Generate sine waves with 2 mbeds synchronised. Configurable amplitude and phase. Built for 50 Hz mains simulations.

Dependencies:   MODDMA mbed


Small program based on the MODDMA buffered sine wave example.

This programs reads pin 22 to operate in Master (low) or Slave mode. Then configures pin 21 as output (master) or input (slave), in master mode led2 is on. Use a resistor (100 ohm) between the pin21's of master to slave.

The program then calculates a buffer of sine waves for the DMA with parameters given. And starts the DMA and DAC to generate the sine.

On the callbacks of the dma complete (there are 2) slave waits for a sync and master gives a sync, p21. Master waits a few extra clocks to make sure slave is ready.

Commands can be given over Serial port to modify the parameters on the run. Frequency can be changed for master and slave, but it is better to keep the same. Use "f xx.xx". Phase can be changed for master and slave Amplitude can be changed for master and slave.


  • Wire p22 high or low.
  • Serial sr(p9,p10) from master to slave.
  • Wire trigger p21 to p21.
  • Output p18 (analogout)


Do not forget a small RC filter on the DAC output.

Master Commands

<master/slave/frequency> <frequency/phase/amplitude> <space> <number> <line feed>

Example commands for serial:

  • master frequency 50.1 hz
    • mf 50.1\n
  • frequency 50.1 Hz
    • f 50.1\n
  • master phase 3.1415 (or 1.0)
    • mp 1\n
  • slave phase 1.5 pi
    • sp 1.5\n

Or use this GUI

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