Library to allo USB PTP device to be hosted by the mbed platform

Dependents:   class_project_main

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PIMA15740/PIMAconst.h	Fri Aug 23 00:52:52 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Circuits At Home, LTD. All rights reserved.
+This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
+General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software
+Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of
+this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based
+on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
+the GPL2 ("Copyleft").
+Contact information
+Circuits At Home, LTD
+Web      :
+e-mail   :
+#ifndef __PTPCONST_H__
+#define __PTPCONST_H__
+#include <inttypes.h>
+/* PTP USB Bulk-Pipe container */
+/* USB bulk max max packet length for full speed endpoints */
+//#define PTP_USB_BULK_FS_MAX_PACKET_LEN                      64
+//#define PTP_USB_BULK_HDR_LEN                                (2*sizeof(uint32_t)+2*sizeof(uint16_t))
+//#define PTP_USB_BULK_REQ_LEN                                (PTP_USB_BULK_HDR_LEN+5*sizeof(uint32_t))
+#define PIMAContainerHeaderLength  0xc
+/* USB container types */
+#define PTP_USB_CONTAINER_UNDEFINED         0x0000
+#define PTP_USB_CONTAINER_COMMAND           0x0001
+#define PTP_USB_CONTAINER_DATA              0x0002
+#define PTP_USB_CONTAINER_RESPONSE          0x0003
+#define PTP_USB_CONTAINER_EVENT             0x0004
+/* Vendor IDs */
+#define PTP_VENDOR_EASTMAN_KODAK            0x00000001
+#define PTP_VENDOR_SEIKO_EPSON              0x00000002
+#define PTP_VENDOR_AGILENT                  0x00000003
+#define PTP_VENDOR_POLAROID                 0x00000004
+#define PTP_VENDOR_AGFA_GEVAERT             0x00000005
+#define PTP_VENDOR_MICROSOFT                0x00000006
+#define PTP_VENDOR_EQUINOX                  0x00000007
+#define PTP_VENDOR_VIEWQUEST                0x00000008
+#define PTP_VENDOR_STMICROELECTRONICS       0x00000009
+#define PTP_VENDOR_NIKON                    0x0000000A
+#define PTP_VENDOR_CANON                    0x0000000B
+#define PTP_VENDOR_FOTONATION               0x0000000C
+#define PTP_VENDOR_PENTAX                   0x0000000D
+#define PTP_VENDOR_FUJI                     0x0000000E
+/* Operation Codes */
+#define PTP_OC_Undefined                    0x1000
+#define PTP_OC_GetDeviceInfo                0x1001
+#define PTP_OC_OpenSession                  0x1002
+#define PTP_OC_CloseSession                 0x1003
+#define PTP_OC_GetStorageIDs                0x1004
+#define PTP_OC_GetStorageInfo               0x1005
+#define PTP_OC_GetNumObjects                0x1006
+#define PTP_OC_GetObjectHandles             0x1007
+#define PTP_OC_GetObjectInfo                0x1008
+#define PTP_OC_GetObject                    0x1009
+#define PTP_OC_GetThumb                     0x100A
+#define PTP_OC_DeleteObject                 0x100B
+#define PTP_OC_SendObjectInfo               0x100C
+#define PTP_OC_SendObject                   0x100D
+#define PTP_OC_InitiateCapture              0x100E
+#define PTP_OC_FormatStore                  0x100F
+#define PTP_OC_ResetDevice                  0x1010
+#define PTP_OC_SelfTest                     0x1011
+#define PTP_OC_SetObjectProtection          0x1012
+#define PTP_OC_PowerDown                    0x1013
+#define PTP_OC_GetDevicePropDesc            0x1014
+#define PTP_OC_GetDevicePropValue           0x1015
+#define PTP_OC_SetDevicePropValue           0x1016
+#define PTP_OC_ResetDevicePropValue         0x1017
+#define PTP_OC_TerminateOpenCapture         0x1018
+#define PTP_OC_MoveObject                   0x1019
+#define PTP_OC_CopyObject                   0x101A
+#define PTP_OC_GetPartialObject             0x101B
+#define PTP_OC_InitiateOpenCapture          0x101C
+/* Proprietary vendor extension operations mask */
+#define PTP_OC_EXTENSION_MASK               0xF000
+#define PTP_OC_EXTENSION                    0x9000
+/* Response Codes */
+#define PIMAReturnCodeUndefined                    0x2000
+#define PIMAReturnCodeOK                           0x2001
+#define PIMAReturnCodeGeneralError                 0x2002
+#define PIMAReturnCodeSessionNotOpen               0x2003
+#define PIMAReturnCodeInvalidTransactionID         0x2004
+#define PIMAReturnCodeOperationNotSupported        0x2005
+#define PIMAReturnCodeParameterNotSupported        0x2006
+#define PIMAReturnCodeIncompleteTransfer           0x2007
+#define PIMAReturnCodeInvalidStorageId             0x2008
