Arianna autonomous DAQ firmware

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemFilinfo AriSnProtocol NetServicesMin AriSnComm MODSERIAL PowerControlClkPatch DS1820OW

Fri Jul 20 19:04:02 2012 +0000
many features checked and working. afar implemented. sending of data not yet tested. contains many debug prints

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
uci1 0:664899e0b988 1 #ifndef SN_SnConfigFrame
uci1 0:664899e0b988 2 #define SN_SnConfigFrame
uci1 0:664899e0b988 3
uci1 0:664899e0b988 4 #include <stdint.h>
uci1 0:664899e0b988 5 #include "SnConstants.h"
uci1 0:664899e0b988 6 #include "SnBitUtils.h"
uci1 0:664899e0b988 7
uci1 0:664899e0b988 8 class SnConfigFrame {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 9 public:
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 10 static const uint32_t kMinCommWinPrdLowPwr; // exclusive min low power comm win period (s)
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 11 static const uint32_t kMaxCommWinPrdLowPwr; // exclusive max low power comm win period (s)
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 12 static const uint32_t kMinCommWinDurLowPwr; // exclusive min low power comm win duration (s)
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 13 static const uint32_t kMaxCommWinDurLowPwr; // exclusive max low power comm win duration (s)
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 14 static const uint8_t kConfLblLen=64; // length of configuration label char array (63+'\0')
uci1 0:664899e0b988 15
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 16 static const char* const kDefConfFile; // default configuration file
uci1 0:664899e0b988 17
uci1 0:664899e0b988 18 static const uint32_t kMaxSizeOf =
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 19 + (9u*sizeof(uint32_t)) + (6u*sizeof(uint16_t))
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 20 + (10u*sizeof(uint8_t)) + (3u*kNplas*sizeof(uint16_t))
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 21 + (kTotDacs*sizeof(uint16_t))
uci1 0:664899e0b988 22 + (kConfLblLen*sizeof(uint8_t));
uci1 0:664899e0b988 23
uci1 0:664899e0b988 24
uci1 0:664899e0b988 25 enum EDatPackBit {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 26 kSDcard = BIT(0),
uci1 0:664899e0b988 27 kIrid = BIT(1),
uci1 0:664899e0b988 28 kAfar = BIT(2),
uci1 0:664899e0b988 29 kUSB = BIT(3)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 30 };
uci1 0:664899e0b988 31
uci1 0:664899e0b988 32 enum ESendDataBit {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 33 // can't use BIT(0)! (-0 = 0 => send nothing)
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 34 kAllFiles = BIT(1), // if bit=0 => send most recent file
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 35 kTimeout = BIT(2), // if bit=0 => ignore timeout
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 36 kDelete = BIT(3), // if bit=0 => do not delete sent files
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 37 kUseBits = -BIT(10) // useful to initialize fCommSendData as a bit word
uci1 0:664899e0b988 38 };
uci1 0:664899e0b988 39
uci1 0:664899e0b988 40 // i/o version
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 41 static const uint8_t kIOVers; // MUST BE INCREASED if any member var changes (==> also if kNchans, etc. change!)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 42
uci1 0:664899e0b988 43 private:
uci1 0:664899e0b988 44 // !!
uci1 0:664899e0b988 45 // !! If any member variables change, update: SizeOf function and kIOVers value! (also if kNchans, etc. change!)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 46 // !!
uci1 0:664899e0b988 47
uci1 0:664899e0b988 48 // mbed mac address
uci1 0:664899e0b988 49 static uint64_t fgMacAdr; // mbed mac address
uci1 0:664899e0b988 50 // conf header
uci1 0:664899e0b988 51 char fLabel[kConfLblLen]; // configuration label
uci1 0:664899e0b988 52 uint32_t fConfTime; // cpu config time
uci1 0:664899e0b988 53 uint32_t fRun; // run number
uci1 0:664899e0b988 54 uint32_t fFirstEvt; // starting event number
uci1 0:664899e0b988 55 uint8_t fStreamHiLoPlas; // (1byte bool) if true, add the separated hi/lo thresh PLA patterns to the i/o
uci1 0:664899e0b988 56 // data packing
uci1 0:664899e0b988 57 uint8_t fWvLoseLSB; // number of least significant bits to lose when packing waveform data
uci1 0:664899e0b988 58 uint8_t fWvLoseMSB; // number of most significant bits to lose when packing waveform data
uci1 0:664899e0b988 59 uint16_t fWvBaseline; // global baseline to use when packing data (useful to reduce clipping on the high end)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 60 uint8_t fDatPackType; // type of data packing. OR'd bitword: if bit 1, will pack for writing. see EDatPackBit. default: always pack (all 1's)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 61 // trigger setup
uci1 0:664899e0b988 62 uint16_t fDAC[kNchans][kNfpgaDacs]; //[card id][dac id] values should be 0-4095 here (not checked tho)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 63 uint8_t fNumPlas; // number of patterns to use. must be <= kNplas.
