Used to test the I/O of the mbed module to drive LED's

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 //makes all pins outputs for LEDs and toggles them
00003 BusOut lowPins(p5,p6,p7,p8,
00004                 p9,p10,p11,p12,
00005                 p13,p14,p15,p16,
00006                 p17,p18,p19,p20);
00007 BusOut highPins(p21,p22,p23,p24,
00008                 p25,p26,p27,p28,
00009                 p29,p30);
00011 int main() {
00012     lowPins=0;
00013     highPins=0;
00015     while(1) {
00017         for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
00018             lowPins.write(0xffff);
00019             highPins.write(0xffff);
00020             wait(.3);
00021             lowPins.write(0);
00022             highPins.write(0);
00023             wait(.3);
00024         }
00026         float delay=.01;
00027         for(int cycles=0;cycles<7;cycles++,delay+=.01){
00028             for(long i=1;i<0x10000;i<<=1){
00029                 lowPins.write(i);
00030                 wait(delay);    
00031             }
00032             lowPins=0;
00033             for(int i=1;i<0x0400;i<<=1){
00034                 highPins.write(i);
00035                 wait(delay);
00036             }
00037             highPins=0;
00038             wait(delay);
00039         }        
00040     }
00041 }