Delta Robot example

Dependencies:   BufferedSerial Eigen

Fork of TCPSocket_Example by mbed_example



File content as of revision 5:01e1e68309ae:

// DeltaKinematics - kinematics computation for delta parallel robot arm
// Copyright(C) 2018  Szymon Szantula
// This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program.If not, see <>


 * @brief For Visual Sudio only

#include <cmath>

#include <iostream>

 * @brief PI value
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846

 * @brief Delta Robot computation class.
 * Performs kinematics computation for delta parallel robot with revolute inputs.

template <typename RealDataType>
class DeltaKinematics
    * @brief Structure that represents basic vector.
    * This structure might be used to describe tcp position, velocity and acceleration.
    * The below description of structure members refer to tcp position.
    * @sa DeltaTrajectory
    struct DeltaVector
        RealDataType x; ///< cartesian position in base reference frame
        RealDataType y; ///< cartesian position in base reference frame
        RealDataType z; ///< cartesian position in base reference frame
        RealDataType phi1; ///< joint 1 angle [deg] ( negative above the base platform ! )
        RealDataType phi2; ///< joint 2 angle [deg] ( negative above the base platform ! )
        RealDataType phi3; ///< joint 3 angle [deg] ( negative above the base platform ! )

         * @brief Prints values of all the position variables.
        void Print();

         * @brief Sets all position parameters to zero;
        void Clear();

    * @brief Struct that represents element of trajectory.
    * Trajectory is a time history of position, velocity and acceleration for each DOF.
    struct DeltaTrajectory
        DeltaVector pos;   ///< tcp position
        DeltaVector vel;   ///< tcp velocity
        DeltaVector accel; ///< tcp acceleration

     * @brief Delta Robot geometric dimmensions and constraints struct.
     * The required input for the class. See the description of individual members.
    struct DeltaGeometricDim
        RealDataType sb;                      ///< base equilateral triangle side [ mm ]
        RealDataType sp;                      ///< platform equilateral triangle side [ mm ]
        RealDataType L;                       ///< upper legs length [ mm ]
        RealDataType l;                       ///< lower legs parallelogram length [ mm ]
        RealDataType h;                       ///< lower legs prallelogram width [ mm ]
        RealDataType max_neg_angle;           ///< max negative angle that each arm can achive ( knee above the fixed-base plane ) [ deg ]
        RealDataType min_parallelogram_angle; ///< the limitation introduced by universal joints [ deg ]

     * @brief DeltaKinematics constructor.
     * @param dim a 7 element struct of delta geometric features and constraints.
    DeltaKinematics(DeltaGeometricDim dim);

     * @brief Calculates inverse position kinematics for delta parallel manipulator.
     * @param v a pointer to the matrix of position vectors, only joint coordinates are changed
     * @param num a number of vectors in the matrix
     * @return 1 if 1 if there was unreachable position, 0 if success
     * @sa CalculateFpk
    int CalculateIpk(DeltaVector *v, int num);

     * @brief Calculates forward position kinematics for delta parallel manipulator.
     * @param v a pointer to the matrix of position vectors, only cartesian coordinates are changed
     * @param num a number of vectors in the matrix
     * @return 1 if there was unreachable position or if singularity happend, 0 if success
     * @sa CalculateIpk
    int CalculateFpk(DeltaVector *v, int num);

    // /**
    //  * @brief Calculates
    //  *
    //  *
    //  */
    // int CalculateCartesianVelocity( DeltaVector *v, int num);
    // int CalculateJointVelocity( DeltaVector *v, int num);

    RealDataType _sb;                          ///< base equilateral triangle side [ mm ]
    RealDataType _sp;                          ///< platform equilateral triangle side [ mm ]
    RealDataType _Ll;                          ///< upper legs length [ mm ]
    RealDataType _l;                           ///< lower legs parallelogram length [ mm ]
    RealDataType _h;                           ///< lower legs prallelogram width [ mm ]
    RealDataType _wb;                          ///< planar distance from base reference frame to near base side [ mm ]
    RealDataType _ub;                          ///< planar distance from base reference frame to a base vertex [ mm ]
    RealDataType _wp;                          ///< planar distance from platform reference frame to near platform side [ mm ]
    RealDataType _up;                          ///< planar distance from platform reference frame to a platform vertex [ mm ]
    RealDataType _Pp1[3];                      ///< platorm-fixed U-joint virtual connection in the local platform frame
    RealDataType _Pp2[3];                      ///< platorm-fixed U-joint virtual connection in the local platform frame
    RealDataType _Pp3[3];                      ///< platorm-fixed U-joint virtual connection in the local platform frame
    RealDataType _B1[3];                       ///< fixed-base revolute joint point
    RealDataType _B2[3];                       ///< fixed-base revolute joint point
    RealDataType _B3[3];                       ///< fixed-base revolute joint point
    RealDataType _b1[3];                       ///< fixed-base vertex
    RealDataType _b2[3];                       ///< fixed-base vertex
    RealDataType _b3[3];                       ///< fixed-base vertex
    RealDataType _A1[3];                       ///< first knee point
    RealDataType _A2[3];                       ///< second knee point
    RealDataType _A3[3];                       ///< third knee point
    RealDataType _max_neg_angle;               ///< max negative angle that each arm can achive ( knee above the fixed-base plane ) [ deg ]
    RealDataType _min_parallelogram_angle;   ///< the limitation introduced by universal joints [ deg ]
    static const RealDataType _SQRT3;          ///< sqrt(3)
    static const RealDataType _HSQRT3;         ///< sqrt(3)/2
    static const RealDataType _ROTZ120[3][3];  ///< basic rotation matrix for z axis and 120 degree
    static const RealDataType _MROTZ120[3][3]; ///< basic roation matrix for z axis and -120 degree
    static const RealDataType _DEG2RAD_FACTOR; ///< basicly equals M_PI/180
    static const RealDataType _RAD2DEG_FACTOR; ///< basilcy equals 180/M_PI

     * @brief Initialise the class members e.g. _Pp1.
    void Initialise();

     * @brief Performs vector rotation by given rotation matrix.
     * @param point a position vector
     * @param matrix a rotation matrix
    void RotateByMatrix(RealDataType *point, const RealDataType (*matrix)[3]);

     * @brief Calculates a joint angle .
     * @param B a rotated base joint point
     * @param P a rotated platform joint point
     * @param phi an angle that will be calculated
     * @return 0 if success 1 if error
    int CalculateAngle(const RealDataType *B, const RealDataType *P, RealDataType *phi);

     * @brief Three spheres intersection algorithm ( different z hights ).
     * @param v a position vector
     * @return 0 if success 1 if error
    int ThreeSpheresIntersectionA(DeltaVector *v);

     * @brief Three spheres intersection algorithm ( the same z hights ).
     * @param v a position vector
     * @return 0 if success 1 if error
    int ThreeSpheresIntersectionB(DeltaVector *v);
#endif /* __DELTAKINEMATICS_H__ */