Reloj en pantalla LCD Nokia con tres botones de ajuste.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Jul 12 10:27:13 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+/* Reloj en Color LCD Shield Sparkfun desde Jim Lindblom fecha: 3-2014 */
+#include "mbed.h"  
+#include <ColorLCDShield.h>
+#define HOURS 03
+#define MINUTES 00
+#define SECONDS 00
+#define AMPM 0  // enter 0 for AM, 1 for PM
+#define CLOCK_RADIUS 50 // radio de la circunferencia de reloj
+#define CLOCK_CENTER 55 // Ajusta del radio, igual es necesario reajustar
+#define H_LENGTH  30    // length of hour hand
+#define M_LENGTH 40     // length of minute hand
+#define S_LENGTH 48     // length of second hand
+#define BACKGROUND BLACK  // room for growth, adjusta color de fondo segun luz de dia
+#define C_COLOR RED     // This is the color of the clock face, and digital clock
+#define H_COLOR BLUE    // color de las horas
+#define M_COLOR GREEN   // color de los minutos
+#define S_COLOR YELLOW  // color de los segundos
+LCDShield lcd;
+DigitalIn buttonPin3(PTA12);
+DigitalIn buttonPin4(PTA4);
+DigitalIn buttonPin5(PTA5);
+DigitalOut g(LED_GREEN);
+Ticker reloj;
+int hours, minutes, seconds, ampm;
+void drawClock() {
+/* drawClock() dibuja el circulo del reloj con las cifras 12,3,6 y 9 */
+  lcd.setCircle(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_RADIUS, C_COLOR); // pinta circulo
+  lcd.setStr("3", CLOCK_CENTER - 9, 66 + CLOCK_RADIUS - 12, C_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
+  lcd.setStr("6", CLOCK_CENTER + CLOCK_RADIUS - 18, 66-4, C_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
+  lcd.setStr("9", CLOCK_CENTER - 9, 66 - CLOCK_RADIUS + 4, C_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
+void displayAnalogTime(int h, int m, int s) {
+ /* displayAnalogTime() dibuja hhmmss en su posicion correspondiente */
+  double midHours;  // this will be used to slightly adjust the hour hand
+  static int hx, hy, mx, my, sx, sy;
+  /* Adjusta el tiempo para mostrar 90 grados ccw y gira en el reloj el texto */
+  h -= 3;
+  m -= 15;
+  s -= 15;
+  if (h <= 0) h += 12;
+  if (m < 0)  m += 60;
+  if (s < 0)  s += 60;
+  /* Borra lineas anteriores */
+  lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+sx, 66+sy, BACKGROUND);  // borra segundos
+  lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+mx, 66+my, BACKGROUND);  // borra minutos
+  lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+hx, 66+hy, BACKGROUND);  // borra horas
+  /* Calcula y dibuja nuevas lineas */
+  //s = map(s, 0, 60, 0, 360);  // ajusta de 0-60, a "360 degrees"
+  s = (s-0)*(360-0)/(60-0)+360;
+  sx = S_LENGTH * sin(3.14 * ((double) s)/180);  // woo trig!
+  sy = S_LENGTH * cos(3.14 * ((double) s)/180);  // woo trig!
+  lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+sx, 66+sy, S_COLOR);  // print second hand
+  //m = map(m, 0, 60, 0, 360);  // map the 0-60, to "360 degrees"
+  m = (m-0)*(360-0)/(60-0)+360;
+  mx = M_LENGTH * sin(3.14 * ((double) m)/180);  // woo trig!
+  my = M_LENGTH * cos(3.14 * ((double) m)/180);  // woo trig!
+  lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+mx, 66+my, M_COLOR);  // print minute hand
+  midHours = minutes/12;  // midHours is used to set the hours hand to middling levels between whole hours
+  h *= 5;           // Get hours and midhours to the same scale
+  h += midHours;    // add hours and midhours
+  //h = map(h, 0, 60, 0, 360);  // map the 0-60, to "360 degrees"
+  h = (h-0)*(360-0)/(60-0)+360;
+  hx = H_LENGTH * sin(3.14 * ((double) h)/180);  // woo trig!
+  hy = H_LENGTH * cos(3.14 * ((double) h)/180);  // woo trig!
