Arianna autonomous DAQ firmware

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemFilinfo AriSnProtocol NetServicesMin AriSnComm MODSERIAL PowerControlClkPatch DS1820OW

Revisions of AriSnComm.lib

Revision Date Message Actions
84:80b15993944e 2015-10-30 conf v11,12. ip to ints. write 64chr lbl. send status data packs. comm pwr as needed. comm each evt. conn/list TO separate afar, sbd. calc FFT, L1 trigger, L1 scaledown. pre-compl opts in own file. max comm fail 75. htbt and clock frames store vars. File  Diff  Annotate
68:a21f6c4be238 2015-02-04 SBD: Add 1 sec wait before first AT command on Connect. Without this, the serial port doesn't become readable for the first command, and the first Connect will time out. File  Diff  Annotate
56:0bba0ef15697 2014-10-30 update ext libs, add tempr, allow SST/ATWD, improve handshaking, run/seq list, req seq range, allow SBD only in low pwr, all pins start off, can collect data to ram w/o SD card, add parameters to status update File  Diff  Annotate
42:ac162d15e578 2013-10-30 no debug. afar and sbd enabled. twitter off (broken). fix so modserial does not use vtable. add CheckSignalStrength. fix Send to return bytes sent, not buffered. use SBD checksum and without union File  Diff  Annotate
41:d6f5e2f09e07 2013-10-08 sbd only, debug on. send iridium signal strength. check first event even if cards off. make serial type explicit as Serial has no vtable. SBD comms: send buffered returns bytes sent out, use checksum of msg from modem, fix EmptyRxBuf, add checkSIgStr File  Diff  Annotate
40:1324da35afd4 2013-10-05 first commit of major overhaul to 2013-2014 mbed code. NOT YET FULLY TESTED. too many changes to list (fix local file receive, fix rates, external comm packes, big SD cards, get to comm win w/o SD, v8 config frame, v4 files, SBD buffering changes...) File  Diff  Annotate
39:2f17131d22a5 2013-07-30 Temp commit so we can revert to other revisions. Changed some dynamic_casts to static_casts. Added NULL char to config label writing and updated io versions. Added battery hysteresis. File  Diff  Annotate
38:9070c17536cd 2013-05-29 Update SnCRCUtils to use templated function. Add MODSERIAL include to SnCommWinUsb when enabled. Move iridium constants to SnCommConstants. File  Diff  Annotate
37:ff95e7070f26 2013-05-29 SBD only and DEBUG enabled. Safety nets enabled. Protocol and Comms as separate packages. Compiles, but untested. File  Diff  Annotate