Library to allo USB PTP device to be hosted by the mbed platform

Dependents:   class_project_main

diff -r 000000000000 -r 98cf19bcd828 USBHostPTP.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBHostPTP.cpp	Fri Aug 23 00:52:52 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+/* mbed USBHost Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "USBHostPTP.h"
+#if 1
+#include "dbg.h"
+#define DEVICE_TO_HOST  0x80
+#define HOST_TO_DEVICE  0x00
+USBHostPTP::USBHostPTP( void )
+    host = USBHost::getHostInst();
+    initializeClassData();
+void USBHostPTP::initializeClassData() {
+    deviceConnected = false;
+    pointerToDevice = NULL;
+    bulk_in = NULL;
+    bulk_out = NULL;
+    int_in=NULL;
+    deviceFound = false;
+    deviceConnected = false;    
+    ptp_intf = -1;
+    numberOfEndpoints = 0;
+    transactionCnt=0;
+    commandContainer.type=PTP_USB_CONTAINER_COMMAND;
+    sessionID=1;
+    dataLeftToTransfer=0;
+bool USBHostPTP::connected()
+    return deviceConnected;
+bool USBHostPTP::connect()
+    if (deviceConnected) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_DEVICE_CONNECTED; i++) {
+        if ((pointerToDevice = host->getDevice(i)) != NULL) {
+            USB_DBG("Trying to connect PTP device\r\n");
+            if(host->enumerate(pointerToDevice, this))
+                break;
+            if (deviceFound) {
+                bulk_in =  pointerToDevice->getEndpoint(ptp_intf, BULK_ENDPOINT, IN);
+                bulk_out = pointerToDevice->getEndpoint(ptp_intf, BULK_ENDPOINT, OUT);
+                int_in =   pointerToDevice->getEndpoint(ptp_intf, INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT, IN);
+                if (!bulk_in || !bulk_out || !int_in)
+                    continue;
+                USB_INFO("New PTP device: VID:%04x PID:%04x [dev: %p - intf: %d]", pointerToDevice->getVid(),
+                                                                                 pointerToDevice->getPid(),
+                                                                                 pointerToDevice, ptp_intf);
+                pointerToDevice->setName("PTP", ptp_intf);
+                host->registerDriver(pointerToDevice, ptp_intf, this, &USBHostPTP::initializeClassData);
+                deviceConnected = true;
+                return true;
+            }
+        } //if()
+    } //for()
+    initializeClassData();
+    return false;
+/*virtual*/ void USBHostPTP::setVidPid(uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid)
+    // we don't check VID/PID for PTP driver
+/*virtual*/ bool USBHostPTP::parseInterface(uint8_t intf_nb, uint8_t intf_class, uint8_t intf_subclass, uint8_t intf_protocol) //Must return true if the interface should be parsed
+    if ((ptp_intf == -1) &&
+        (intf_class == USB_PTP_CLASS_CODE) &&
+        (intf_subclass == 0x01) &&
+        (intf_protocol == 0x01)) {
+        ptp_intf = intf_nb;
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+/*virtual*/ bool USBHostPTP::useEndpoint(uint8_t intf_nb, ENDPOINT_TYPE type, ENDPOINT_DIRECTION dir) //Must return true if the endpoint will be used
+    if (intf_nb == ptp_intf) {
+        if (type == INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT) {
+            numberOfEndpoints++;  
+        }
+        if (type == BULK_ENDPOINT) {
+            numberOfEndpoints++;
+        }
+        if (numberOfEndpoints == 3)
+            deviceFound = true;
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+bool USBHostPTP::CancelRequest(unsigned int TransactionID) {
+    unsigned char buffer[6];
+    int res = 0;
+    buffer[0] =0x01;  //Cancellation Code 0x4001
+    buffer[1] =0x40;
+    buffer[2]= TransactionID & 0xff;
+    buffer[3]= (TransactionID>>8) & 0xff;
+    buffer[4]= (TransactionID>>16) & 0xff;;
+    buffer[5]= (TransactionID>>24) & 0xff;;
+    res = host->controlWrite(   pointerToDevice,
+                                USB_PTP_CLASS_REQUEST_CANCELREQEUST,
+                                0, 0, buffer, 6);
+    return res==0?true:false;
+bool USBHostPTP::DeviceResetRequest(void) {
+    int res = 0;
+    res = host->controlWrite(   pointerToDevice,
+                                USB_PTP_CLASS_REQUEST_DEVICE_RESET,
+                                0, 0, NULL, 0);
+    return res==0?true:false;
