Arianna autonomous DAQ firmware

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemFilinfo AriSnProtocol NetServicesMin AriSnComm MODSERIAL PowerControlClkPatch DS1820OW

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Oct 24 19:10:43 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Sep 21 17:53:35 2017 +0000
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#define MODSERIAL_RX_BUF_SIZE 512//Geoffs512
+#define MODSERIAL_TX_BUF_SIZE 512//Geoffs512 
 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
 #endif // USE_MODSERIAL
 #include "FATDirHandle.h"
@@ -262,6 +262,13 @@
 void                      procTempCheck(void const *) { return procTempCheck(); }
 #endif // USE_RTOS
+void                      SetAtwdPlas();
+void                      SetAtwdDACs();
+void                      SetSstDACs();
 // globals
@@ -335,7 +342,7 @@
 static const uint32_t gBufSize=SnStatusFrame::kMaxSizeOf + (2u*SnHeaderFrame::kMaxSizeOf) + SnPowerFrame::kMaxSizeOf
                                 + SnEventFrame::kMaxSizeOf // this is too big, because max status frame already includes an ATWD 4*128samp event (as of status i/o v9)
                                 //- SnEventFrame::kMaxSizeOfV1 // so we should be able to do this.. but requires long term testing as of 2016-04-26
-                                + 256; // some breathing room
+                                + 256;//Geoffs+ 256; // some breathing room
 static char           gGenBuf[gBufSize]; // must be big enough for event or status or config!
 static SnCommWin*     gComms[kNcomms]   = { 0 }; // order => priority. afar uses RTOS, and must be made inside main
 #if defined(ENABLE_AFAR_TWITTER) && defined(ENABLE_AFAR_COMM)
@@ -1950,6 +1957,161 @@
+// trigger board setup
+void SetAtwdPlas() {
+    uint16_t hi, lo;
+    PIN_PLA_cs=1;
+#ifdef USE_RTOS
+    Thread::wait(4000);
+    wait(4);
+    for (uint8_t pi=0; pi<kNplas; ++pi) {
+        if (pi < gConf.GetNumPlas()) {
+            SnConfigFrame::GetHiLoPlas(gConf.GetPla(pi), hi, lo);
+            PIN_spi.write(hi);
+            PIN_spi.write(lo);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+            printf("pla hi %hu, lo %hu\r\n",hi,lo);
+        } else {
+            PIN_spi.write(kNoTrigPla); // hi
+            PIN_spi.write(kNoTrigPla); // lo
+#ifdef DEBUG
+            printf("pla hi %hu, lo %hu\r\n",kNoTrigPla,kNoTrigPla);
+        }
+        Watchdog::kick();
+    }
+#ifdef USE_RTOS
+    Thread::wait(3000);
+    wait(3);
+    PIN_PLA_cs=0;
+#ifdef USE_RTOS
+    Thread::wait(3000);
+    wait(3);
+void SetAtwdDACs() {
+    // DAC values
+    //
+    // first 12 bits = DAC value
+    // next 2 bits = DAC ID
+    // last 2 bits = dFPGA ID
+    //
+    // But FPGA uses "gray encoding" which means only 1 bit
+    // can change at a time (of the last 4 bits). So even tho
+    // the card/dac# is encoded, the order is also important
+    // 0000 (dac0,card0), 0001 (dac0,card1), 0011 (dac0,card3), 0010 (dac0,card2),
+    // 0110 (dac1,card2), 0111 (dac1,card3), 0101 (dac1,card1), etc.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    printf("setting dacs\r\n");
+    uint16_t dv=0;
+    for (uint8_t i=0, gri=0; i<kTotDacs; ++i) {
+        // get the gray-codes for this iteration
+        gri = SnBitUtils::binToGray(i);
+        // build bit word
+        dv   = static_cast<int>(gConf.GetDac(gri & 0x0003u, gri >> 2u));
+        dv <<= 4u;
+        dv  |= gri;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        printf("dac %04x\r\n",dv);
+        // send to FPGA
+        PIN_start_fpga=1;
+        PIN_spi.write(dv);
+        PIN_start_fpga=0;
+        Watchdog::kick();
+    }
+#endif // ATWD4CH
+void SetSstDACs() {
+    // set and/or & differential pins
+    // set DACs via I2C
+    uint16_t dv=0;
+    uint8_t dn=0;
+    uint8_t cmdAndDac[3];
+    uint8_t dadr=0;
+    for (uint8_t ch=0; ch<kNchans; ++ch) {
+        dadr = kLTC2657Adrs[ ch / kChansPerLTC2657 ];
+        for (uint8_t dc=0; dc<kNchanDacs; ++dc) {
+            bool dok = false;
+            for (uint8_t tries = 0; (tries<kMaxDacSetTries) && (dok==false); ++tries) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                printf("start i2c for dc=%hhu, ch=%hhu, try=%hhu, dok=%s\r\n",
