A web server for monitoring and controlling a MakerBot Replicator over the USB host and ethernet.

Dependencies:   IAP NTPClient RTC mbed-rtos mbed Socket lwip-sys lwip BurstSPI

Fork of LPC1768_Mini-DK by Frank Vannieuwkerke

Makerbot Server for LPC1768 Copyright (c) 2013, jake (at) allaboutjake (dot) com All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  • The name of the author and/or copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.



This is not a commercial product or a hardened and secure network appliance. It is intended as a thought experiment or proof of concept and should not be relied upon in any way. Always operate your 3D printer in a safe and controlled manner.

Do not connect this directly to the exposed internet. It is intended to be behind a secure firewall (and NAT) such that it will only accept commands from the local network. Imagine how much fun a hacker could have instructing your 3D printer to continually print Standford bunnies. Well it could be much worse then that- a malicious user could send commands that could crash your machine (both in the software sense, as well as in the "smash your moving parts against the side of the machine repeatedly sense), overheat your extruders, cause your build plate to catch fire, and do severe damage to the machine, any surrounding building and propery. You have been warned.

Never print unattended and be ready to step in and stop the machine if something goes wrong. Keep in mind, a 3D printer has heaters that are operating at high temperatures, and if something starts to burn, it could cause damage to the machine, other property, and/or hurt yourself, pets, or others.

You should understand what you are doing. The source code here is not intended as a finished product or set of step by step instructions. You should engineer your own solution, which may wind up being better than mine.

Proceed at your own risk. You've been warned. (Several times) If you break your Makerbot, burn your house down, or injure yourself or others, I take no responsibility.


I've been working on a side project to solve the "last mile" problem for people wanting to print from the network on their bots. I feel like the first half of the problem is solved with the FlashAir- getting the files to the card. The next step is a lightweight way of sending the "play back capture" command to the bot.

I looked around for a microcontroller platform that supports both networking and can function as a USB host. I happened to have an mbed (mbed) on hand that fit the bill. The mbed also has a working online toolchain (you need to own an mbed to gain access to the compiler). Some people don't like the online development environment, but I'm a fan of "working" and "Mac compatible." It was a good start, but cost wise, you would need an mbed LPC1768 module and some sort of carrier board that has both USB host and ethernet, or rig up your own connector solution. I happened to also have a Seedstudio mbed shield carrier board. This provides ethernet and USB connectors, but is another $25, putting the solution at around $75.

I also had an LPC1768 development board here called the "Mini-DK2". It has a USB host and a wired ethernet connector on board (search ebay if you're interested). It's a single-board solution that costs only $32 (and for $40 you can get one with a touchscreen) Its the cheapest development board I've seen with both USB host and an ethernet connector. I considered RasPi, but I'm not on that bandwagon. Since I had the Mini-DK2 on hand from another project that never went anywhere, I moved from the mbed module and carrier board to the DK2.

The mbed environment can compile binaries that work on the DK2 (again, you need to own at least one 1768 mbed already to get a license to use the compiler), and the mbed libraries provide some nice features. A USB Host library and and Ethernet library were readily available. The USBHost library didn't quite work out of the box. It took some time and more learning about the USB protocols than I would have liked, but I have the board communicating over the USB Host and the Makerbot.

Changes to stock mbed libraries

Many libraries are imported, but then converted to folders as to unlink them.

mbed provides a USHost library that includes a USBHostSerial object for connecting to CDC serial devices. Unfortunately, it did not work for me out of the box. I spent some time learning about USB protocols. One good reference is [Jan Axelson's Lakeview Research](http://www.lvr.com/usb_virtual_com_port.htm) discussion about CDC.

I found that the stock library was sending the control transfers to Interface 1. From what I understand, the control transfers needed to go to interface 0. I modified the USBHostSerial library to correct this, and the serial port interface came to life.

Next, I found that I wasn't able to get reliable communication. I traced it to what I think is an odd C++ inheritance and override problem. The USBHostSerial class implements the Stream interface, allowing printf/scanf operations. This is done by overriding the virtual _getc and _putc methods. Unfortunately, and for a reason I can't understand, these methods were not being called consistently. Sometimes they would work, but other times they would not. My solution was to implement transmit/receive methods with different names, and since the names were different, they seemed to get called consistently. I'd like to learn exactly what's going on here, but I don't feel like debugging it for academic purposes when it works just fine with the added methods.


Connect up your chosen dev board to power, ethernet and the USB host to the Makerbot's USB cable. The Mini-DK uses a USB-OTG adapter for the USB host. If you're using a Mini-DK board with an LCD, it will inform you of it's IP address on the display. This means it is now listening for a connection on port 7654.

If you are using an mbed dev board, or a Mini-DK without a display, the message will be directed to the serial console. Connect your computer to the appropriate port at a baud rate of 115200 to see the messages.