+#define PIMAReturnCodeInvalidObjectHandle          0x2009
+#define PIMAReturnCodeDevicePropertyNotSupported   0x200A
+#define PIMAReturnCodeInvalidObjectFormatCode      0x200B
+#define PIMAReturnCodeStoreFull                    0x200C
+#define PIMAReturnCodeObjectWriteProtected         0x200D
+#define PIMAReturnCodeStoreReadOnly                0x200E
+#define PIMAReturnCodeAccessDenied                 0x200F
+#define PIMAReturnCodeNoThumbnailPresent           0x2010
+#define PIMAReturnCodeSelfTestFailed               0x2011
+#define PIMAReturnCodePartialDeletion              0x2012
+#define PIMAReturnCodeStoreNotAvailable            0x2013
+#define PIMAReturnCodeSpecificationByFormatUnsupported         0x2014
+#define PIMAReturnCodeNoValidObjectInfo            0x2015
+#define PIMAReturnCodeInvalidCodeFormat            0x2016
+#define PIMAReturnCodeUnknownVendorCode            0x2017
+#define PIMAReturnCodeCaptureAlreadyTerminated     0x2018
+#define PIMAReturnCodeDeviceBusy                   0x2019
+#define PIMAReturnCodeInvalidParentObject          0x201A
+#define PIMAReturnCodeInvalidDevicePropFormat      0x201B
+#define PIMAReturnCodeInvalidDevicePropValue       0x201C
+#define PIMAReturnCodeInvalidParameter             0x201D
+#define PIMAReturnCodeSessionAlreadyOpened         0x201E
+#define PIMAReturnCodeTransactionCanceled          0x201F
+#define PIMAReturnCodeSpecificationOfDestinationUnsupported    0x2020
+/* Proprietary vendor extension response code mask */
+#define PIMAReturnCodeEXTENSION_MASK               0xF000
+#define PIMAReturnCodeEXTENSION                    0xA000
+/* PTP Event Codes */
+#define PTP_EC_Undefined                    0x4000
+#define PTP_EC_CancelTransaction            0x4001
+#define PTP_EC_ObjectAdded                  0x4002
+#define PTP_EC_ObjectRemoved                0x4003
+#define PTP_EC_StoreAdded                   0x4004
+#define PTP_EC_StoreRemoved                 0x4005
+#define PTP_EC_DevicePropChanged            0x4006
+#define PTP_EC_ObjectInfoChanged            0x4007
+#define PTP_EC_DeviceInfoChanged            0x4008
+#define PTP_EC_RequestObjectTransfer        0x4009
+#define PTP_EC_StoreFull                    0x400A
+#define PTP_EC_DeviceReset                  0x400B
+#define PTP_EC_StorageInfoChanged           0x400C
+#define PTP_EC_CaptureComplete              0x400D
+#define PTP_EC_UnreportedStatus             0x400E
+#define PTP_HANDLER_SPECIAL                 0xffffffff
+#define PTP_HANDLER_ROOT                    0x00000000
+/* max ptp string length INCLUDING terminating null character */
+#define PTP_MAXSTRLEN                       255
+/* PTP Object Format Codes */
+/* ancillary formats */
+#define PTP_OFC_Undefined                   0x3000
+#define PTP_OFC_Association                 0x3001
+#define PTP_OFC_Script                      0x3002
+#define PTP_OFC_Executable                  0x3003
+#define PTP_OFC_Text                        0x3004
+#define PTP_OFC_HTML                        0x3005
+#define PTP_OFC_DPOF                        0x3006
+#define PTP_OFC_AIFF                        0x3007
+#define PTP_OFC_WAV                         0x3008
+#define PTP_OFC_MP3                         0x3009
+#define PTP_OFC_AVI                         0x300A
+#define PTP_OFC_MPEG                        0x300B
+#define PTP_OFC_ASF                         0x300C
+#define PTP_OFC_QT                          0x300D /* guessing */
+/* image formats */
+#define PTP_OFC_EXIF_JPEG                   0x3801
+#define PTP_OFC_TIFF_EP                     0x3802
+#define PTP_OFC_FlashPix                    0x3803
+#define PTP_OFC_BMP                         0x3804
+#define PTP_OFC_CIFF                        0x3805
+#define PTP_OFC_Undefined_0x3806            0x3806
+#define PTP_OFC_GIF                         0x3807
+#define PTP_OFC_JFIF                        0x3808
+#define PTP_OFC_PCD                         0x3809
+#define PTP_OFC_PICT                        0x380A
+#define PTP_OFC_PNG                         0x380B
+#define PTP_OFC_Undefined_0x380C            0x380C
+#define PTP_OFC_TIFF                        0x380D
+#define PTP_OFC_TIFF_IT                     0x380E
+#define PTP_OFC_JP2                         0x380F
+#define PTP_OFC_JPX                         0x3810
+/* PTP Association Types */
+#define PTP_AT_Undefined                    0x0000
+#define PTP_AT_GenericFolder                0x0001
+#define PTP_AT_Album                        0x0002
