
Dependencies:   Motordriver mbed

Video of everything working: https://drive.google.com/a/usna.edu/file/d/0B6gx9qlkekGOSXVlQkN1RWpVcDg/view?usp=sharing

Updated Schematic /media/uploads/jared152/capstone_schematic.png

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Feb 04 18:21:16 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Feb 04 20:50:29 2015 +0000
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 int t1, t2,                    //global variables for the echo pulse. c
     t3, t4;                    //timer within flip
 int jump = 0;                  //flag for wether or not car is jumping
 //Interrupt Service Routines////////////////
 void driveforward()
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
         trigger = 1;   // begin pulse
         wait(.000015); // 15 us
         trigger = 0;   // end pulse
-        wait(.01);     //wait for return pulse
+        //wait(.001);     //wait for return pulse
         dist+= (t2-t1)/58.0; //converts time to distance in cm
@@ -75,12 +75,18 @@
 void flip()   //all flip function stuff in here
     t3 = t.read();
-    if (t4 - t3 < 6) {          //ensures that this can only run once every six seconds
+    if (t3 - t4 >= 3) {          //ensures that this can only run once every six seconds
+        t3 = t.read();
+        testled = 1;
         float PWM_wheel = 0.0;      //initialize PWM speed for reactionwheel
         PWM_wheel = 0.20;  //***control law here***
         wheel.speed(PWM_wheel);  //sets PWM for flywheel
         t4 = t.read();
-    } 
+        testled = 0;
+   } else 
+        testled = 0;
 } //end flip function
@@ -93,9 +99,9 @@
     float PWM_drive = 0.0;      //initialize PWM speed for drive wheels
     float range = 0.0;         // variable to hold the range sensor value
     fwdled = 0;               //intializes all LEDS to off
-    revled = 0;               //          
+    revled = 0;               //
     testled = 0;              //
     jumpled = 0;              //
@@ -111,7 +117,8 @@
     wheel.speed(0.0); // reaction wheel is initially off
     drive.speed(0.0); //drive motor initially off
-    t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = 0; //initialize all timers variables to 0
+    t1 = t2 = t4 = 0; //initialize all timers variables to 0
+    t3 = 10;
     t.start();             //start timer
     while(1) {
@@ -119,9 +126,9 @@
         range = read_ultrasonic(10);      //read distance for average of 10 samples
-        if (range>6.0) {     //when distance is greater than 6.0 cm it will do the flip function
-            flip();
-            jumpled = 1;     // lights LED 3 when in jump flag is true
+        if (range > 6.0) {     //when distance is greater than 6.0 cm it will do the flip function
+            jumpled = 1; // lights LED 3 when in jump flag is true
+            flip();              
         } else  {
             jumpled = 0;     // if not in jump mode led is off