Use a telnet client to connect to the given IP address at port 7654. Telnet clients typically revert to "line mode" on ports other than 21. This means you get a local echo and the command isn't sent until you press enter.

Once connected, you can send the following commands:

A <username>:<password> : Set a username & password for the web interface and the telnet interface. Use the format shown with a colon separating the username from the password.

V : Print the version and Makerbot name, as well as the local firmware version (the Makerbot_Server firmware as discussed here).

B <filename.x3g> : Build from SD the given filename. According tot he protocol spec, this command is limited to 12 characters, so 8.3 filenames only.

P : Pause an active build

R : Resume active build

C : Cancel build- note that this immediately halts the build and does not clear the build area. You might want to pause the build first, and then cancel shortly after to make sure the nozzle isn't left hot and in contact with a printed part.

S : Print build status, tool and platform temps

Q : Quit and logout

The Mini-DK has two onboard buttons (besides the ISP and reset buttons). Currently one button will trigger a pause (if the Makerbot is printing) and the other will resume (if the Makerbot it paused)


Edit "Target.h" to set whether you're building for an MBED module or the Mini-DK2


If you are using a mbed, then you can simply load the BIN file to the mbed using the mass storage bootloader. The mbed mounts as if it were a USB thumbdrive, and you copy the BIN file to the drive. After a reset, you're running the installed firmware.

The MiniDK has a serial bootloader. You connect to this bootloader from the "top" USB connector (not the USB host one). Hold down the ISP button and then tap the reset button and then release the ISP button to put it into programming mode. I use [lpc21isp](http://sourceforge.net/projects/lpc21isp/) to load the binary. The other option is FlashMagic, which uses HEX files, so you'll need to use some sort of bin2hex utility to convert the firmware file if you use this utility. I can't really say if/how this works, as I don't use this method. See this (http://mbed.org/users/frankvnk/notebook/lpc1768-mini-dk/) for more info.


Some credits, where credit is due.

EthernetInterface - modified to include PHY code for both the MiniDK2 and MBED based on selected #definitions

Mini-DK - Thanks for Frank and Erik for doing all the heavy lifting getting the MBED compiler and libraries and peripherals working on the Mini-DK2

NTP Client - Thanks to Donatien for this library to set the clock over the network

RTC - Thanks to Erik for the RTC library. I've got it in my project, but I don't think I'm using it for anything (yet).

SimpleSocket - Thanks to Yamaguchi-san. Modified slightly to take out references to EthernetInterface::init() and ::getIPAddress(). For some reason these don't like to be called in a thread.

JPEGCamera - Thanks again to Yamaguchi-san. Modified to output the JPEG binary over a socket rather than to a file descriptor.

USBHost - modified as noted above

IAP - Thanks to Okano-san. Pulled out of the Mini-DK folder so that I could link it back to the base repository at the root level.

