Sound update

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE Physac-MBED PinDetect SDFileSystem mbed-rtos mbed


22 months ago
Tetris/Board.cpp@ 15:e9f3b72b7486

File content as of revision 19:6d9bee043ede:

#include "Board.h"

Board::Board (Pieces *pPieces, int pScreenHeight)
    // Get the screen height
    mScreenHeight = pScreenHeight;

    // Get the pointer to the pieces class
    mPieces = pPieces;

    //Init the board blocks with free positions

Init the board blocks with free positions
void Board::InitBoard()
    for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_WIDTH; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_HEIGHT; j++)
            mBoard[i][j] = POS_FREE;

Store a piece in the board by filling the blocks


>> pX:      Horizontal position in blocks
>> pY:      Vertical position in blocks
>> pPiece:  Piece to draw
>> pRotation:   1 of the 4 possible rotations
void Board::StorePiece (int pX, int pY, int pPiece, int pRotation)
    // Store each block of the piece into the board
    for (int i1 = pX, i2 = 0; i1 < pX + PIECE_BLOCKS; i1++, i2++)
        for (int j1 = pY, j2 = 0; j1 < pY + PIECE_BLOCKS; j1++, j2++)
            // Store only the blocks of the piece that are not holes
            if (mPieces->GetBlockType (pPiece, pRotation, j2, i2) != 0)     
                mBoard[i1][j1] = POS_FILLED;    

Check if the game is over becase a piece have achived the upper position

Returns true or false
bool Board::IsGameOver()
    //If the first line has blocks, then, game over
    for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_WIDTH; i++)
        if (mBoard[i][0] == POS_FILLED) return true;

    return false;

Delete a line of the board by moving all above lines down


>> pY:      Vertical position in blocks of the line to delete
void Board::DeleteLine (int pY)
    // Moves all the upper lines one row down
    for (int j = pY; j > 0; j--)
        for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_WIDTH; i++)
            mBoard[i][j] = mBoard[i][j-1];

Delete all the lines that should be removed
int Board::DeletePossibleLines ()
    int count =0;
    for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_HEIGHT; j++)
        int i = 0;
        while (i < BOARD_WIDTH)
            if (mBoard[i][j] != POS_FILLED) break;

        if (i == BOARD_WIDTH) 
            DeleteLine (j);
    return count;

Returns 1 (true) if the this block of the board is empty, 0 if it is filled


>> pX:      Horizontal position in blocks
>> pY:      Vertical position in blocks
bool Board::IsFreeBlock (int pX, int pY)
    if (mBoard [pX][pY] == POS_FREE) return true; else return false;

Returns the horizontal position (isn pixels) of the block given like parameter


>> pPos:    Horizontal position of the block in the board
int Board::GetXPosInPixels (int pPos)
    return  ( ( BOARD_POSITION - (BLOCK_SIZE * (BOARD_WIDTH / 2)) ) + (pPos * BLOCK_SIZE) );

Returns the vertical position (in pixels) of the block given like parameter


>> pPos:    Horizontal position of the block in the board
int Board::GetYPosInPixels (int pPos)
    return ( (mScreenHeight - (BLOCK_SIZE * BOARD_HEIGHT)) + (pPos * BLOCK_SIZE) );

Check if the piece can be stored at this position without any collision
Returns true if the movement is  possible, false if it not possible


>> pX:      Horizontal position in blocks
>> pY:      Vertical position in blocks
>> pPiece:  Piece to draw
>> pRotation:   1 of the 4 possible rotations
bool Board::IsPossibleMovement (int pX, int pY, int pPiece, int pRotation)
    // Checks collision with pieces already stored in the board or the board limits
    // This is just to check the 5x5 blocks of a piece with the appropiate area in the board
    for (int i1 = pX, i2 = 0; i1 < pX + PIECE_BLOCKS; i1++, i2++)
        for (int j1 = pY, j2 = 0; j1 < pY + PIECE_BLOCKS; j1++, j2++)
            // Check if the piece is outside the limits of the board
            if (    i1 < 0          || 
                i1 > BOARD_WIDTH  - 1   ||
                j1 > BOARD_HEIGHT - 1)
                if (mPieces->GetBlockType (pPiece, pRotation, j2, i2) != 0)
                    return 0;       

            // Check if the piece have collisioned with a block already stored in the map
            if (j1 >= 0)    
                if ((mPieces->GetBlockType (pPiece, pRotation, j2, i2) != 0) &&
                    (!IsFreeBlock (i1, j1)) )
                    return false;

    // No collision
    return true;