+  lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+hx, 66+hy, H_COLOR);  // print hour hand
+void displayDigitalTime(int h, int m, int s, int ap) {
+/* displayDigitalTime() muestra hh:mm:ss am/pm en parte inferior */
+  char timeChar[11] = {'x','x',0x0A,'x','x',0x0A,'x','x',' ',' ',' '};
+  /* Convierte los valores */
+  timeChar[0] = h/10;
+  timeChar[1] = h - (timeChar[0] * 10);
+  timeChar[3] = m/10;
+  timeChar[4] = m - (timeChar[3] * 10);
+  timeChar[6] = s/10;
+  timeChar[7] = s - (timeChar[6] * 10);
+  /* once we have each integer separated, we need to turn them
+     into displayable characters. Adding 0x30 does this (check an
+     ASCII table. We set the colons to 0x0A initially, this will
+     turn them into the proper 0x3A.*/
+  for (int i=0; i<8; i++) timeChar[i] += 0x30;
+  timeChar[8] = ' ';  // add a space between the time and AM/PM
+  /* Add AM or PM to the end of the timeChar string */
+  if (!ap) {
+    timeChar[9] = 'A';
+    timeChar[10] = 'M';
+  }
+  else {
+    timeChar[9] = 'P';
+    timeChar[10] = 'M';
+  }
+  /* añade espacios despues hora, otherwise it'll display unwanted characters */
+  //timeChar[11] = ' ';
+  //timeChar[12] = ' ';
+  /* Print the time on the clock */
+  for (int i=0; i<12; i++) {
+    lcd.setChar(timeChar[i], CLOCK_CENTER + CLOCK_RADIUS + 16, 22+8*i, C_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
+  }
+  lcd.setStr("    ", CLOCK_CENTER + CLOCK_RADIUS + 16, 118, C_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
+void setTime() {
+  /* setTime Incrementa con S1 horas, S2 segundos y S3 para salir */ 
+  /* Pone el reloj a 12 horas */
+  lcd.setStr("Ajusta el reloj", 20, 1, C_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
+  lcd.setStr("S1 para horas  ", 40, 1, H_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
+  lcd.setStr("S2 para minutos", 60, 1, M_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
+  lcd.setStr("S3 para salir  ", 80, 1, S_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
+  seconds = 0;
+  minutes = 0;
+  hours = 12;
+  ampm = 0;
+  displayDigitalTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ampm);
+  wait_ms(100);
+  /* Mientras no pulses S3 sigues ajustando el reloj */
+  while(buttonPin5) {
+    /* Si pulsas S1 ajustar horas */
+    if (!buttonPin3) {
+      hours++;  // Increase hours by 1
+      if (hours == 12) ampm ^= 1;  // Flip am/pm if it's 12 o'clock
+      if (hours >= 13) hours = 1;  // Set hours to 1 if it's 13. 12-hour clock.
+    }
+    /* Si pulsas S2 ajustar minutos*/
+    if (!buttonPin4) {
+      minutes++;  // Increase minutes by 1
+      if (minutes >= 60) minutes = 0;  // If minutes is 60, set it back to 0
+    }
+    /* and update the clock, so we can see it */ 
+    displayDigitalTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ampm);
+    wait_ms(100);
+  }
+void cadasegundo(){
+  /* cada segundo recalcula y redibuja agujas y reloj */
+  g = !g;
+  if (seconds >= 60) {
+    seconds = 0;  // Al llegar a 60 vuelve a 0
+    minutes++;    // e incrementa los minutos
+    if (minutes >= 60) {
+        minutes = 0;  // Al llegar a 60 vuelve a 0
+        hours++;      // e incrementa las horas
+        if (hours == 12) ampm ^= 1;  // Si llega a 12 o'clock, alterna ampm
+        if (hours >= 13) hours = 1;  // Si llega a 13, vuelve a 1.
+    }
+  }
+  drawClock();
+  displayAnalogTime(hours, minutes, seconds);
+  displayDigitalTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ampm);
+  seconds++;
+int main() {
+  hours = HOURS;
+  minutes = MINUTES;
+  seconds = SECONDS;
+  ampm = AMPM;
+  lcd.init(PHILLIPS);
+  lcd.contrast(50);
+  lcd.clear(BACKGROUND);
+  setTime();
+  lcd.clear(BACKGROUND);
+  reloj.attach(&cadasegundo,1.0); // Cada segundo pinta y actualiza el reloj */
+  while(1) {}
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