diff -r 27a488215184 -r 688b3e3958fd EthernetInterface/lwip-eth/arch/lpc_phy_lan8720.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EthernetInterface/lwip-eth/arch/lpc_phy_lan8720.c	Fri Aug 23 21:45:08 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#include "Target.h"
+* $Id$        lpc_phy_lan8720.c            2011-11-20
+* @file        lpc_phy_lan8720.c
+* @brief    LAN8720 PHY status and control.
+* @version    1.0
+* @date        20 Nov. 2011
+* @author    NXP MCU SW Application Team
+* Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor
+* All rights reserved.
+* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
+* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
+* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
+* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
+* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
+* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
+* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
+* use without further testing or modification.
+#include "lwip/opt.h"
+#include "lwip/err.h"
+#include "lwip/tcpip.h"
+#include "lwip/snmp.h"
+#include "lpc_emac_config.h"
+#include "lpc_phy.h"
+/** @defgroup lan8720_phy    PHY status and control for the LAN8720.
+ * @ingroup lwip_phy
+ *
+ * Various functions for controlling and monitoring the status of the
+ * LAN8720 PHY. In polled (standalone) systems, the PHY state must be
+ * monitored as part of the application. In a threaded (RTOS) system,
+ * the PHY state is monitored by the PHY handler thread. The MAC
+ * driver will not transmit unless the PHY link is active.
+ * @{
+ */
+/** \brief  LAN8720 PHY register offsets */
+#define LAN8_BCR_REG        0x0  /**< Basic Control Register */
+#define LAN8_BSR_REG        0x1  /**< Basic Status Reg */
+#define LAN8_PHYID1_REG     0x2  /**< PHY ID 1 Reg  */
+#define LAN8_PHYID2_REG     0x3  /**< PHY ID 2 Reg */
+#define LAN8_PHYSPLCTL_REG  0x1F /**< PHY special control/status Reg */
+/* LAN8720 BCR register definitions */
+#define LAN8_RESET          (1 << 15)  /**< 1= S/W Reset */
+#define LAN8_LOOPBACK       (1 << 14)  /**< 1=loopback Enabled */
+#define LAN8_SPEED_SELECT   (1 << 13)  /**< 1=Select 100MBps */
+#define LAN8_AUTONEG        (1 << 12)  /**< 1=Enable auto-negotiation */
+#define LAN8_POWER_DOWN     (1 << 11)  /**< 1=Power down PHY */
+#define LAN8_ISOLATE        (1 << 10)  /**< 1=Isolate PHY */
+#define LAN8_RESTART_AUTONEG (1 << 9)  /**< 1=Restart auto-negoatiation */
+#define LAN8_DUPLEX_MODE    (1 << 8)   /**< 1=Full duplex mode */
+/* LAN8720 BSR register definitions */
+#define LAN8_100BASE_T4     (1 << 15)  /**< T4 mode */
+#define LAN8_100BASE_TX_FD  (1 << 14)  /**< 100MBps full duplex */
+#define LAN8_100BASE_TX_HD  (1 << 13)  /**< 100MBps half duplex */
+#define LAN8_10BASE_T_FD    (1 << 12)  /**< 100Bps full duplex */
+#define LAN8_10BASE_T_HD    (1 << 11)  /**< 10MBps half duplex */
+#define LAN8_AUTONEG_COMP   (1 << 5)   /**< Auto-negotation complete */
+#define LAN8_RMT_FAULT      (1 << 4)   /**< Fault */
+#define LAN8_AUTONEG_ABILITY (1 << 3)  /**< Auto-negotation supported */
+#define LAN8_LINK_STATUS    (1 << 2)   /**< 1=Link active */
+#define LAN8_JABBER_DETECT  (1 << 1)   /**< Jabber detect */
+#define LAN8_EXTEND_CAPAB   (1 << 0)   /**< Supports extended capabilities */
+/* LAN8720 PHYSPLCTL status definitions */
+#define LAN8_SPEEDMASK      (7 << 2)   /**< Speed and duplex mask */
+#define LAN8_SPEED100F      (6 << 2)   /**< 100BT full duplex */
+#define LAN8_SPEED10F       (5 << 2)   /**< 10BT full duplex */
+#define LAN8_SPEED100H      (2 << 2)   /**< 100BT half duplex */
+#define LAN8_SPEED10H       (1 << 2)   /**< 10BT half duplex */
+/* LAN8720 PHY ID 1/2 register definitions */
+#define LAN8_PHYID1_OUI     0x0007     /**< Expected PHY ID1 */
+#define LAN8_PHYID2_OUI     0xC0F0     /**< Expected PHY ID2, except last 4 bits */
+ * @brief PHY status structure used to indicate current status of PHY.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    u32_t     phy_speed_100mbs:2; /**< 10/100 MBS connection speed flag. */
+    u32_t     phy_full_duplex:2;  /**< Half/full duplex connection speed flag. */
+    u32_t     phy_link_active:2;  /**< Phy link active flag. */
+/** \brief  PHY update flags */
+static PHY_STATUS_TYPE physts;
+/** \brief  Last PHY update flags, used for determing if something has changed */
+static PHY_STATUS_TYPE olddphysts;
+/** \brief  PHY update counter for state machine */
+static s32_t phyustate;
+/** \brief  Update PHY status from passed value
+ *
+ *  This function updates the current PHY status based on the
+ *  passed PHY status word. The PHY status indicate if the link
+ *  is active, the connection speed, and duplex.
+ *
+ *  \param[in]    netif   NETIF structure
+ *  \param[in]    linksts Status word with link state
+ *  \param[in]    sdsts   Status word with speed and duplex states
+ *  \return        1 if the status has changed, otherwise 0
+ */
+static s32_t lpc_update_phy_sts(struct netif *netif, u32_t linksts, u32_t sdsts)