+bool USBHostPTP::GetDeviceStatus(void) {
+    unsigned char buffer[6];
+    int res = 0;
+    //TODO: DetermineBuffer size
+    res = host->controlWrite(   pointerToDevice,
+                                USB_PTP_CLASS_REQUEST_GET_DEVICE_STATUS,
+                                0, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+    return res==0?true:false;
+bool USBHostPTP::GetExtendedEventData(void) {
+    unsigned char buffer[6];
+    int res = 0;
+    //TODO: DetermineBuffer size
+    res = host->controlWrite(   pointerToDevice,
+                                USB_PTP_CLASS_REQUEST_GET_EXTENDED_EVENT_DATA,
+                                0, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+    return res==0?true:false;
+bool USBHostPTP::CheckEvent(){
+      int res=0;
+      memset(&eventContainer, 0, sizeof(PIMAContainer));
+      res = host->interruptRead(pointerToDevice, int_in,(uint8_t *)&eventContainer, sizeof(PIMAContainer));
+      if(res!=USB_TYPE_OK)
+         return false;
+      return true;
+int USBHostPTP::checkResult(uint8_t res, USBEndpoint * ep) {
+    // if ep stalled: send clear feature
+    if (res == USB_TYPE_STALL_ERROR) {
+        res = host->controlWrite(   pointerToDevice,
+                                    CLEAR_FEATURE,
+                                    0, ep->getAddress(), NULL, 0);
+        // set state to IDLE if clear feature successful
+        if (res == USB_TYPE_OK) {
+            ep->setState(USB_TYPE_IDLE);
+        }
+    }
+    if (res != USB_TYPE_OK)
+        return -1;
+    return 0;
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::Transaction(uint16_t operationCode, 
+                                 OperFlags *operationFlags,
+                                 uint32_t *parameters,
+                                 void *dataHandlerFunctionCastToVoid){
+  int         transferResult=0;
+  int         i=0;
+  uint8_t     *pointerToUint8tData;
+  uint32_t    bytesReceived=0;
+  uint32_t    bytesRemaining=0;
+  uint32_t    dataToBeHandled=0;
+  uint32_t    responseLength=0;
+  DataHandler dataHandler1 = (DataHandler) dataHandlerFunctionCastToVoid;
+  bool        firstDataBlockReceived=true;
+  if(IsCommandSupported(operationCode)==false)
+       return PIMAReturnCodeOperationNotSupported;
+  commandContainer.len           = PIMAContainerHeaderLength + operationFlags->opParams*4;
+  responseLength                    = PIMAContainerHeaderLength + operationFlags->rsParams*4;  
+  responseContainer.len          = responseLength;
+  commandContainer.opcode        = operationCode;
+  commandContainer.TransactionID = transactionCnt++;
+  for (i=0; i<operationFlags->opParams; i++)
+    commandContainer.param[i]=parameters[i];
+      printf("PTPCommandContainer:\r\n");
+      DumpBuffer((uint8_t *)&commandContainer,commandContainer.len);
+  #endif
+  transferResult = host->bulkWrite(pointerToDevice, bulk_out,(uint8_t *)&commandContainer, commandContainer.len);
+  if (checkResult(transferResult, bulk_out))
+       return PIMAReturnCodeIncompleteTransfer;
+  printf("Command bulkWrite result: %d\r\n",transferResult);
+  #endif
+  if(operationFlags->dataStage==1) {
+    if(operationFlags->txOperation==0) { 
+       do {
+           transferResult = host->bulkRead(pointerToDevice, bulk_in, buffer, 1024);
+           #ifdef USDBPTPDEBUG
+           printf("Data stage bulkRead result: %d\r\n",transferResult);
+           #endif
+           if ( checkResult(transferResult, bulk_in))
+              return PIMAReturnCodeIncompleteTransfer;
+           bytesReceived = bulk_in->getLengthTransferred();   
+           if(firstDataBlockReceived==true) {
+              pointerToUint8tData=(uint8_t *)&dataContainer;
+              for(i=0; i<PIMAContainerHeaderLength; i++){
+                   pointerToUint8tData[i]=buffer[i];
+              }
+              #ifdef USDBPTPDEBUG
+              DumpBuffer(pointerToUint8tData,PIMAContainerHeaderLength);
+              #endif
+              firstDataBlockReceived = false;
+              pointerToUint8tData    = buffer+PIMAContainerHeaderLength;
+              bytesRemaining         = dataContainer.len - PIMAContainerHeaderLength;
+              this->totalDataToTransfer = bytesRemaining;
+              if(dataContainer.type==0x0002)
