iOSのBLEコントローラアプリ「RCBController」と接続し、コントローラの操作を取得するサンプルプログラムです。 mbed HRM1017で動作を確認しています。

Dependencies:   BLE_API_Native_IRC BLE_API mbed

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ble_gap_opt_t Union Reference

ble_gap_opt_t Union Reference
[Generic Access Profile (GAP)]

Option structure for GAP options. More...

#include <ble_gap.h>

Data Fields

ble_gap_opt_local_conn_latency_t local_conn_latency
 Local connection latency.
ble_gap_opt_passkey_t passkey
 Passkey to be used for pairing.
ble_gap_opt_privacy_t privacy
 Custom privacy options.

Detailed Description

Option structure for GAP options.

Definition at line 670 of file ble_gap.h.

Field Documentation

Local connection latency.

Definition at line 672 of file ble_gap.h.

Passkey to be used for pairing.

Definition at line 673 of file ble_gap.h.

Custom privacy options.

Definition at line 674 of file ble_gap.h.