+    s32_t changed = 0;
+    /* Update link active status */
+    if (linksts & LAN8_LINK_STATUS)
+        physts.phy_link_active = 1;
+    else
+        physts.phy_link_active = 0;
+    switch (sdsts & LAN8_SPEEDMASK) {
+        case LAN8_SPEED100F:
+        default:
+            physts.phy_speed_100mbs = 1;
+            physts.phy_full_duplex = 1;
+            break;
+        case LAN8_SPEED10F:
+            physts.phy_speed_100mbs = 0;
+            physts.phy_full_duplex = 1;
+            break;
+        case LAN8_SPEED100H:
+            physts.phy_speed_100mbs = 1;
+            physts.phy_full_duplex = 0;
+            break;
+        case LAN8_SPEED10H:
+            physts.phy_speed_100mbs = 0;
+            physts.phy_full_duplex = 0;
+            break;
+    }
+    if (physts.phy_speed_100mbs != olddphysts.phy_speed_100mbs) {
+        changed = 1;
+        if (physts.phy_speed_100mbs) {
+            /* 100MBit mode. */
+            lpc_emac_set_speed(1);
+            NETIF_INIT_SNMP(netif, snmp_ifType_ethernet_csmacd, 100000000);
+        }
+        else {
+            /* 10MBit mode. */
+            lpc_emac_set_speed(0);
+            NETIF_INIT_SNMP(netif, snmp_ifType_ethernet_csmacd, 10000000);
+        }
+        olddphysts.phy_speed_100mbs = physts.phy_speed_100mbs;
+    }
+    if (physts.phy_full_duplex != olddphysts.phy_full_duplex) {
+        changed = 1;
+        if (physts.phy_full_duplex)
+            lpc_emac_set_duplex(1);
+        else
+            lpc_emac_set_duplex(0);
+        olddphysts.phy_full_duplex = physts.phy_full_duplex;
+    }
+    if (physts.phy_link_active != olddphysts.phy_link_active) {
+        changed = 1;
+#if NO_SYS == 1
+        if (physts.phy_link_active)
+            netif_set_link_up(netif);
+        else
+            netif_set_link_down(netif);
+        if (physts.phy_link_active)
+            tcpip_callback_with_block((tcpip_callback_fn) netif_set_link_up,
+                (void*) netif, 1);
+         else
+            tcpip_callback_with_block((tcpip_callback_fn) netif_set_link_down,
+                (void*) netif, 1);
+        olddphysts.phy_link_active = physts.phy_link_active;
+    }
+    return changed;
+/** \brief  Initialize the LAN8720 PHY.
+ *
+ *  This function initializes the LAN8720 PHY. It will block until
+ *  complete. This function is called as part of the EMAC driver
+ *  initialization. Configuration of the PHY at startup is
+ *  controlled by setting up configuration defines in
+ *  lpc_emac_config.h.
+ *
+ *  \param[in]     netif   NETIF structure
+ *  \param[in]     rmii    If set, configures the PHY for RMII mode
+ *  \return        ERR_OK if the setup was successful, otherwise ERR_TIMEOUT
+ */
+err_t lpc_phy_init(struct netif *netif, int rmii)
+    u32_t tmp;//, tmp1;
+    s32_t i;
+    physts.phy_speed_100mbs = olddphysts.phy_speed_100mbs = 2;
+    physts.phy_full_duplex = olddphysts.phy_full_duplex = 2;
+    physts.phy_link_active = olddphysts.phy_link_active = 2;
+    phyustate = 0;
+    /* Only first read and write are checked for failure */
+    /* Put the LAN8720 in reset mode and wait for completion */
+    if (lpc_mii_write(LAN8_BCR_REG, LAN8_RESET) != 0)
+        return ERR_TIMEOUT;
+    i = 400;
+    while (i > 0) {
+        osDelay(1);   /* 1 ms */
+        if (lpc_mii_read(LAN8_BCR_REG, &tmp) != 0)
+            return ERR_TIMEOUT;
+        if (!(tmp & (LAN8_RESET | LAN8_POWER_DOWN)))
+            i = -1;
+        else
+            i--;
+    }
+    /* Timeout? */
+    if (i == 0)
+        return ERR_TIMEOUT;
+    /* Setup link based on configuration options */
+    tmp = LAN8_AUTONEG;
+    tmp = 0;
+#if PHY_USE_100MBS==1
+    tmp |= LAN8_SPEED_SELECT;
+    tmp |= LAN8_DUPLEX_MODE;
+    lpc_mii_write(LAN8_BCR_REG, tmp);
+    /* The link is not set active at this point, but will be detected
+       later */
+    return ERR_OK;
+/* Phy status update state machine */
+s32_t lpc_phy_sts_sm(struct netif *netif)
+    static u32_t sts;
+    s32_t changed = 0;
+    switch (phyustate) {
+        default:
+        case 0:
+            /* Read BMSR to clear faults */
+            lpc_mii_read_noblock(LAN8_BSR_REG);
+            phyustate = 1;
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            /* Wait for read status state */
+            if (!lpc_mii_is_busy()) {
+                /* Get PHY status with link state */
+                sts = lpc_mii_read_data();
+                lpc_mii_read_noblock(LAN8_PHYSPLCTL_REG);
+                phyustate = 2;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            /* Wait for read status state */
+            if (!lpc_mii_is_busy()) {
+                /* Update PHY status */
+                changed = lpc_update_phy_sts(netif, sts, lpc_mii_read_data());
+                phyustate = 0;
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+    return changed;
+ * @}
+ */
+/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */
\ No newline at end of file