A web server for monitoring and controlling a MakerBot Replicator over the USB host and ethernet.

Dependencies:   IAP NTPClient RTC mbed-rtos mbed Socket lwip-sys lwip BurstSPI

Fork of LPC1768_Mini-DK by Frank Vannieuwkerke

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00001 /*
00002 Authors : Erik Olieman/Frank Vannieuwkerke
00003 ------------------------------------------
00005     11/12/2012  Initial code (ported from Peter Drescher's code - http://mbed.org/cookbook/SPI-driven-QVGA-TFT
00006                 Replaced DMA code with SPI code - modified several functions to fit ILI9320.
00008     12/12/2012  (SPI_TFT) Replaced circle and fillcircle with draw_ellipse and fill_ellipse
00009                           Modified rect and fillrect: use width and height parameters instead of x1,y1
00011     31/12/2012  lpc1768 SPI port: problem when using SD and TFT simultaneously - solution provided by Erik Olieman
00012                 see note http://mbed.org/comments/cr/83/2654/#c4768
00014                 Code readability and speed
00015                   1. created separate structure for mini-DK (base for library)
00016                   2. Removed wr_dat_only routine (uses 8 bit transfer = slow) in SPI_TFT
00017                      Replaced each wr_dat_only with
00018                        _spi.format(16,3);
00019                        .....
00020                        _spi.write(...);
00021                        .....
00022                        _spi.format(8,3);
00023                   3. Creation of Mini-DK.h with all declarations specific to the mini-DK board.
00025                 Removed reset pin from SPI_TFT (not needed - pin is connected to main reset).
00027                 Separated SPI_TFT from TouchADS7843
00029                 In main.cpp
00030                 ----------- 
00031                 TouchScreenADS7843 initialisation: pointer to SPI_TFT needed for calibration, drawcross and drawpoint routines.
00033                 Moved following global touch var declarations from main.cpp back to touch.cpp/.h
00034                   Matrix      matrix;
00035                   Coordinate  display;
00036                   Coordinate  screen;
00037                   NOTE : i did not create a class with var readback, just used plain C notation.
00038                          These vars can be accessed from other code through <classname>.<varname>
00039                          example : TP.display.x
00040                          Only drawback : Each element of these vars needs to be initialised separately.
00041                                          (initialisation of these vars is not possible with array notation).
00043                 In Touch.cpp/.h
00044                 ---------------
00045                 TouchScreenADS7843 constructor: added pointer to SPI_TFT - needed for calibration, drawcross and drawpoint routines.
00046                                                 If LCD calls are not needed, initialise TouchScreenADS7843 with NULL pointer for LCD.
00048                 Removed TP_Init - moved TP_init code to constructor.
00050                 Variables in call to TouchPanel_Calibrate, Read_Ads7846, getDisplayPoint are no longer needed.
00051                 Modified these routines accordingly in touch.cpp/.h (pointers no longer needed)
00053                 Read_Ads7846: is also called in TouchPanel_Calibrate (Touch.cpp) with other var.
00054                               Modified Read_Ads7846 to allow call with/without (parameter).
00055                               When called without (parameter) - screen variable is used, otherwise (parameter) is used.
00056                               in Touch.h - unsigned char Read_Ads7846(Coordinate * screenPtr); replaced with
00057                                            unsigned char Read_Ads7846(Coordinate * screenPtr = NULL);
00058                               in Touch.cpp - if (screenPtr == NULL) screenPtr = &screen; added.
00063                 In SPI_TFT
00064                 ----------
00065                 Changed the SPI object to a BurstSPI object
00066                 All cases where large numbers of bytes are written (filled rect, cls, etc) have been replaced by fastWrite functions for higher speed
00067                 mbed library updated to this century
00068                 Colorwheel stepsize reduced to 1 in main.cpp
00070                 Known issues: claim function for stdout does not work
00071                               Removed stream name from TextDisplay (not used in current mbed version)
00074     03/01/2013  General cleaning:
00075                     SPI_TFT::window function changed to use ints instead of unsigned ints, and made virtual to remove warnings.
00076                     In SPI_TFT.cpp GraphicsDiplay initialization moved to front to remove warnings
00077                     In Touch.cpp TFT pointer initialization moved to front to remove warnings
00078                     In Mini_DK.h    Added SD card pins
00079                                     Added two macros to enable/disable the LCD MISO pin, allowing use of both SD card and LCD
00080                                     Usage (in your main function): 
00081                                         ENABLE_LCD_MISO when you want to read from LCD
00082                                         DISABLE_LCD_MISO when you want to read from SD
00083                 Faster SPI write: BurstSPI libary added.
00084                                   _spi.write replaced with _spi.fastWrite
00085                                   (http://mbed.org/users/Sissors/code/BurstSPI/docs/600eecd89a78/BurstSPI_8cpp_source.html)
00086                 Code cleanup & comments added.
00087                 Separate Mini_DK library created.
00089     04/01/2013  Added ability to use bitmaps from any filesystem.
00090                 Added conversion to be able to use 24 bit bitmaps.
00091                 NOTE : Don't forget to load the official mbed SDFileSystem library!! 
00093     06/01/2013  Bug fix in Bitmap function: orientation.
00094                 Added IAP (In-Application programming): internal Flash memory access library.
00095                 Added option to use a background image: #define USE_FLASH_BUFFER introduced in SPI_TFT.h
00096                                                         When omitted, the bitmap is NOT copied to flash memory.
00097                 Bitmap function: comments about return codes updated.
00098                 Background image remains static when orientation is changed.
00099                 Constructor modified in SPI_TFT: backgroundOrientation = 0;
00100                                                  changed to
00101                                                  #ifdef USE_FLASH_BUFFER
00102                                                  backgroundOrientation = 0;
00103                                                  #endif
00105     08/01/2013  Stream & claim issues resolved: mbed library has been updated by the mbed team to allow
00106                                                 stream name => claim function can be used again.
00107                                                 Changed 'TextDisplay::TextDisplay(const char *name) : Stream()' back to 
00108                                                 TextDisplay::TextDisplay(const char *name) : Stream(name) in TextDisplay.cpp
00109                 #define USE_FLASH_BUFFER (SPI_TFT.h) replaced with #define NO_FLASH_BUFFER (Mini_DK.h). When copy to flash
00110                 is not needed, enable this option.
00112     09/01/2013  Code cleanup: modifs.h streamlined.
00113                               SPI_TFT.cpp and SPI_TFT.h comments.
00114                               Touch.cpp commnets.
00116 */