+                  bytesReceived -= PIMAContainerHeaderLength;
+              #ifdef USDBPTPDEBUG
+              DumpBuffer(pointerToUint8tData,bytesReceived);
+              #endif
+           } else {
+              pointerToUint8tData=buffer;
+           }
+           if(bytesReceived<=bytesRemaining)
+               dataToBeHandled=bytesReceived;
+           else {
+               dataToBeHandled=bytesRemaining;
+           }
+           #ifdef USDBPTPDEBUG
+           printf("Calling Datahandler\r\n");
+           printf("DataToBeHandled: %ld\r\n",dataToBeHandled);
+           #endif   
+           if( dataHandler1!=NULL && dataToBeHandled !=0 )
+                 (*dataHandler1)(this,pointerToUint8tData,dataToBeHandled);
+           #ifdef USDBPTPDEBUG
+           DumpBuffer(buffer,bytesReceived);
+           #endif
+           //IF the Response got appended to Data block            
+           if(bytesReceived<=bytesRemaining) {
+               bytesRemaining-=bytesReceived;
+           } else {
+               #ifdef USDBPTPDEBUG
+               printf("Handling Response Packet in data container\r\n");
+               #endif
+               if(bytesReceived-bytesRemaining==responseLength) {
+                   pointerToUint8tData=(uint8_t *)&responseContainer;
+                   for(i=0;i<responseLength;i++){
+                      pointerToUint8tData[i]=buffer[bytesRemaining+i];
+                   }
+                   return responseContainer.opcode;
+               } else {
+                   return PIMAReturnCodeIncompleteTransfer; 
+               }
+           }
+           this->dataLeftToTransfer = bytesRemaining;
+           #ifdef USDBPTPDEBUG
+           printf("Loopcheck: %ld\r\n",bytesRemaining);
+           #endif
+      } while( bytesRemaining>0 );
+    } else {
+       printf("DataOut not coded\r\n"); 
+    }
+  }
+  transferResult = host->bulkRead(pointerToDevice, bulk_in,(uint8_t *)&responseContainer, sizeof(responseContainer));
+  if (checkResult(transferResult, bulk_in))
+      return PIMAReturnCodeIncompleteTransfer;
+  printf("Response bulkRead result: %d\r\n",transferResult);
+  printf("PTPResponseContainer:\r\n");
+  DumpBuffer((uint8_t *)&responseContainer,responseContainer.len);
+  if(responseContainer.opcode==PIMAReturnCodeOK) {
+    printf("PIMAReturnCodeOK\r\n");
+  } else {
+    printf("Response Length: %x\r\n",responseContainer.len);
+    printf("Response type: %x\r\n",responseContainer.type);
+    printf("Response code: %x\r\n",responseContainer.opcode);
+    printf("Response ID: %d\r\n",responseContainer.TransactionID);
+  }
+  #endif
+  return responseContainer.opcode;
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::Operation(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t nparams, uint32_t *params){
+    OperFlags flags = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
+    flags.opParams = nparams;
+    return Transaction(opcode,&flags,params);
+uint16_t  USBHostPTP::OpenSession(void) {
+    OperFlags flags = {1,0,0,0,0,0};
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_OpenSession,&flags,&sessionID);
+uint16_t  USBHostPTP::CloseSession(void) {
+    OperFlags flags = {1,0,0,0,0,0};
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_CloseSession,&flags,&sessionID);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::GetDeviceInfo(void)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_GetDeviceInfo, &flags,NULL,(void*)&USBHostPTP::ParseDeviceInfoDataBlock);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::PowerDown()
+    OperFlags   flags = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_PowerDown, &flags);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::SelfTest(uint16_t type)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[1];
+    params[0]   = type;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_SelfTest, &flags, params);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::GetObjectHandles(uint32_t storage_id, uint16_t format, uint16_t assoc, void *parser)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[3];
+    params[0] = storage_id;
+    params[1] = (uint32_t)format;
+    params[2] = (uint32_t)assoc;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_GetObjectHandles, &flags, params, parser);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::GetNumObjects(uint32_t *retval, uint32_t storage_id, uint16_t format, uint32_t assoc)
