class project main.cpp publish

Dependencies:   mbed C12832_lcd USBHost USBHostPTP LCD_Menu

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Table of Contents

    Example of using the USBHostPTP class

    Import program

    Go to the documentation of this file.
    00001 /**
    00002 *  @file main.cpp
    00003 *  @brief Function to call USBHostPTP Library
    00004 *  @author Dwayne Dilbeck
    00005 *  @date 8/23/2013
    00006 * 
    00007 * mbed USBHostPTP Library
    00008 *
    00009 * @par Copyright:
    00010 *  Copyright (c) 2013 Dwayne Dilbeck
    00011 * @par License:
    00012 *  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    00013 */
    00014 #include "mbed.h"
    00015 #include "C12832_lcd.h"
    00016 #include "USBHostMSD.h"
    00017 #include "USBHostPTP.h"
    00018 #include "Selection.h"
    00019 #include "Menu.h"
    00020 #include "Navigator.h"
    00022 /**
    00023 * Define codes to represent Test Functions
    00024 */
    00025 #define GETALLJPG       0x01
    00026 #define GETALLJPGTHUMB  0x02
    00027 #define GETNUMJPG       0x03
    00028 #define GETNUMOBJ       0x04
    00029 #define DUMPDEVICEINFO  0x05
    00030 #define CLOSESESSION    0xFF
    00032 /**
    00033 * Initiate Global variables
    00034 */
    00035 DigitalOut led(LED1);
    00036 FILE * fp2;
    00037 C12832_LCD lcd;
    00038 USBHostPTP *ptpdev = NULL;
    00039 USBHostMSD *msddev = NULL;
    00040 char fname[256];
    00041 uint8_t command=0x00;
    00042 bool commandActive=false;
    00043 void (*statusFunction)(void);
    00045 /**
    00046 * This function is used to handle the raw data recieved via the bulk pipes
    00047 *
    00048 * @param ptp Pointer to the PTP device
    00049 * @param buffer Pointer to the data recieved
    00050 * @param length Total data received to be processed
    00051 * 
    00052 * @return Void
    00053 */
    00054 void WriteObjectHandles(void *ptp,uint8_t *buffer,uint16_t length){
    00055    int writeResult,errorcode;
    00056    uint16_t transferLength=length;
    00057    uint8_t *dataPtr=buffer;
    00059    writeResult=fwrite(dataPtr,sizeof(uint8_t),transferLength,fp2);
    00060    if( writeResult != transferLength) {
    00061        errorcode=ferror(fp2);
    00062        if( errorcode )
    00063        {
    00064           printf("\r\nError in writing to file %d\n",errorcode);
    00065           error("Yucky@!");
    00066        }
    00067    }
    00068 }
    00070 /**
    00071 * Test function 0x01
    00072 *
    00073 * @param numberOfImages A pointer to where to write the images on the device
    00074 * @param numberOfThumbs A pointer to where to write the images on the device
    00075 * @return void
    00076 */
    00077 void GetNumberOfThumbsAndImages(int *numberOfImages,int *numberOfThumbs){
    00078     uint32_t fileHandle=0,numImages=0;
    00079     int internalNumberOfImages=0;
    00080     int internalNumberOfThumbs=0;
    00082     FILE *fp = fopen("/usb2/objHandles.bin", "rb");
    00083     fread(&numImages,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
    00084     while(numImages>0){
    00085        fread(&fileHandle,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
    00086        ptpdev->GetObjectInfo(fileHandle);
    00088        if (ptpdev->objectInfo.thumbFormat == 0x3801 ) {
    00089           internalNumberOfThumbs++;
    00090        }
    00091        if (ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat == 0x3801 ) {
    00092           internalNumberOfImages++;
    00093        }
    00094         numImages--;
    00095     }
    00096     fclose(fp);
    00097     *numberOfImages = internalNumberOfImages;
    00098     *numberOfThumbs = internalNumberOfThumbs;
    00100 }
    00102 /**
    00103 * Retrieve all thumbnail images and real images that are JPG files.
    00104 */
    00105 void GetAllImagesAndThumbs(void) {
    00106     FILE *fp;
    00108     uint32_t fileHandle=0,numImages=0;
    00110             printf("objectid,objectinfosize,imagetype,thumbtype\r\n");
    00111             fp = fopen("/usb2/objHandles.bin", "rb");
    00113             fread(&numImages,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
    00114             while(numImages>0){
    00115                fread(&fileHandle,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
    00116                ptpdev->GetObjectInfo(fileHandle);
    00117                printf("%ld,%x,%x,%x\r\n",numImages,fileHandle,ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat,ptpdev->objectInfo.thumbFormat);
    00119                if (ptpdev->objectInfo.thumbFormat == 0x3801 && numImages < 864 ) {
    00120                    sprintf(fname,"/usb2/thumb_%s",ptpdev->objectInfo.filename.getString());
