Arianna autonomous DAQ firmware

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemFilinfo AriSnProtocol NetServicesMin AriSnComm MODSERIAL PowerControlClkPatch DS1820OW

Revisions of SnEventFrame.h

Revision Date Message Actions
84:80b15993944e 2015-10-30 conf v11,12. ip to ints. write 64chr lbl. send status data packs. comm pwr as needed. comm each evt. conn/list TO separate afar, sbd. calc FFT, L1 trigger, L1 scaledown. pre-compl opts in own file. max comm fail 75. htbt and clock frames store vars. File  Diff  Annotate
56:0bba0ef15697 2014-10-30 update ext libs, add tempr, allow SST/ATWD, improve handshaking, run/seq list, req seq range, allow SBD only in low pwr, all pins start off, can collect data to ram w/o SD card, add parameters to status update File  Diff  Annotate
40:1324da35afd4 2013-10-05 first commit of major overhaul to 2013-2014 mbed code. NOT YET FULLY TESTED. too many changes to list (fix local file receive, fix rates, external comm packes, big SD cards, get to comm win w/o SD, v8 config frame, v4 files, SBD buffering changes...) File  Diff  Annotate
22:f957c4f840ad 2012-10-16 USB comm only. Make firing of comm window independent of real time clock. Add heartbeat firing time to the data stream. File  Diff  Annotate
21:ce51bb0ba4a5 2012-10-10 Uses USB comm. Fix rates calc. Power up/down ETH with Afar. Fix sending evt with status. Add num files and bytes of data to status. Can save a local file (i.e. reprogram MBED) via comms. Set config after each comm win (need if cards pow cycle). File  Diff  Annotate
15:f2569d8e4176 2012-08-31 Removed debug output between trigger and and dFPGA->MB request that corrupted data. Lots of work on SBD, but not quite working yet. Debug output off, but start/stop running notifications are on. File  Diff  Annotate
12:d472f9811262 2012-08-18 Fixed bug in throttling timers. Now evt stores dt of triggers but throttle works on dt of events. AfarTCP communication possibly done. Debug output put behind precompiler macros. File  Diff  Annotate
8:95a325df1f6b 2012-08-08 Check power for low pow running. Average power over 500 readings. Use RTOS timers instead of tickers. Allow data taking of events, power readings or both, even if cards are off. Bug in EthernetInterface prevents IPs being reset. Lots of debug output. File  Diff  Annotate
3:24c5f0f50bf1 2012-07-31 Test bench version. Communications not completed. Debugging output present. But will read the local config file and save events that can be used for testing. File  Diff  Annotate
1:e392595b4b76 2012-07-20 many features checked and working. afar implemented. sending of data not yet tested. contains many debug prints File  Diff  Annotate
0:664899e0b988 2012-06-30 first version. SD card writing and data readout works. communications not tested. File  Diff  Annotate