+    uint16_t    ptp_error = PIMAReturnCodeGeneralError;
+    OperFlags   flags = { 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[3];
+    params[0] = storage_id;
+    params[1] = (uint32_t)format;
+    params[2] = (uint32_t)assoc;
+    if ( (ptp_error = Transaction(PTP_OC_GetNumObjects, &flags, params)) == PIMAReturnCodeOK)
+        *retval = responseContainer.param[0];
+    return ptp_error;
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::GetObjectInfo(uint32_t handle)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[1];
+    params[0] = handle;
+    //Clear any previous data, incase a Reponse packet is returned instead of a data packet
+    memset((uint8_t *)&objectInfo,0,0x34);
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_GetObjectInfo, &flags, params, (void*)&USBHostPTP::ParseObjectInfoDataBlock);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::GetThumb(uint32_t handle, void *parser)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[1];
+    params[0] = handle;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_GetThumb, &flags, params, parser);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::GetObject(uint32_t handle, void *parser)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[1];
+    params[0] = handle;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_GetObject, &flags, params, parser);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::GetStorageIDs(void *parser)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_GetStorageIDs, &flags, NULL, parser);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::GetStorageInfo(uint32_t storage_id, void *parser)
+    OperFlags   flags       = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[1]; 
+    params[0]   = storage_id;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_GetStorageInfo, &flags, params, parser);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::CopyObject(uint32_t handle, uint32_t storage_id, uint32_t parent, uint32_t *new_handle)
+    uint16_t    ptp_error = PIMAReturnCodeGeneralError;
+    OperFlags   flags = { 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[3];
+    params[0] = handle;
+    params[1] = storage_id;
+    params[2] = parent;
+    if ( (ptp_error = Transaction(PTP_OC_CopyObject, &flags, params)) == PIMAReturnCodeOK)
+        *new_handle = responseContainer.param[0];
+    return ptp_error;
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::DeleteObject(uint32_t handle, uint16_t format)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[2];
+    params[0] = handle;
+    params[1] = (uint32_t)format;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_DeleteObject, &flags, params);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::SetObjectProtection(uint32_t handle, uint16_t attrib)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[2];
+    params[0] = handle;
+    params[1] = (uint32_t)attrib;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_SetObjectProtection, &flags, params);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::MoveObject(uint32_t handle, uint32_t storage_id, uint32_t parent)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[3];
+    params[0] = handle;
+    params[1] = storage_id;
+    params[2] = parent;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_MoveObject, &flags, params);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::GetDevicePropDesc(const uint16_t pcode, void *parser)
+    OperFlags   flags       = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[1];
+    params[0] = (uint32_t)pcode;
+    if(IsPropertySupported(pcode)==false)
+       return PIMAReturnCodeDevicePropertyNotSupported;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_GetDevicePropDesc, &flags, params, parser);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::GetDevicePropValue(const uint16_t pcode, void *parser)
+    OperFlags   flags       = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[1];
+    params[0] = (uint32_t)pcode;
+    if(IsPropertySupported(pcode)==false)
+       return PIMAReturnCodeDevicePropertyNotSupported;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_GetDevicePropValue, &flags, params, parser);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::SetDevicePropValue(uint16_t pcode, uint32_t val)