uci1 0:664899e0b988 64 uint16_t fPLA[kNplas]; //[pattern id] (same for each card)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 65 uint8_t fNumCardsMajLog; // number of cards participating in the MajLogic trigger (1 to 4)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 66 uint8_t fEnableThermTrig; // (1byte bool) whether or not to allow thermal triggers
uci1 0:664899e0b988 67 uint16_t fForceTrigPeriod; // number of seconds between force triggers (0=none)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 68 uint16_t fHeartBeatPeriod; // number of seconds between heartbeats (0=none)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 69 uint8_t fAmpsOn; // which amps are on (bit word. uint8_t => 8 amps max)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 70 uint16_t fEvtThrtlPeriodMs; // throttle period to write events (ms)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 71 // power
uci1 0:664899e0b988 72 uint8_t fPowerMode; // power mode bit word
uci1 0:664899e0b988 73 int16_t fBatVoltLowPwr; // battery level at which to switch to low power (not used?)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 74 // communication
uci1 0:664899e0b988 75 uint32_t fCommWinPeriod; // seconds between communication window startup (0=always on)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 76 uint32_t fCommWinDuration; // seconds that communication window stays open (0=always open)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 77 int16_t fCommSendData; // data to send during comm win (=0: none, >0=send up to x events from last file until comm win closes, <0=see ESendDataBit)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 78 uint32_t fCommWinPrdLowPwr; // low power communication window period (seconds) (range enforced)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 79 uint32_t fCommWinDurLowPwr; // low power communication window duration (seconds) (range enforced)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 80 // watchdog
uci1 0:664899e0b988 81 uint32_t fWatchDogPeriod; // number of seconds of inactivity for watchdog to issue a reset
uci1 0:664899e0b988 82
uci1 0:664899e0b988 83 void SetHardDefaults();
uci1 0:664899e0b988 84
uci1 0:664899e0b988 85 static
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 86 uint32_t SizeOf(const bool streamHiLoPlas,
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 87 const uint8_t nplas,
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 88 const uint8_t lblLen) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 89 // private because it cannot be used to read from a buffer
uci1 0:664899e0b988 90 // (the label length and fStreamHiLoPlas are not known a priori)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 91 // returns the num of bytes needed to stream this object
uci1 0:664899e0b988 92 // = size of member vars + 1 for i/o version + extra PLA strings (maybe)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 93 uint32_t sz = kMaxSizeOf - kConfLblLen + lblLen;
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 94 static const uint32_t mhlp = 2u*kNplas*sizeof(uint16_t);
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 95 const int32_t dp = (nplas-kNplas)*sizeof(uint16_t);
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 96 const uint8_t fac = (streamHiLoPlas) ? 3u : 1u;
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 97 sz -= (fac*dp);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 98 if (streamHiLoPlas==false) {
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 99 sz -= mhlp;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 100 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 101 return sz;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 102 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 103
uci1 0:664899e0b988 104 public:
uci1 0:664899e0b988 105 SnConfigFrame() { Reset(); }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 106 virtual ~SnConfigFrame() {}
uci1 0:664899e0b988 107
uci1 0:664899e0b988 108 const char* GetLabel() const { return fLabel; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 109 uint32_t GetLabelStrLen() const { return strlen(fLabel); }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 110 uint32_t GetRun() const { return fRun; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 111 uint32_t GetFirstEvt() const { return fFirstEvt; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 112 uint16_t GetEvtThrtlPeriodMs() const { return fEvtThrtlPeriodMs; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 113 uint16_t GetForceTrigPeriod() const { return fForceTrigPeriod; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 114 uint32_t GetWatchdogPeriod() const { return fWatchDogPeriod; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 115 uint16_t GetDac(const uint8_t ch, const uint8_t dn) const { return fDAC[ch][dn]; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 116 uint8_t GetNumPlas() const { return fNumPlas; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 117 uint16_t GetPla(const uint8_t pn) const { return fPLA[pn]; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 118 uint8_t GetNumCardsMajLog() const { return fNumCardsMajLog; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 119 bool IsThermTrigEnabled() const { return fEnableThermTrig!=0; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 120 bool IsEachAmpOn() const {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 121 bool allon=true;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 122 for (uint8_t i=0; (i<kNchans) && allon; i++) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 123 allon = (fAmpsOn & BIT(i))!=0;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 124 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 125 return allon;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 126 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 127 // TODO: allow check for individual amps, when they can be turned on individually
uci1 0:664899e0b988 128
uci1 0:664899e0b988 129 uint32_t GetCommWinPeriod() const { return fCommWinPeriod; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 130 uint32_t GetCommWinDuration() const { return fCommWinDuration; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 131 int16_t GetCommSendData() const { return fCommSendData; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 132
uci1 0:664899e0b988 133 bool IsSendingAllFiles() const
uci1 0:664899e0b988 134 { return (fCommSendData<0) && ((fCommSendData & kAllFiles)!=0); }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 135 bool IsObeyingTimeout() const
uci1 0:664899e0b988 136 { return (fCommSendData<0) && ((fCommSendData & kTimeout)!=0); }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 137 bool IsDeletingFiles() const