    00121                     fp2 = fopen(fname, "wb");                    
    00122                     printf("Starting transfer of %s\r\n",fname);
    00123                     ptpdev->GetThumb(fileHandle,(void *)&WriteObjectHandles);
    00124                     fclose(fp2);
    00125                     printf("GetThumb Transaction Complete\r\n");
    00126                }
    00128                if (ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat == 0x3801 && numImages < 864 ) {
    00129                    sprintf(fname,"/usb2/%s",ptpdev->objectInfo.filename.getString());
    00130                    printf("%s -Type: 0x%04x\r\n",fname,ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat);
    00131                     printf("Starting transfer of %s\r\n",fname);
    00132                     fp2 = fopen(fname, "wb");   
    00133                     ptpdev->GetObject(fileHandle,(void *)&WriteObjectHandles);
    00134                     fclose(fp2);
    00135                     printf("GetObject Transaction Complete\r\n");
    00136                 }
    00137                 numImages--;
    00138             }
    00139             fclose(fp);
    00140 }
    00142 /**
    00143 * Thread to Watch for MSD image
    00144 */
    00145 void msd_task(void const *) {
    00146     USBHostMSD msd2("usb2");
    00148     msddev=&msd2;
    00149     while(true) {
    00150         while(!msd2.connect()) {
    00151                 Thread::wait(500);
    00152             }
    00154         DIR *dp;
    00155         struct dirent *ep;     
    00156         dp = opendir ("/usb2");
    00158         if (dp != NULL)
    00159         {
    00160             ep = readdir (dp);
    00161             while (ep!=NULL) {
    00162               printf("%s\r\n",ep->d_name);
    00163               ep = readdir (dp);
    00164             }
    00165            (void) closedir (dp);
    00166          }
    00168          while(msd2.connect()) {
    00169                 Thread::wait(500);
    00170          }
    00171     }
    00172 }
    00174 /**
    00175 * Function TO  be called by the menu system to start the execution thread to execute the call.
    00176 */ 
    00177 void SetCommandGETALLJPG(void) {
    00178    command=GETALLJPG;
    00179 }
    00181 /**
    00182 * Function to display status during image transfers
    00183 */
    00184 void GetAllJPGStatus(void) {
    00185     led=!led;
    00186     lcd.cls();
    00187     if(ptpdev->dataLeftToTransfer>0) {
    00188         lcd.locate(10,0);
    00189         lcd.printf("%ld/%ld", ptpdev->dataLeftToTransfer, ptpdev->totalDataToTransfer);
    00190         lcd.locate(0,10);
    00191         lcd.printf("%s",fname); 
    00192     }               
    00193 }
    00195 /**
    00196 * Thread to watch for the PTP device connected, and commands that need to be executed.
    00197 */
    00198 void ptp_task2(void const *) {
    00199     USBHostPTP ptp;
    00200     ptpdev=&ptp;
    00202     int numi,numt;
    00203     uint32_t objCount=0;
    00205     while(true) {
    00206         while(!ptpdev->connect()) {
    00207             Thread::wait(500);
    00208         }
    00210         while(!msddev->connected()){
    00211             Thread::wait(500);
    00212         }
    00214         /* after device connected open a session, get device information, and object handles
    00215         */    
    00216         ptp.OpenSession();
    00217         printf("OpenSession Transaction Complete\r\n\r\n");
    00218         ptp.GetDeviceInfo();
    00219         printf("GetDeviceInfo Transaction Complete\r\n");
    00220         fp2 = fopen("/usb2/objHandles.bin", "wb");
    00221         ptp.GetObjectHandles(0xffffffff,0x0000,0x0000,(void *)&WriteObjectHandles);
    00222         fclose(fp2);
    00223         printf("GetObjecthandles Transaction Complete\r\n");
    00225         //While ptp device connected watch for commands.
    00226         while(ptpdev->connected()) {
    00227             commandActive=true;
    00228             switch(command) {
    00229             case GETALLJPG:
    00230                 statusFunction=&GetAllJPGStatus;
    00231                 GetAllImagesAndThumbs();
    00232                 statusFunction=NULL;
    00233                 break;
    00234             case GETALLJPGTHUMB:
    00235                 break;
    00236             case GETNUMJPG:
    00237                 GetNumberOfThumbsAndImages(&numi,&numt);
    00238                 printf("images: %d, thumbs:%d\r\n",numi,numt);
    00239                 break;
    00240             case GETNUMOBJ:
    00241                 ptp.GetNumObjects(&objCount);
    00242                 printf("GetNumObjects Transaction Complete - Count:%ld\r\n",objCount);