+                    dc, ch, tries, (dok ? "true" : "false"));
+                printf("address 0x%hhx (%hhd) ", dadr, dadr);
+                SnBitUtils::printBits(dadr, true);
+                // build data to send
+                // blame the engineers for this bizzare mapping from
+                // chan, threshold -> DAC number
+                dn = ((kChansPerLTC2657*kNchanDacs)-1)-(dc*kChansPerLTC2657)-(ch % kChansPerLTC2657);
+                if (dn>7) { // invalid code for LTC2657 dac chip
+                   printf("kTotDacs=%hu, dc=%hhu, ch=%hhu, kChansPerLTC2657=%hhu, dn=%hhu\n",
+                    kTotDacs, dc, ch, kChansPerLTC2657, dn);
+                   error("chan/dac combination too big for 3 bits!");
+                }
+                dn |= (kUpdateDacCmd<<4); // prefix with update DAC value command
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                printf("dn=%hhu ", dn);
+                SnBitUtils::printBits(dn, true);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                printf("%d bit dacs\n", static_cast<int>(DAC_BITS));
+                dv = (gConf.GetDac(ch, dc));
+#if DAC_BITS==12
+                dv = dv << 4; // put 0's at the end (12 bits of num then 4 zero bits)
+#elif DAC_BITS==16
+                // no shift required for 16 bit dacs
+#error DAC_BITS has invalid value! Must be either 12 or 16.
+#endif // DAC_BITS
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                printf("dv=%hu\r\n",dv);
+                printf("ch=%hhu, dc=%hhu, dac=%hu\r\n",ch,dc,gConf.GetDac(ch,dc));
+               // mbed i2c.write seems to send it "backwards" from a (low endian) bit
+                // point of view.. i guess it's forwards from an intuitive pov?
+                cmdAndDac[0] = dn;
+                cmdAndDac[1] = (dv & 0xFF00u) >> 8; // 8 MSBs of dac first
+                cmdAndDac[2] = (dv & 0x00FFu);      // 8 LSBs of dac second
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                printf("cmdAndDac[0]="); SnBitUtils::printBits(cmdAndDac[2],true);
+                printf("cmdAndDac[1]="); SnBitUtils::printBits(cmdAndDac[1],true);
+                printf("cmdAndDac[2]="); SnBitUtils::printBits(cmdAndDac[0],true);
+                // try to send it
+                // TODO: if no ACK, is just re-trying the whole thing good enough?
+                dok =  PIN_i2c.write(dadr,
+                    reinterpret_cast<char*>(cmdAndDac),
+                    3*sizeof(uint8_t))==0;
+            } // end try loop
+        }
+    }
 // set configuration
 void SetConfigAndMakeOutputFile() {
@@ -1988,140 +2150,13 @@
+        // set DACs (and PLAs if needed)
-        uint16_t hi, lo;
-        PIN_PLA_cs=1;
-#ifdef USE_RTOS
-        Thread::wait(4000);
-        wait(4);
-        for (uint8_t pi=0; pi<kNplas; ++pi) {
-            if (pi < gConf.GetNumPlas()) {
-                SnConfigFrame::GetHiLoPlas(gConf.GetPla(pi), hi, lo);
-                PIN_spi.write(hi);
-                PIN_spi.write(lo);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                printf("pla hi %hu, lo %hu\r\n",hi,lo);
-            } else {
-                PIN_spi.write(kNoTrigPla); // hi
-                PIN_spi.write(kNoTrigPla); // lo
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                printf("pla hi %hu, lo %hu\r\n",kNoTrigPla,kNoTrigPla);
-            }
-            Watchdog::kick();
-        }
-#ifdef USE_RTOS
-        Thread::wait(3000);
-        wait(3);
-        PIN_PLA_cs=0;
-#ifdef USE_RTOS
-        Thread::wait(3000);
-        wait(3);
-        // DAC values
-        //
-        // first 12 bits = DAC value
-        // next 2 bits = DAC ID
-        // last 2 bits = dFPGA ID
-        //
-        // But FPGA uses "gray encoding" which means only 1 bit
-        // can change at a time (of the last 4 bits). So even tho
-        // the card/dac# is encoded, the order is also important
-        // 0000 (dac0,card0), 0001 (dac0,card1), 0011 (dac0,card3), 0010 (dac0,card2),
-        // 0110 (dac1,card2), 0111 (dac1,card3), 0101 (dac1,card1), etc.
