Test program for the ES200 board

Dependencies:   SERVOGEN mbed

ES20X mbed board I/O Tester

This program allows you to quickly test the digital output port pins (p5, p6, p7, p8, p11), the analog input pins (p16 - p20), RS-232 Serial ports (p9,p10) and (p13, p14), four hobby servo control ports using the SERVOGEN library for pins (p21, p22, p23, p24) and exercising the 2 motor control ports (p25, p27 and p27) for port 1 and (p26, p30, p29) for port 2.


O'scope lead attachment


Screen capture of O'scope. The blue trace is the PWM on the motor control port, the low 20us PWM period cannot be captured on this digital scope with the hobby servo signal.

include the mbed library, and SERVOGEN.h with this snippet

// J. Bradshaw 20141119
// Program for testing I/O on mbed ES200 breakout board
#include "mbed.h"
#include "SERVOGEN.h"   //uses SERVOGEN.h library for generating servo pulses

DigitalOut myled(LED1);

//PC serial connection
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    //tx, rx via USB connection
Serial DB9_female(p9, p10); //DB9 serial female
Serial DB9_male(p13, p14); //DB9 serial male

//Port J2
BusOut bus_J2(p5, p6, p7, p8, p11);

//header for J2
DigitalOut J2_p5(p5);
DigitalOut J2_p6(p6);
DigitalOut J2_p7(p7);
DigitalOut J2_p8(p8);
DigitalOut J2_p11(p11);

//Analog port in J3
AnalogIn    J3_P16(p16);
AnalogIn    J3_P17(p17);
AnalogIn    J3_P18(p18);
AnalogIn    J3_P19(p19);
AnalogIn    J3_P20(p20);

// servo ports p21 - p24
SERVOGEN sv1(p21);
SERVOGEN sv2(p22);
SERVOGEN sv3(p23);
SERVOGEN sv4(p24);

DigitalOut mot1_ph1(p28);
DigitalOut mot1_ph2(p27);
PwmOut mot_en1(p25);

DigitalOut mot2_ph1(p29);
DigitalOut mot2_ph2(p30);
PwmOut mot_en2(p26);
//Motor control routine for PWM on 5 pin motor driver header
// drv_num is 1 or 2 (defaults to 1, anything but 2)
// dc is signed duty cycle (+/-1.0)

void mot_control(int drv_num, float dc){        
    if(drv_num != 2){           
        if(dc > 0.0){
            mot1_ph2 = 0;
            mot1_ph1 = 1;
            mot_en1 = dc;
        else if(dc < -0.0){
            mot1_ph1 = 0;
            mot1_ph2 = 1;
            mot_en1 = abs(dc);
            mot1_ph1 = 0;
            mot1_ph2 = 0;
            mot_en1 = 0.0;
        if(dc > 0.0){
            mot2_ph2 = 0;
            mot2_ph1 = 1;
            mot_en2 = dc;
        else if(dc < -0.0){
            mot2_ph1 = 0;
            mot2_ph2 = 1;
            mot_en2 = abs(dc);
            mot2_ph1 = 0;
            mot2_ph2 = 0;
            mot_en2 = 0.0;

//------------ Main ------------------------------
int main() {
    float analogVal[6];
    while(1) {        
        bus_J2 = 0x1f;
        analogVal[0] = J3_P16;
        analogVal[1] = J3_P17;
        analogVal[2] = J3_P18;
        analogVal[3] = J3_P19;
        analogVal[4] = J3_P20;
        pc.printf("%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \r\n", analogVal[0],analogVal[1],analogVal[2],analogVal[3],analogVal[4]);
        DB9_female.printf("Female %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \r\n", analogVal[0],analogVal[1],analogVal[2],analogVal[3],analogVal[4]);
        DB9_male.printf("Male %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \r\n", analogVal[0],analogVal[1],analogVal[2],analogVal[3],analogVal[4]);
        //toggle bus I/O for testing
        bus_J2 = 0xAA;
        bus_J2 = 0x55;
        bus_J2 = 0xAA;
        bus_J2 = 0x55;
        bus_J2 = 0; //all off
        // Run PWM and servo command signals
        for(float pos=0.0;pos<1.0;pos+=.034){
            sv1 = pos * 1000 + 1000;
            sv2 = pos * 1000 + 1000;
            sv3 = pos * 1000 + 1000;
            sv4 = pos * 1000 + 1000;

            mot_control(1, (pos*2.0) - 1.0);
            mot_control(2, (pos*2.0) - 1.0);
            pc.printf("pos = %.2f  \r", pos);
        for(float pos=1.0;pos>0.0;pos-=.034){
            sv1 = pos * 1000 + 1000;    
            sv2 = pos * 1000 + 1000;
            sv3 = pos * 1000 + 1000;
            sv4 = pos * 1000 + 1000;
            mot_control(1, (pos*2.0) - 1.0);
            mot_control(2, (pos*2.0) - 1.0);
            pc.printf("pos = %.2f  \r", pos);

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Files at revision 0:165863a01366

Name Size Actions
SERVOGEN.lib 61 Revisions Annotate
main.cpp 4097 Revisions Annotate
mbed.bld 65 Revisions Annotate