uci1 0:664899e0b988 138 { return (fCommSendData<0) && ((fCommSendData & kDelete)!=0); }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 139
uci1 0:664899e0b988 140
uci1 0:664899e0b988 141 const char* GetOutFileName(const char* dir) const;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 142
uci1 0:664899e0b988 143 // waveform packing info
uci1 0:664899e0b988 144 uint16_t GetWvBaseline() const { return fWvBaseline; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 145 uint8_t GetWvLoseLSB() const { return fWvLoseLSB; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 146 uint8_t GetWvLoseMSB() const { return fWvLoseMSB; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 147 bool IsDatPackedFor(const EDatPackBit d) const { return (fDatPackType & d)!=0; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 148 void GetPackParsFor(const EDatPackBit d,
uci1 0:664899e0b988 149 uint8_t& loseLSB, uint8_t& loseMSB,
uci1 0:664899e0b988 150 uint16_t& wvBase) const;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 151
uci1 0:664899e0b988 152 // i/o
uci1 0:664899e0b988 153 template<class T>
uci1 0:664899e0b988 154 void ReadFrom(T& b) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 155 // no check on the length of buf is done here
uci1 0:664899e0b988 156 // that should be been done already
uci1 0:664899e0b988 157 //
uci1 0:664899e0b988 158 // must match WriteTo
uci1 0:664899e0b988 159
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 160 uint8_t Rv=0;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 161 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, Rv); // i/o version
uci1 0:664899e0b988 162 if (Rv>0) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 163 uint32_t llen=kConfLblLen;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 164 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, llen);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 165 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fLabel, llen);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 166 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fConfTime);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 167 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fRun);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 168 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fFirstEvt);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 169 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fStreamHiLoPlas);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 170 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fWvLoseLSB);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 171 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fWvLoseMSB);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 172 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fWvBaseline);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 173 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fDatPackType);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 174 uint16_t* dc = &(fDAC[0][0]);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 175 for (uint16_t i=0; i<kTotDacs; i++, dc++) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 176 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, *dc);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 177 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 178 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fNumPlas);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 179 uint16_t* pl = &(fPLA[0]);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 180 for (uint8_t j=0; j<fNumPlas; j++, pl++) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 181 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, *pl);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 182 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 183 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fNumCardsMajLog);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 184 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fEnableThermTrig);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 185 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fForceTrigPeriod);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 186 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fHeartBeatPeriod);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 187 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fAmpsOn);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 188 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fEvtThrtlPeriodMs);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 189 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fPowerMode);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 190 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fBatVoltLowPwr);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 191 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fCommWinPeriod);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 192 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fCommWinDuration);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 193 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fCommSendData);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 194 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fCommWinPrdLowPwr);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 195 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fCommWinDurLowPwr);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 196 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, fWatchDogPeriod);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 197 if (fStreamHiLoPlas!=0) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 198 uint16_t hi, lo;
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 199 for (uint8_t j=0; j<fNumPlas; j++) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 200 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, hi);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 201 b = SnBitUtils::ReadFrom(b, lo);
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 202 // don't save these
uci1 0:664899e0b988 203 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 204 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 205 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 206 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 207
uci1 0:664899e0b988 208 template <class T>
uci1 0:664899e0b988 209 void WriteTo(T& b) const {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 210 // no check on the length of the buf is done here
uci1 0:664899e0b988 211 // that should be done already
uci1 0:664899e0b988 212 //
uci1 0:664899e0b988 213 // must match ReadFromBuf
uci1 0:664899e0b988 214 //
uci1 0:664899e0b988 215 // intentionally not writing mac address here, so we don't have to read it in
uci1 0:664899e0b988 216
uci1 0:664899e0b988 217 const uint32_t llen = strlen(fLabel);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 218
