Arianna autonomous DAQ firmware

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemFilinfo AriSnProtocol NetServicesMin AriSnComm MODSERIAL PowerControlClkPatch DS1820OW

Tue Nov 24 21:52:27 2015 +0000
Stn32 (slow) with conf name. SD stall fix. No interface chip. Safety nets.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 1 #ifndef SN_SnCommAfarTCP
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 2 #define SN_SnCommAfarTCP
uci1 18:55f1581f2ee4 3 /*
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 4 #include "SnCommWin.h"
uci1 6:6f002d202f59 5 #include "string"
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 6
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 7 class SnEventFrame;
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 8
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 9 class EthernetInterface;
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 10 class TCPSocketConnection;
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 11
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 12 class SnCommAfarTCP : public SnCommWin {
uci1 5:9cea89700c66 13 public:
uci1 6:6f002d202f59 14 typedef int (TCPSocketConnection::*TCPSendRecv)(char*, int);
uci1 5:9cea89700c66 15
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 16 protected:
uci1 6:6f002d202f59 17 bool fUseB64;
uci1 6:6f002d202f59 18 std::string fRserv;
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 19 uint16_t fRport;
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 20 std::string fMyIp;
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 21 std::string fMyMask;
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 22 std::string fMyGate;
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 23 EthernetInterface* fEth;
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 24 TCPSocketConnection* fSock;
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 25
uci1 6:6f002d202f59 26 int DoIO(char* const data,
uci1 6:6f002d202f59 27 const uint32_t length,
uci1 6:6f002d202f59 28 const uint32_t timeout_clock,
uci1 6:6f002d202f59 29 TCPSendRecv fcn);
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 30 virtual int32_t ReceiveAll(char* const buf, const uint32_t mlen,
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 31 const uint32_t timeout_clock);
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 32 virtual int32_t SendAll(char* const data, const uint32_t length,
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 33 const uint32_t timeout_clock);
uci1 16:744ce85aede2 34 public:
uci1 16:744ce85aede2 35 SnCommAfarTCP(const SnConfigFrame& conf);
uci1 16:744ce85aede2 36 virtual ~SnCommAfarTCP();
uci1 16:744ce85aede2 37
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 38 virtual SnConfigFrame::EDatPackBit GetCommType() const {
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 39 return SnConfigFrame::kAfar;
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 40 }
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 41
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 42 void Set(const char* remote, const uint16_t rport,
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 43 const char* myip, const char* mask,
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 44 const char* gate, const bool useb64);
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 45
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 46 virtual void Set(const SnConfigFrame& conf) {
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 47 Set(conf.GetRemoteServer(), conf.GetRemotePort(),
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 48 conf.GetMbedIP(), conf.GetMbedMask(), conf.GetMbedGate(),
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 49 false);
uci1 18:55f1581f2ee4 50 #ifdef DEBUG
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 51 printf("set conf done\r\n");
uci1 18:55f1581f2ee4 52 #endif
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 53 }
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 54
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 55 virtual bool Connect(const uint32_t timeout);
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 56
uci1 15:f2569d8e4176 57 virtual bool CloseConn(const uint32_t);
uci1 12:d472f9811262 58
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 59 virtual SnCommWin::ECommWinResult OpenWindow(const uint32_t timeout,
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 60 const bool sendStatus,
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 61 const SnConfigFrame& conf,
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 62 const SnEventFrame& evt,
uci1 8:95a325df1f6b 63 const SnPowerFrame& pow,
uci1 10:3c93db1cfb12 64 const uint16_t seq,
uci1 10:3c93db1cfb12 65 const float thmrate,
uci1 10:3c93db1cfb12 66 const float evtrate,
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 67 char* const genBuf);
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 68
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 69
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 70 };
uci1 18:55f1581f2ee4 71 */
uci1 3:24c5f0f50bf1 72 #endif // SN_SnCommAfarTCP