Delta Robot example

Dependencies:   BufferedSerial Eigen

Fork of TCPSocket_Example by mbed_example

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ESKF.cpp	Mon Oct 15 18:30:20 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#include <ESKF.h>
+ESKF::ESKF(Matrix<float, 19,1> initialState, float sig2_a_n_, float sig2_omega_n_,float sig2_a_w_, float sig2_omega_w_){
+    trueState = initialState;
+    sig2_a_n = sig2_a_n_;
+    sig2_omega_n = sig2_omega_n_;
+    sig2_a_w = sig2_a_w_;
+    sig2_omega_w = sig2_omega_w_;
+    //Build F_i,
+    F_i.setZero();
+    F_i.block(3,0,12,12).setIdentity();
+Matrix<float, 19,1> ESKF::makeState(Vector3f p,Vector3f v, Quaternionf q, Vector3f a_b, Vector3f omega_b,Vector3f g ){
+void ESKF::updateStateIMU(Vector3f a, Vector3f omega, float delta_t){
+Matrix<float, 3,3> ESKF::getRotationMatrixFromState(Matrix<float, 19,1> state){
+    Matrix<float,4,1> mat = state.block(6,0,4,1);
+    Quaternionf quat(mat);
+    return quat.matrix();
+Matrix<float,3,3> ESKF::getSkew(Vector3f in){
+   Matrix<float,3,3> out;
+   out << 0, -in(2), in(1),
+           in(2), 0, -in(0),
+           -in(1), in(0), 0;
+   return out;
+Matrix<float,3,3> ESKF::AngAxToMat(Vector3f in){
+    float angle = in.norm();
+    Vector3f axis = in.normalized();
+    if(angle == 0) axis = Vector3f(1,0,0);
+    AngleAxisf angAx(angle,axis);
+    return angAx.toRotationMatrix();
+void ESKF::predictionUpdate(Vector3f a, Vector3f omega, float delta_t){
+    // build F_x
+    Matrix<float, 3,3> I3 , I3dt;
+    F_x = F_x.Zero(18,18);
+    //page 59
+    I3 = I3.Identity();
+    I3dt = delta_t * I3;
+    F_x.block(0,0,3,3) = I3;
+    F_x.block(3,3,3,3) = I3;
+    F_x.block(9,9,3,3) = I3;
+    F_x.block(12,12,3,3) = I3;
+    F_x.block(15,15,3,3) = I3;
+    F_x.block(0,3,3,3) = I3dt;
+    F_x.block(3,15,3,3) = I3dt;
+    F_x.block(6,12,3,3) = -I3dt;
+    Matrix<float, 3,3> rotation;
+    rotation = getRotationMatrixFromState(nominalState);
+    F_x.block(3,9,3,3) = -rotation*delta_t;
+    // for the 2nd row and 3rd column
+    F_x.block(3,6,3,3) = - rotation * getSkew(a - nominalState.block(9,0,3,1)) * delta_t;
+    // for the 3rd row 3rd column
+    F_x.block(6,6,3,3) = AngAxToMat((omega - nominalState.block(12,0,3,1))*delta_t).transpose();
+    // build Q_i, this is only a diagonal matrix augmented by a scalar, so could be more efficient to for loop the relevant entries.
+    Q_i.setZero();
+    Q_i.block(0,0,3,3) =  delta_t * delta_t * sig2_a_n  * I3 ;
+    Q_i.block(3,3,3,3) = I3 * sig2_omega_n * delta_t * delta_t;
+    Q_i.block(6,6,3,3) = I3 * sig2_a_w * delta_t;
+    Q_i.block(9,9,3,3) = I3 * sig2_omega_w * delta_t;
+    //probably unnecessary copying here. Need to check if things are done inplace or otherwise. //.eval should fix this issue
+     P = (F_x*P*F_x.transpose() + F_i*Q_i*F_i.transpose()).eval();
+    //this line is apparently not needed, according to the document. // I suspect it only meant in the first iteration?????
+    //Matrix<float,18,18> errorState_new = F_x * errorState;
+    //errorState = errorState_new;
+Matrix<float,19,1> ESKF::measurementFunc(Matrix<float,19,1> in){
+    Matrix<float,19,1> func;
+    func << 1,1,1
+            ,0,0,0
+            ,1,1,1,1
+            ,0,0,0
+            ,0,0,0
+            ,0,0,0;
+    return (in.array()*func.array()).matrix();
+void ESKF::composeTrueState(){
+// this function puts the errorstate into the nominal state. as per page 62
+void ESKF::injectObservedError(){
+    Matrix<float,19,1> newState;
