Test program for using the Hokuyo URG-04LX LIDAR with the mbed.

Dependencies:   HOKUYO mbed

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This is an example of using the Hokuyo library for the Hokuyo URG-04LX 2 dimensional LIDAR (range finder) with the mbed. /media/uploads/jebradshaw/mbedwse_sbc_hokuyo.jpg

Above is the Hokuyo attached to the mbed WSE Project board (https://developer.mbed.org/users/jebradshaw/code/mbedWSEsbc/). I'm using a xbee form factor RS-232 level converter with a male DB9 (DTE). The on board 5V 1.5A OKI-78SR105 switching regulator is more then sufficient for powering the LIDAR.


O'scope capture of the serial data. This is using a cluster size of 3, about a degree resolution at 19200 baud gives an update rate of about 3.3Hz.


Above is a screen capture of the data being transmitted to Tera-terminal.

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