+#define PTP_AT_TimeSequence                 0x0003
+#define PTP_AT_HorizontalPanoramic          0x0004
+#define PTP_AT_VerticalPanoramic            0x0005
+#define PTP_AT_2DPanoramic                  0x0006
+#define PTP_AT_AncillaryData                0x0007
+/* PTP Protection Status */
+#define PTP_PS_NoProtection                 0x0000
+#define PTP_PS_ReadOnly                     0x0001
+/* PTP Storage Types */
+#define PTP_ST_Undefined                    0x0000
+#define PTP_ST_FixedROM                     0x0001
+#define PTP_ST_RemovableROM                 0x0002
+#define PTP_ST_FixedRAM                     0x0003
+#define PTP_ST_RemovableRAM                 0x0004
+/* PTP FilesystemType Values */
+#define PTP_FST_Undefined                   0x0000
+#define PTP_FST_GenericFlat                 0x0001
+#define PTP_FST_GenericHierarchical         0x0002
+#define PTP_FST_DCF                         0x0003
+/* PTP StorageInfo AccessCapability Values */
+#define PTP_AC_ReadWrite                        0x0000
+#define PTP_AC_ReadOnly                         0x0001
+#define PTP_AC_ReadOnly_with_Object_Deletion    0x0002
+/* DataType Codes */
+#define PTP_DTC_UNDEF                       0x0000
+#define PTP_DTC_INT8                        0x0001
+#define PTP_DTC_UINT8                       0x0002
+#define PTP_DTC_INT16                       0x0003
+#define PTP_DTC_UINT16                      0x0004
+#define PTP_DTC_INT32                       0x0005
+#define PTP_DTC_UINT32                      0x0006
+#define PTP_DTC_INT64                       0x0007
+#define PTP_DTC_UINT64                      0x0008
+#define PTP_DTC_INT128                      0x0009
+#define PTP_DTC_UINT128                     0x000A
+#define PTP_DTC_AINT8                       0x4001
+#define PTP_DTC_AUINT8                      0x4002
+#define PTP_DTC_AINT16                      0x4003
+#define PTP_DTC_AUINT16                     0x4004
+#define PTP_DTC_AINT32                      0x4005
+#define PTP_DTC_AUINT32                     0x4006
+#define PTP_DTC_AINT64                      0x4007
+#define PTP_DTC_AUINT64                     0x4008
+#define PTP_DTC_AINT128                     0x4009
+#define PTP_DTC_AUINT128                    0x400A
+#define PTP_DTC_STR                         0xFFFF
+/* Device Properties Codes */
+#define PTP_DPC_Undefined                   0x5000
+#define PTP_DPC_BatteryLevel                0x5001
+#define PTP_DPC_FunctionalMode              0x5002
+#define PTP_DPC_ImageSize                   0x5003
+#define PTP_DPC_CompressionSetting          0x5004
+#define PTP_DPC_WhiteBalance                0x5005
+#define PTP_DPC_RGBGain                     0x5006
+#define PTP_DPC_FNumber                     0x5007
+#define PTP_DPC_FocalLength                 0x5008
+#define PTP_DPC_FocusDistance               0x5009
+#define PTP_DPC_FocusMode                   0x500A
+#define PTP_DPC_ExposureMeteringMode        0x500B
+#define PTP_DPC_FlashMode                   0x500C
+#define PTP_DPC_ExposureTime                0x500D
+#define PTP_DPC_ExposureProgramMode         0x500E
+#define PTP_DPC_ExposureIndex               0x500F
+#define PTP_DPC_ExposureBiasCompensation    0x5010
+#define PTP_DPC_DateTime                    0x5011
+#define PTP_DPC_CaptureDelay                0x5012
+#define PTP_DPC_StillCaptureMode            0x5013
+#define PTP_DPC_Contrast                    0x5014
+#define PTP_DPC_Sharpness                   0x5015
+#define PTP_DPC_DigitalZoom                 0x5016
+#define PTP_DPC_EffectMode                  0x5017
+#define PTP_DPC_BurstNumber                 0x5018
+#define PTP_DPC_BurstInterval               0x5019
+#define PTP_DPC_TimelapseNumber             0x501A
+#define PTP_DPC_TimelapseInterval           0x501B
+#define PTP_DPC_FocusMeteringMode           0x501C
+#define PTP_DPC_UploadURL                   0x501D
+#define PTP_DPC_Artist                      0x501E
+#define PTP_DPC_CopyrightInfo               0x501F
+/* Proprietary vendor extension device property mask */
+#define PTP_DPC_EXTENSION_MASK              0xF000
+#define PTP_DPC_EXTENSION                   0xD000
+/* Device Property Form Flag */
+#define PTP_DPFF_None                       0x00
+#define PTP_DPFF_Range                      0x01
+#define PTP_DPFF_Enumeration                0x02
+/* Device Property GetSet type */
+#define PTP_DPGS_Get                        0x00
+#define PTP_DPGS_GetSet                     0x01
+#endif //__PTPCONST_H__