns the postfilter length for clock recovery algorithm.
* @param  None.
* @retval PstFltLength Postfilter length in symbols. This parameter can be one of the values defined in @ref PstFltLength :
*         @arg PSTFLT_LENGTH_8     Postfilter length is 8 symbols
*         @arg PSTFLT_LENGTH_16    Postfilter length is 16 symbols
PstFltLength SpiritRadioGetClkRecPstFltLength(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Reads the CLOCKREC register, mask the PSTFLT_LEN field and return the value */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(CLOCKREC_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  return (PstFltLength)(tempRegValue & 0x10);

* @brief  Enables or Disables the received data blanking when the CS is under the threshold.
* @param  xNewState new state of this mode.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE .
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioCsBlanking(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the ANT_SELECT_CONF_BASE and mask the CS_BLANKING BIT field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(ANT_SELECT_CONF_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue &= (~ANT_SELECT_CS_BLANKING_MASK);
  /* Writes the new value in the ANT_SELECT_CONF register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(ANT_SELECT_CONF_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Enables or Disables the persistent RX mode.
* @param  xNewState new state of this mode.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE .
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioPersistenRx(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the PROTOCOL0_BASE and mask the PROTOCOL0_PERS_RX_MASK bitfield */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(PROTOCOL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue |= PROTOCOL0_PERS_RX_MASK;
    tempRegValue &= (~PROTOCOL0_PERS_RX_MASK);
  /* Writes the new value in the PROTOCOL0_BASE register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(PROTOCOL0_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Enables or Disables the synthesizer reference divider.
* @param  xNewState new state for synthesizer reference divider.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE .
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetRefDiv(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the SYNTH_CONFIG1_BASE and mask the REFDIV bit field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(SYNTH_CONFIG1_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue |= 0x80;
    tempRegValue &= 0x7F;
  /* Writes the new value in the SYNTH_CONFIG1_BASE register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(SYNTH_CONFIG1_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Get the the synthesizer reference divider state.
* @param  void.
* @retval None.
SpiritFunctionalState SpiritRadioGetRefDiv(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(SYNTH_CONFIG1_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
    return S_ENABLE;
    return S_DISABLE;

* @brief  Enables or Disables the synthesizer reference divider.
* @param  xNewState new state for synthesizer reference divider.
*         This parameter can be: S_ENABLE or S_DISABLE .
* @retval None.
void SpiritRadioSetDigDiv(SpiritFunctionalState xNewState)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Reads the XO_RCO_TEST_BASE and mask the PD_CLKDIV bit field */
  SpiritSpiReadRegisters(XO_RCO_TEST_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
  if(xNewState == S_ENABLE)
    tempRegValue &= 0xf7;
    tempRegValue |= 0x08;
  /* Writes the new value in the XO_RCO_TEST_BASE register */
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiWriteRegisters(XO_RCO_TEST_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);

* @brief  Get the the synthesizer reference divider state.
* @param  void.
* @retval None.
SpiritFunctionalState SpiritRadioGetDigDiv(void)
  uint8_t tempRegValue;
  g_xStatus = SpiritSpiReadRegisters(XO_RCO_TEST_BASE, 1, &tempRegValue);
    return S_DISABLE;
    return S_ENABLE;

* @brief  Returns the XTAL frequency.
* @param  void.
* @retval uint32_t XTAL frequency.
uint32_t SpiritRadioGetXtalFrequency(void)
  return s_lXtalFrequency; 

* @brief  Sets the XTAL frequency.
* @param  uint32_t XTAL frequency.
* @retval void.
void SpiritRadioSetXtalFrequency(uint32_t lXtalFrequency)
  s_lXtalFrequency = lXtalFrequency; 

* @}

* @}

* @}

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