+    OperFlags   flags       = { 1, 0, 1, 1, 3, 4 };
+    uint32_t    params[1];
+    uint32_t    value;
+    params[0]   = (uint32_t)pcode;
+    value       = val;
+    if(IsPropertySupported(pcode)==false)
+       return PIMAReturnCodeDevicePropertyNotSupported;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_SetDevicePropValue, &flags, params, (void*)&value);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::ResetDevicePropValue(const uint16_t pcode)
+    OperFlags   flags       = { 1, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[1];
+    params[0] = (uint32_t)pcode;
+    if(IsPropertySupported(pcode)==false)
+       return PIMAReturnCodeDevicePropertyNotSupported;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_ResetDevicePropValue, &flags, params);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::FormatStore(uint32_t storage_id, uint32_t fsformat)
+    OperFlags   flags       = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[2]; 
+    params[0]   = storage_id;
+    params[1]   = fsformat;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_FormatStore, &flags, params);
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::InitiateCapture(uint32_t storage_id, uint16_t format)
+    uint16_t    ptp_error = PIMAReturnCodeGeneralError;
+    OperFlags   flags = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[2];
+    params[0] = storage_id;
+    params[1] = (uint32_t)format;
+    if ( (ptp_error = Transaction(PTP_OC_InitiateCapture, &flags, params)) == PIMAReturnCodeOK){
+    }
+    return ptp_error;
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::InitiateOpenCapture(uint32_t storage_id, uint16_t format)
+    uint16_t    ptp_error = PIMAReturnCodeGeneralError;
+    OperFlags   flags = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[2];
+    params[0] = storage_id;
+    params[1] = (uint32_t)format;
+    if ( (ptp_error = Transaction(PTP_OC_InitiateOpenCapture, &flags, params)) == PIMAReturnCodeOK){
+    }
+    return ptp_error;
+uint16_t USBHostPTP::TerminateOpenCapture(uint32_t trans_id)
+    OperFlags   flags = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint32_t    params[1];
+    params[0] = trans_id;
+    return Transaction(PTP_OC_TerminateOpenCapture, &flags, params);
+void USBHostPTP::ParseDeviceInfoDataBlock(void *ptp,uint8_t *buffer,uint16_t length){
+     uint8_t *currentPtr;
+     USBHostPTP *dev=(USBHostPTP *)ptp;
+     currentPtr=buffer;
+     dev->deviceInfo.standardVersion=*((uint16_t *)currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=2;
+     dev->deviceInfo.vendorExtensionID=*((uint32_t *)currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=4;
+     dev->deviceInfo.vendorExtensionVersion=*((uint16_t *)currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=2;
+     currentPtr+=dev->deviceInfo.vendorExtensionDesc.FillString(currentPtr);
+     dev->deviceInfo.functionMode=*((uint16_t *)currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=2;
+     currentPtr+=dev->deviceInfo.operationsSupported.FillArray(currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=dev->deviceInfo.eventsSupported.FillArray(currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=dev->deviceInfo.devicePropertiesSupported.FillArray(currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=dev->deviceInfo.captureFormats.FillArray(currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=dev->deviceInfo.imageFormats.FillArray(currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=dev->deviceInfo.manufacturer.FillString(currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=dev->deviceInfo.model.FillString(currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=dev->deviceInfo.deviceVersion.FillString(currentPtr);
+     currentPtr+=dev->deviceInfo.serialNumber.FillString(currentPtr);
+void USBHostPTP::ParseObjectInfoDataBlock(void *ptp,uint8_t *buffer,uint16_t length){
+      uint8_t *ptr,*structptr;
+      USBHostPTP *obj=(USBHostPTP *)ptp; 
+      structptr=(uint8_t *) &(obj->objectInfo);
+      ptr=buffer;
+      for(int i=0;i<0x34;i++)
+         structptr[i]=ptr[i];
+      ptr+=0x34;
+      ptr+=obj->objectInfo.filename.FillString(ptr);
+      ptr+=obj->objectInfo.captureDate.FillString(ptr);