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        printf("setting dacs\r\n");
-        uint16_t dv=0;
-        for (uint8_t i=0, gri=0; i<kTotDacs; ++i) {
-            // get the gray-codes for this iteration
-            gri = SnBitUtils::binToGray(i);
-            // build bit word
-            dv   = static_cast<int>(gConf.GetDac(gri & 0x0003u, gri >> 2u));
-            dv <<= 4u;
-            dv  |= gri;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-            printf("dac %04x\r\n",dv);
-            // send to FPGA
-            PIN_start_fpga=1;
-            PIN_spi.write(dv);
-            PIN_start_fpga=0;
-            Watchdog::kick();
-        }
+        SetAtwdPlas();
+        SetAtwdDACs();
 #else // SST
-        // set and/or & differential pins
-        // set DACs via I2C
-        uint16_t dv=0;
-        uint8_t dn=0;
-        uint8_t cmdAndDac[3];
-        for (uint8_t ch=0; ch<kNchans; ++ch) {
-            for (uint8_t dc=0; dc<kNchanDacs; ++dc) {
-//        for (uint16_t dc=kNchanDacs-1; dc>=0; --dc) { // first all the highs, then the lows
-//            for (int16_t ch=kNchans-1; ch>=0; --ch) { // chans in reverse order
-                bool dok = false;
-                for (uint8_t tries = 0; (tries<kMaxDacSetTries) && (dok==false); ++tries) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                    printf("start i2c for dc=%hhu, ch=%hhu, try=%hhu, dok=%s\r\n",
-                        dc, ch, tries, (dok ? "true" : "false"));
-                    printf("address 0x%hhx (%hhd) ", kAllLTC2657, kAllLTC2657);
-                    SnBitUtils::printBits(kAllLTC2657, true);
-                    // build data to send
-                    // blame the engineers for this bizzare mapping from
-                    // chan, threshold -> DAC number
-                    dn = (kTotDacs-1)-(dc*kNchans)-ch;
-                    if (dn>7) { // invalid code for LTC2657 dac chip
-                       error("chan/dac combination too big for 3 bits!");
-                    }
-                    dn |= (kUpdateDacCmd<<4); // prefix with update DAC value command
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                    printf("dn=%hhu ", dn);
-                    SnBitUtils::printBits(dn, true);
-                    dv = (gConf.GetDac(ch, dc)) << 4; // put 0's at the end (12 bits of num then 4 zero bits)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                    printf("dv=%hu\r\n",dv);
-                    printf("ch=%hhu, dc=%hhu, dac=%hu\r\n",ch,dc,gConf.GetDac(ch,dc));
-                    // mbed i2c.write seems to send it "backwards" from a (low endian) bit
-                    // point of view.. i guess it's forwards from an intuitive pov?
-                    cmdAndDac[0] = dn;
-                    cmdAndDac[1] = (dv & 0xFF00u) >> 8; // 8 MSBs of 12 bit num first
-                    cmdAndDac[2] = (dv & 0x00FFu);      // 4 LSBs of 12 bit num followed by 4 zeros
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                    printf("cmdAndDac[0]="); SnBitUtils::printBits(cmdAndDac[2],true);
-                    printf("cmdAndDac[1]="); SnBitUtils::printBits(cmdAndDac[1],true);
-                    printf("cmdAndDac[2]="); SnBitUtils::printBits(cmdAndDac[0],true);
-                    // try to send it
-                    // TODO: if no ACK, is just re-trying the whole thing good enough?
-                    // TODO: assign correct slave address for the DAC chip (this is a global address)
-                    dok =  PIN_i2c.write(kAllLTC2657,
-                        reinterpret_cast<char*>(cmdAndDac),
-                        3*sizeof(uint8_t))==0;
-                } // end try loop
-            }
-        }
+        SetSstDACs();
 #endif // CHIPBOARD
 #ifdef DEBUG