Fork from nRF24L01P Hello World. This is working with the Nucleo STM32F401RE. Working on adding functionality to change parameters on the fly, such as changing the RF channel.

Dependencies:   mbed nRF24L01P

Fork of nRF24L01P_Hello_World by Owen Edwards

This is using the nRF24L01P radio with the Nucleo STM32F401RE board. The connections to the radio board from the STM32 are the following Radio - STM32F401RE CSN - PA4 CE - PC1 MOSI - PB5 SCK - PB3 IRQ - PC0 MISO - PB4

I am trying add functionality so that parameters can be changed on the fly instead of having to recompile the code to change the operation of the nRF24L01P (for example, changing the RF channel (frequency) through a terminal interface. )



File content as of revision 1:5be2682710c6:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "nRF24L01P.h"

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx

nRF24L01P my_nrf24l01p(p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10);    // mosi, miso, sck, csn, ce, irq

DigitalOut myled1(LED1);
DigitalOut myled2(LED2);

int main() {

// The nRF24L01+ supports transfers from 1 to 32 bytes, but Sparkfun's
//  "Nordic Serial Interface Board" (
//  only handles 4 byte transfers in the ATMega code.
#define TRANSFER_SIZE   4

    char txData[TRANSFER_SIZE], rxData[TRANSFER_SIZE];
    int txDataCnt = 0;
    int rxDataCnt = 0;


    // Display the (default) setup of the nRF24L01+ chip
    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ Frequency    : %d MHz\r\n",  my_nrf24l01p.getRfFrequency() );
    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ Output power : %d dBm\r\n",  my_nrf24l01p.getRfOutputPower() );
    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ Data Rate    : %d kbps\r\n", my_nrf24l01p.getAirDataRate() );
    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ TX Address   : 0x%010llX\r\n", my_nrf24l01p.getTxAddress() );
    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ RX Address   : 0x%010llX\r\n", my_nrf24l01p.getRxAddress() );

    pc.printf( "Type keys to test transfers:\r\n  (transfers are grouped into %d characters)\r\n", TRANSFER_SIZE );

    my_nrf24l01p.setTransferSize( TRANSFER_SIZE );


    while (1) {

        // If we've received anything over the host serial link...
        if ( pc.readable() ) {

            // ...add it to the transmit buffer
            txData[txDataCnt++] = pc.getc();

            // If the transmit buffer is full
            if ( txDataCnt >= sizeof( txData ) ) {

                // Send the transmitbuffer via the nRF24L01+
                my_nrf24l01p.write( NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0, txData, txDataCnt );

                txDataCnt = 0;

            // Toggle LED1 (to help debug Host -> nRF24L01+ communication)
            myled1 = !myled1;

        // If we've received anything in the nRF24L01+...
        if ( my_nrf24l01p.readable() ) {

            // the data into the receive buffer
            rxDataCnt = NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0, rxData, sizeof( rxData ) );

            // Display the receive buffer contents via the host serial link
            for ( int i = 0; rxDataCnt > 0; rxDataCnt--, i++ ) {

                pc.putc( rxData[i] );

            // Toggle LED2 (to help debug nRF24L01+ -> Host communication)
            myled2 = !myled2;