+      ptr+=obj->objectInfo.modificationDate.FillString(ptr);
+      ptr+=obj->objectInfo.keywords.FillString(ptr);
+      #ifdef USDBPTPDEBUG
+      obj->DumpObjectInfo();
+      #endif 
+bool USBHostPTP::IsCommandSupported(uint16_t opcode){
+   bool res=false;
+   if(opcode==PTP_OC_OpenSession || opcode==PTP_OC_GetDeviceInfo)
+       res=true;
+   else
+       res = CheckValueInArray(&deviceInfo.operationsSupported,opcode);
+   return res;
+bool USBHostPTP::IsPropertySupported(uint16_t code){
+   return CheckValueInArray(&deviceInfo.devicePropertiesSupported, code);
+bool USBHostPTP::CheckValueInArray(PIMAArray *array, uint16_t code) {
+    bool res=false;
+   for(int i=0; i<array->numberOfElements;i++)
+       if(code == array->codes[i])
+          res=true;
+   return res;
+void USBHostPTP::DumpBuffer(uint8_t *buffer,uint32_t length){
+  for(int i=0;i<length;i++) {
+     printf("%02x ",buffer[i]);
+     if(i % 16 == 15 )
+        printf("\r\n");   
+  }
+  printf("\r\n");
+void USBHostPTP::DumpDeviceInfo(){
+     int i;
+     printf("PIMA standard version:    %x\r\n",deviceInfo.standardVersion);
+     printf("Vendor Extension ID:      %x\r\n",deviceInfo.vendorExtensionID);
+     printf("Vendor Extension Version: %x\r\n",deviceInfo.vendorExtensionVersion);
+     printf("Vendor Extension Description: \r\n");
+     printf("%s\r\n",(deviceInfo.vendorExtensionDesc.getString()));
+     printf("Functional Mode:          %x\r\n",deviceInfo.functionMode);
+     printf("Supported Operations: \r\n");
+     for(i=0;i<deviceInfo.operationsSupported.numberOfElements;i++) {
+       printf("0x%04x\r\n",[i]);
+     }
+     printf("Supported Events: \r\n");
+     for(i=0;i<deviceInfo.eventsSupported.numberOfElements;i++) {
+       printf("0x%04x\r\n",[i]);
+     }
+     printf("Supported Device Properties: \r\n");
+     for(i=0;i<deviceInfo.devicePropertiesSupported.numberOfElements;i++) {
+       printf("0x%04x\r\n",[i]);
+     }
+     printf("Supported Capture Formats: \r\n");
+     for(i=0;i<deviceInfo.captureFormats.numberOfElements;i++) {
+       printf("0x%04x\r\n",[i]);
+     }
+     printf("Supported Image Formats: \r\n");
+     for(i=0;i<deviceInfo.imageFormats.numberOfElements;i++) {
+       printf("0x%04x\r\n",[i]);
+     }
+     printf("Manufacturer: \r\n");
+     printf("%s\r\n",deviceInfo.manufacturer.getString());
+     printf("Model: \r\n");
+     printf("%s\r\n",deviceInfo.model.getString());
+     printf("Device Version: \r\n");
+     printf("%s\r\n",deviceInfo.deviceVersion.getString());
+     printf("Serial Number: \r\n");
+     printf("%s\r\n",deviceInfo.serialNumber.getString());
+void USBHostPTP::DumpObjectInfo(){
+     printf("-----------------------ObjectInfo--------------\r\n");
+     printf("Storage ID:                %08x\r\n",objectInfo.storageID);
+     printf("Object Format:             %04x\r\n",objectInfo.objectFormat);
+     printf("Protection Status:         %04x\r\n",objectInfo.protectionStatus);
+     printf("Compressed Size:           %ld\r\n",objectInfo.objectCompressSize);
+     printf("Thumbnail format:          %04x\r\n",objectInfo.thumbFormat);
+     printf("Thumbnail Compressed size: %04x\r\n",objectInfo.thumbCompressedSize);
+     printf("Thumbnail Width            %ld\r\n",objectInfo.thumbPixWidth);
+     printf("Thumbnail Height:          %ld\r\n",objectInfo.thumbPixHeight);
+     printf("Image Width:               %ld\r\n",objectInfo.imagePixWidth);
+     printf("Image Height:              %ld\r\n",objectInfo.imagePixHeight);
+     printf("Image BitDepth:            %ld\r\n",objectInfo.imageBitDepth);
+     printf("Parent Object:             %04x\r\n",objectInfo.parentObject);
+     printf("Assosiaction Type:         %02x\r\n",objectInfo.associationType);
+     printf("Assosiaction Description:  %04x\r\n",objectInfo.associationDesc);
+     printf("Sequence Number:           %ld\r\n",objectInfo.sequenceNumber);          
+     printf("Filename: \r\n");
+     printf("%s\r\n",objectInfo.filename.getString());
+     printf("Capture Date: \r\n");
+     printf("%s\r\n",objectInfo.captureDate.getString());
+     printf("Modification Date: \r\n");
+     printf("%s\r\n",objectInfo.modificationDate.getString());
+     printf("Keywords: \r\n");
+     printf("%s\r\n",objectInfo.keywords.getString());