Example program for the Teensy 3.2 micro-controller board using the QEI quadrature encoder library, the USBSerial.h library for serial port interface, and MotCon.h for motor control
Dependencies: MotCon2 QEI USBDevice mbed
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Teensy 3.2 Quadrature Encoder Motor Control with USB Serial Connection¶
MC33926 Motor control board Pinout (Pololu board https://www.pololu.com/product/1212)¶
MC Board - Teensy INV D5 (Direction Pin) SLEW Vcc (3.3V) EN Vcc (3.3V) FB 220 ohm to ground, 1K in series with 4.7uF low pass to A0 on Teensy (current read) !SF Not Connected !PWM / D1 GND PWM/!D2 D4 (PWM Pin) IN1 GND IN2 Vcc (3.3V) VDD Vcc (3.3V) GND GND Vin Not Connected
Encoder Channels PhaseA D2 PhaseB D3