uci1 0:664899e0b988 219 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, kIOVers); // i/o version
uci1 0:664899e0b988 220 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, llen);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 221 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fLabel, llen);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 222 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fConfTime);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 223 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fRun);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 224 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fFirstEvt);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 225 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fStreamHiLoPlas);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 226 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fWvLoseLSB);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 227 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fWvLoseMSB);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 228 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fWvBaseline);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 229 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fDatPackType);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 230 const uint16_t* dc = &(fDAC[0][0]);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 231 for (uint16_t i=0; i<kTotDacs; i++, dc++) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 232 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, *dc);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 233 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 234 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fNumPlas);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 235 const uint16_t* pl = &(fPLA[0]);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 236 for (uint8_t j=0; j<fNumPlas; j++, pl++) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 237 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, *pl);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 238 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 239 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fNumCardsMajLog);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 240 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fEnableThermTrig);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 241 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fForceTrigPeriod);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 242 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fHeartBeatPeriod);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 243 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fAmpsOn);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 244 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fEvtThrtlPeriodMs);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 245 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fPowerMode);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 246 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fBatVoltLowPwr);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 247 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fCommWinPeriod);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 248 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fCommWinDuration);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 249 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fCommSendData);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 250 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fCommWinPrdLowPwr);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 251 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fCommWinDurLowPwr);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 252 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, fWatchDogPeriod);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 253 if (fStreamHiLoPlas!=0) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 254 pl = fPLA;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 255 uint16_t hi, lo;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 256 for (uint8_t j=0; j<fNumPlas; j++, pl++) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 257 GetHiLoPlas(*pl, hi, lo);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 258 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, hi);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 259 b = SnBitUtils::WriteTo(b, lo);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 260 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 261 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 262 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 263
uci1 0:664899e0b988 264 bool ReadFromFile(const char* cfile);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 265 bool WriteToFile(const char* cfile) const;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 266
uci1 0:664899e0b988 267 void Reset() {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 268 memset(fLabel, 0, sizeof(char)*kConfLblLen);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 269 if (ReadFromFile(kDefConfFile)==false) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 270 // couldn't get default. use hardcoded version.
uci1 0:664899e0b988 271 SetHardDefaults();
uci1 0:664899e0b988 272 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 273 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 274
uci1 0:664899e0b988 275 uint32_t SizeOf() const {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 276 // returns the num of bytes needed to stream this object
uci1 0:664899e0b988 277 // = size of member vars + 1 for i/o version + extra PLA strings (maybe)
uci1 0:664899e0b988 278 // + length of label string
uci1 1:e392595b4b76 279 return SizeOf(fStreamHiLoPlas!=0, fNumPlas, strlen(fLabel));
uci1 0:664899e0b988 280 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 281
uci1 0:664899e0b988 282 static void SetMacAddress();
uci1 0:664899e0b988 283 static uint64_t GetMacAddress() {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 284 if (fgMacAdr==0) {
uci1 0:664899e0b988 285 SetMacAddress();
uci1 0:664899e0b988 286 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 287 return fgMacAdr;
uci1 0:664899e0b988 288 }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 289
uci1 0:664899e0b988 290 static uint32_t GetLabelMaxLen() { return kConfLblLen; }
uci1 0:664899e0b988 291
uci1 0:664899e0b988 292 static void GetHiLoPlas(const uint16_t pla,
uci1 0:664899e0b988 293 uint16_t& hiPla,
uci1 0:664899e0b988 294 uint16_t& loPla,
uci1 0:664899e0b988 295 const bool r2l=false);
uci1 0:664899e0b988 296 };
uci1 0:664899e0b988 297
uci1 0:664899e0b988 298 #endif // SN_SnConfigFrame