WIZnet Remote Boat V1.0
Dependencies: Servo WizFi250Interface mbed
- Committer:
- jehoon
- Date:
- 2016-04-04
- Revision:
- 3:3e8bf06dfa83
- Parent:
- 2:162fcc97fc52
File content as of revision 3:3e8bf06dfa83:
#include <stdio.h> #include "mbed.h" #include "WizFi250Interface.h" #include "Servo.h" Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); /* network setup */ WizFi250Interface wizfi250(P13,P14,P11,P12,P15,NC,115200); TCPSocketServer server; TCPSocketConnection client; #define SECURE WizFi250::SEC_WPA2_MIXED #define SSID "WIZnet_Boat" #define PASS "wiznetboat" #define PORT 5000 /* motor setup */ Servo servo(P23); PwmOut motor(P21); /* direction define */ #define forward "WIZnet_boat_direction:forward" #define back "WIZnet_boat_direction:back" #define left "WIZnet_boat_direction:left" #define right "WIZnet_boat_direction:right" #define stop "WIZnet_boat_direction:stop" /* Connection Steps */ typedef enum ConnectionStep { DISASSOCIATED = 1, ASSOCIATED, LISTENED, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTED } conStep; conStep ConnectionStep = DISASSOCIATED; /* functions */ int TryApUp(); int TryServerUpAndWaitClient(); int main() { pc.baud(115200); motor.period_us(1000000/490); float speed = 0.0; while(1) { char rcvBuf[1024] = {0,}; int len = 0; switch(ConnectionStep) { case DISASSOCIATED: TryApUp(); break; case ASSOCIATED: case LISTENED: TryServerUpAndWaitClient(); break; case CONNECTED: if( client.is_connected() == 0 ) ConnectionStep = DISCONNECTED; if( wizfi250.readable(0) > 0 ) { len = client.receive(rcvBuf, 1023); if( len < 0 ) ConnectionStep = DISCONNECTED; else if( len > 0) { if( strcmp(rcvBuf,forward) == 0 ) { speed = speed + 0.01; printf("forward\r\n"); } else if( strcmp(rcvBuf,back) == 0 ) { speed = speed - 0.01; printf("back\r\n"); } else if( strcmp(rcvBuf,left) == 0 ) { servo = servo - 0.1; printf("left\r\n"); } else if( strcmp(rcvBuf,right) == 0 ) { servo = servo + 0.1; printf("right\r\n"); } else if( strcmp(rcvBuf,stop) == 0 ) { servo = 0.5; // center speed = 0; printf("stop\r\n"); } if( speed < 0.55 ) speed = 0.55; else if ( speed > 1.0 ) speed = 1.0; printf("speed %.3f\r\n", speed); motor.write(speed); } } break; case DISCONNECTED: servo = 0.5; motor.write(0); ConnectionStep = LISTENED; } } } int TryApUp() { if( wizfi250.isAssociated() == 1 ) return -1; printf(" AP UP\r\n"); printf("SSID: %s\r\nPASS: %s", SSID, PASS); for(int i= 0; i<5; i++) { wizfi250.init("","",""); if ( wizfi250.connect(SECURE, SSID, PASS, WizFi250::WM_AP) ) continue; else { printf("IP Address is %s\r\n", wizfi250.getIPAddress()); if( wizfi250.isAssociated() == 1 ) { ConnectionStep = ASSOCIATED; return 0; } else { continue; } } } printf("Fail to make AP\r\n"); ConnectionStep = DISASSOCIATED; return -1; } int TryServerUpAndWaitClient() { if( wizfi250.isAssociated() != 1 ) return -1; if( ConnectionStep == ASSOCIATED ) { if( server.bind(PORT) < 0 ) { printf("Bind fail..\r\n"); return -1; } if( server.listen(1) < 0 ) { printf("Listen fail..\r\n"); return -1; } else { printf("Listen PORT: %d\r\n",PORT); ConnectionStep = LISTENED; } } while(ConnectionStep == LISTENED) { if( server.accept(client) < 0 ) { printf("accept fail..\r\n"); return -1; }else{ printf("Connection Success!!\r\nIP: %s\r\n", client.get_address()); ConnectionStep = CONNECTED; return 0; } } return -1; }