    00243                 break;
    00244             case DUMPDEVICEINFO:
    00245                 ptp.DumpDeviceInfo();
    00246                 break;
    00247             case CLOSESESSION:
    00248                 ptpdev->CloseSession();
    00249                 printf("CloseSession Transaction Complete\r\n");
    00250                 break;
    00251             default:
    00252                 commandActive=false;
    00253                 break;
    00254             }
    00255             command=0x00;
    00256             Thread::wait(100);
    00257         }
    00258     }
    00259 }
    00261 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed. 
    00262 void SetCommandGETNUMJPG(void) {
    00263    command=GETNUMJPG;
    00264 }
    00266 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed. 
    00267 void SetCommandGETNUMOBJ(void) {
    00268    command=GETNUMOBJ;
    00269 }
    00271 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed. 
    00272 void SetCommandDUMPDEVICEINFO(void) {
    00273    command=DUMPDEVICEINFO;
    00274 }
    00276 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed. 
    00277 void SetCommandCLOSESESSION(void) {
    00278    command=CLOSESESSION;
    00279 }
    00281 ///Main fuction to display the Status of the application.
    00282 int main() {
    00283     lcd.cls();
    00284     lcd.locate(10,3);
    00285     lcd.printf("Initializing");
    00286     Thread ptpTask2(ptp_task2, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 1024 * 4);
    00287     Thread msdTask2(msd_task, NULL, osPriorityNormal,  1024 * 4);
    00288     Menu rootMenu("root"); 
    00289     Menu testMenu("Test menu"); 
    00290     testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandDUMPDEVICEINFO, 2, NULL, "Dump Device Info")); // The function argument of selection can be added directly
    00291     testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandGETALLJPG, 2, NULL, "Get All Images")); // The function argument of selection can be added directly
    00292     testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandGETNUMOBJ, 1, NULL, "Get Number of Objects"));
    00293     testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandGETNUMJPG, 3, NULL, "Get Number of Images"));
    00294     //testMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Get Number of Thumbnails"));
    00295     //testMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 5, NULL, "Get Number of Thumbnails"));
    00296     testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandCLOSESESSION, 4, NULL, "Close Session"));
    00297     testMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 5, &rootMenu, "  Go back"));  // always add a Selection at the end to point to the parent
    00298     Menu aboutMenu("About Menu"); // about menu
    00299     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, NULL, "Author:"));
    00300     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, NULL, " Dwayne S Dilbeck"));
    00301     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 2, NULL, " 8/29/2013"));
    00302     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 3, NULL, " USB Device Interface:"));
    00303     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, " Architecture,"));
    00304     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 5, NULL, " Protocols,"));
    00305     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 6, NULL, " and programming."));
    00306     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 7, &rootMenu, "  Go back"));
    00307     rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, &testMenu, "TEST MENU"));
    00308     rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, &aboutMenu, "About menu"));   
    00309     Navigator navigator(&rootMenu, &lcd);
    00311     while(1) {
    00312         if(ptpdev != NULL) {
    00313             if(ptpdev->connected()) {
    00314                 if(!commandActive) {
    00315                     navigator.poll(); 
    00316                 } else {
    00317                     if(statusFunction != NULL)
    00318                        (*statusFunction)();
    00319                     else {
    00320                         lcd.cls();
    00321                         wait_ms(20);
    00322                     }
    00323                 }
    00325             } else {
    00326                lcd.cls();
    00327                lcd.locate(10,3);
    00328                lcd.printf("Please connect PTP device.");
    00329             }            
    00330         }
    00331         Thread::wait(200);
    00332     }
    00333 }

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