Radio Structures in OOP

Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos

diff -r c935902c73ef -r 7d523bdd2f50 robot.h
--- a/robot.h	Tue Dec 09 02:19:28 2014 +0000
+++ b/robot.h	Sun Dec 28 06:05:17 2014 +0000
@@ -1,38 +1,199 @@
-#ifndef ROBOT_H
+#ifndef ROBOT_H // Only include once
 #define ROBOT_H
+// ** ============================= ** DEBUGGING OPTIONS ** ============================= **
+// Set the debugging level for compiling. Valid levels include `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, & `4`.
 #define RJ_DEBUG_LEVEL  0
+    This will enable/disable a `Log File` that is created at the mbed's startup. The file is written
+    to the mbed's onboard flash memory and can be opened for debugging purposes if it is enabled.
+    Note that you may have to disconnect and reconnect the mbed's USB connection for the file to show up
+    if it is plugged into a computer during the startup process.
+#define RJ_BOOT_LOG             1
+// This will check the mbed's firmware for the most known up-to-date version if enabled
+#define RJ_CHECK_FIRMWARE       1
+// ** ============================= ** ENABLE / DISABLE ROBOT INTERFACES ** ============================= **
+// Enable/Disable the `Primary Radio Interface` (915MHz band).
+#define RJ_PRIMARY_RADIO    1
+// Enable/Disable the `Secondary Radio Interface` (2.4GHz band).
+// Enable/Disable the `Motion Processor Interface` (MPU-9250).
+// The `Watchdog Timer` timeout value. The mbed will reset if the timer is not reset after the number of seconds defined here
+#define RJ_WATCHDOG_TIMER_VALUE 2   // seconds
+// Set the proper header files to include for the Real Time Operating System implementation - This should always be set to 1
+#define RJ_RTOS_MODE    1
+// ** ============================= ** PIN DECLARATIONS ** ============================= **
+// This defines the pin used for the primary radio's `Chip Select` pin
 #define RJ_PRIMARY_RADIO_CS     p9
+// This defines the pin used for the primary radio's `Interrupt` pin
 #define RJ_PRIMARY_RADIO_INT    p8
+// This defines the pin used for the secondary radio's `Chip Enable` pin
+#define RJ_SECONDARY_RADIO_CE   p10
+// This defines the pin used for the secondary radio's `Chip Select` pin
+#define RJ_SECONDARY_RADIO_CS   p11
+// This defines the pin used for the secondary radio's `Interrupt` pin
+// This defines the pin used for the primary radio's `GDO2` pin
+#define RJ_PRIMARY_RADIO_GDO2   p13
+// This defines the speaker's audio output pin
 #define RJ_SPEAKER_OUT          p18
+// This defines the ball sensor's detector pin
 #define RJ_BALL_DETECTOR        p19
+// This defines the ball sensor's emitter pin
 #define RJ_BALL_EMITTER         p20
-#define RJ_SECONDARY_RADIO_CS   p21
+// This defines the pin used for the secondary radio's `Chip Select` pin
+// #define RJ_SECONDARY_RADIO_CS   p21
+// This defines the pin used for indicating mbed runtime activity
 #define RJ_STATUS_LED           LED1
+// These pin declarations are used for showing `TX` & `RX` radio connectivity
 #define RJ_TX_LED               LED2
 #define RJ_RX_LED               LED3
+// This defines the pin used for a miscellaneous LED
+#define RJ_MISC_LED             LED4
+// This defines the pins used for a `Serial Connection` over the mbed's USB port (for use with a virtual serial connection to a computer)
-#define RJ_SPI_BUS              p5, p6, p7
+// This defines the mbed pins used for its `Serial Peripheral Interface`
+#define RJ_SPI_BUS              p5, p6, p7  // MOSI, MISO, SCK
+// This defines the mbed pins used for its `I2C Interface`
+#define RJ_I2C_BUS              p28, p27    // SDA, SCL
+// This defines the mbed pin used for reading an analog voltage for the robot's battery
+#define RJ_BATT_IN              p14
+// This defines the mbed pin used for communicating to one of Adafruit's `Neopixel LEDs` for the primary power LED (RGB LEB)
+#define RJ_POWER_LED            p16
+// This defines the mbed pin used as an `Interrupt` for the MPU-9250
+// This defines the mbed pin used as the 'Chip Select` pin for the MPU-9250
-#define RJ_WATCHDOG_TIMER_VALUE 2   // seconds
+// This defines the mbed pin used as the `Chip Select` pin for the Spartan-3E FPGA
+#define RJ_FPGA_CS              p24
+// These two (2) pins are used for configuring the FPGA upon startup
+#define RJ_FPGA_FS0             p23
+#define RJ_FPGA_FS1             p22
+// This defines the mbed pin used as the `Chip Select` pin for the 16 pin I/O expander
+#define RJ_IO_EXPANDER_CS       p29
+// This defines the mbed pin used as the `Chip Select` pin for reading the kicker's voltage from an external ADC using I2C communication
+#define RJ_ADC_CS               p26
+// This defines the mbed pin used as the `Program` pin for the FPGA's configuration
+#define RJ_FPGA_PROG            p25
+// These are the leftover pins. This will be used for the finalized design - designs changes are in progress
+#define RJ_UNUSED_1             p15
+#define RJ_UNUSED_2             p30
+// ** ============================= ** DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW HERE ** ============================= **
+// ** ================================================================================================= **
-#define RJ_BOOT_LOG             0
+// Include the basic classes - Note: the header files included within "mbed.h" are listed below its include line.
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include <string>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "error.h"
+#include "mbed_interface.h"
+#include "DigitalIn.h"
+#include "DigitalOut.h"
+#include "DigitalInOut.h"
+#include "BusIn.h"
+#include "BusOut.h"
+#include "BusInOut.h"
+#include "PortIn.h"
+#include "PortInOut.h"
+#include "PortOut.h"
+#include "AnalogIn.h"
+#include "AnalogOut.h"
+#include "PwmOut.h"
+#include "Serial.h"
+#include "SerialHalfDuplex.h"
+#include "SPI.h"
+#include "SPISlave.h"
+#include "SPIHalfDuplex.h"
+#include "I2C.h"
+#include "I2CSlave.h"
+#include "Ethernet.h"
+#include "CAN.h"
+#include "Timer.h"
+#include "Ticker.h"
+#include "Timeout.h"
+#include "LocalFileSystem.h"
+#include "InterruptIn.h"
+#include "wait_api.h"
+#include "rtc_time.h"
+#include "FirmwareCheck.h"
+// Include header file for the CMSIS Real Time Operating System - include the correct one depending upon pre-processor values
+#if RJ_RTOS_MODE == 1
+#include "cmsis_os.h"
 #include "rtos.h"
+// Include the header file for the watchdog timer class
 #include "Watchdog.h"
+// Include the base classes for communication if a communication link is active
+#include "CommModule.h"
+#include "CommLink.h"
+// Include the primary radio class if 915MHz band radio [if active]
 #include "CC1101.h"
+// Include the secondary radio class if 2.4GHz band radio [if active]
+#include "nRF24L01.h"
 #endif // ROBOT_H