+    // compose position
+    newState.block(0,0,3,1) = nominalState.block(0,0,3,1) + errorState.block(0,0,3,1);
+    // compose Velocity
+    newState.block(3,0,3,1) = nominalState.block(3,0,3,1) + errorState.block(3,0,3,1);
+    // compose Quaternion - probably this can be done in less lines.
+    Matrix<float,3,1>  angAxMat = errorState.block(6,0,3,1);
+    AngleAxisf AngAx(angAxMat.norm(),angAxMat.normalized());
+    Quaternionf qError(AngAx);
+    Matrix<float,4,1> qMat =  nominalState.block(6,0,4,1);
+    Quaternionf qNom(qMat);
+    newState.block(6,0,4,1) = (qNom*qError).coeffs();
+    //compose accelerometer drift
+    newState.block(10,0,3,1) = nominalState.block(10,0,3,1) + errorState.block(9,0,3,1);
+    //compose gyro drift.
+    newState.block(13,0,3,1) = nominalState.block(13,0,3,1) + errorState.block(12,0,3,1);
+    //compose gravity. (I don't think it changes anything.)
+    newState.block(16,0,3,1) = nominalState.block(16,0,3,1) + errorState.block(15,0,3,1);
+    //update the nominal state (I am doing a copy to be sure there is no aliasing problems etc)
+    nominalState = newState;
+void ESKF::resetError(){
+    // set the errorState to zero
+    errorState.Zero();
+    // set up G matrix, can be simply an identity or with a more compicated term for the rotation section.
+    G.setIdentity();
+    Matrix<float,3,3> rotCorrection;
+    rotCorrection = - getSkew(0.5*errorState.block(6,0,3,1));
+    G.block(6,6,3,3) = (G.block(6,6,3,3) + rotCorrection).eval();
+    P = (G * P * G.transpose()).eval();
+// this function is called when you have a reference to correct the error state, in this case a mocap system.
+void ESKF::observeErrorState(Vector3f pos, Quaternionf rot){
+    Matrix<float,19,1> y;
+    y.Zero();
+    y.block(0,0,3,1) = pos;
+    y.block(6,0,4,1) <<rot.x() , rot.y() , rot.z() , rot.w();
+    // setup X_dx, essensially an identity, with some quaternion stuff in the middle. Optimise by initilising everything elsewhere.
+    X_dx.Zero();
+    Matrix<float, 6,6> I6;
+    I6 = I6.Identity();
+    Matrix<float,9,9> I9;
+    I9 = I9.Identity();
+    X_dx.block(0,0,6,6) = I6;
+    X_dx.block(10,9,9,9) = I9;
+    Matrix<float,4,1> q(nominalState.block(6,0,4,1)); // getting quaternion, though in a mat, so we can divide by 2.
+    q = q/2;
+    X_dx.block(6,6,4,3) <<   -q.x() , -q.y() , -q.z(),
+                              q.w() , -q.z() ,  q.y(),
+                              q.z() ,  q.w() , -q.x(),
+                             -q.y() ,  q.x() ,  q.w();
+    // then set up H_x, though this is not told to us directly, it is described as:
+    /*"Here, Hx , ∂h∂xt|x
+    is the standard Jacobian of h() with respect to its own argument (i.e.,
+    the Jacobian one would use in a regular EKF). This first part of the chain rule depends on
+    the measurement function of the particular sensor used, and is not presented here.*/
+    //I believe that if I am only providing position and a quaternion then the position part will be an identity, the quaternion part will be identity?
+    H_x = H_x.Identity();
+    //compose the two halves of the hessian
+    H = H_x*X_dx;
+    Matrix<float,19,19> V; //  the covariance of the measurement function.
+    V.Zero();
+    K = P * H.transpose() * (H*P*H.transpose() + V).inverse();
+    Matrix<float,18,1> d_x_hat;
+    composeTrueState();
+    d_x_hat = K *(y - measurementFunc(trueState));
+    Matrix<float,18,18> I18;
+    I18 = I18.Identity();
+    P = ((I18 - K*H)*P).eval();
+    injectObservedError();
+    resetError();