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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "usbhost_inc.h"
00004 void print_clock()
00005 {
00006     int Fin = 12000000; // 12MHz XTAL
00008     printf("PLL Registers:\r\n");
00009     printf(" - PLL0STAT   = 0x%08X\r\n", LPC_SC->PLL0STAT);
00010     printf(" - CLKCFG     = 0x%08X\r\n", LPC_SC->CCLKCFG);
00011     printf(" - USBCLKCFG  = 0x%08X\r\n", LPC_SC->USBCLKCFG);
00013     int M = (LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & 0x7FFF) + 1;
00014     int N = ((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT >> 16) & 0xFF) + 1;
00015     int CCLKDIV = LPC_SC->CCLKCFG + 1;
00016     int USBDIV = LPC_SC->USBCLKCFG + 1;
00018     printf("Clock Variables:\r\n");
00019     printf(" - Fin = %d\r\n", Fin);
00020     printf(" - M   = %d\r\n", M);
00021     printf(" - N   = %d\r\n", N);
00022     printf(" - CCLKDIV = %d\r\n", CCLKDIV);
00023     printf(" - USBCLKDIV = %d\r\n", USBDIV);
00025     int Fcco = (2 * M * 12000000) / N;
00026     int CCLK = Fcco / CCLKDIV;
00028     printf("Clock Results:\r\n");    
00029     printf(" - Fcco = %d\r\n", Fcco);
00030     printf(" - CCLK = %d\r\n", CCLK);  
00031     printf(" - USB Clock = %d\r\n", Fcco / USBDIV);  
00032     printf("System clock: %d\r\n", SystemCoreClock);
00033 }
00035 /*
00036 **************************************************************************************************************
00037 *                                    COPYING A FILE
00038 *
00039 * Description: This function is used by the user to copy a file
00040 *
00041 * Arguments  : None
00042 *
00043 * Returns    : None
00044 *
00045 **************************************************************************************************************
00046 */
00048 #define FILENAME_R "input.txt"
00049 #define FILENAME_W "output.txt"
00050 #define  MAX_BUFFER_SIZE             (4000)
00051 void Main_Copy (void)
00052 {
00053     USB_INT32S  fdr;
00054     USB_INT32S  fdw;
00055     USB_INT32U  bytes_read;
00058     fdr = FILE_Open((char *)FILENAME_R, RDONLY);
00059     if (fdr > 0) {
00060         fdw = FILE_Open((char *)FILENAME_W, RDWR);
00061         if (fdw > 0) {
00062             PRINT_Log("Copying from %s to %s...\r\n", FILENAME_R, FILENAME_W);
00063             do {
00064                 bytes_read = FILE_Read(fdr, UserBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
00065                 FILE_Write(fdw, UserBuffer, bytes_read);
00066                 PRINT_Log(".");
00067             } while (bytes_read);
00068             PRINT_Log("\r\n");
00069             FILE_Close(fdw);
00070         } else {
00071             PRINT_Log("Could not open file %s\r\n", FILENAME_W);
00072             return;
00073         }
00074         FILE_Close(fdr);
00075         PRINT_Log("Copy completed\r\n");
00076     } else {
00077         PRINT_Log("Could not open file %s\r\n", FILENAME_R);
00078         return;
00079     }
00080 }
00082 int main()
00083 {
00084     USB_INT32S  rc;
00085     USB_INT32U  numBlks, blkSize;
00086     USB_INT08U  inquiryResult[INQUIRY_LENGTH];
00088     print_clock();
00089 //    UART_Init(115200);         /* Initialize the serial port to view the log messages                       */
00090     Host_Init();               /* Initialize the  host controller                                    */
00091     rc = Host_EnumDev();       /* Enumerate the device connected                                            */
00092     if (rc == OK) {
00093         /* Initialize the mass storage and scsi interfaces */
00094         rc = MS_Init( &blkSize, &numBlks, inquiryResult );
00095         if (rc == OK) {
00096             rc = FAT_Init();   /* Initialize the FAT16 file system                                          */
00097             if (rc == OK) {
00098                 Main_Copy();   /* Call the application                                                      */
00099             } else {
00100 printf("ERROR %d in FAT_Init()\r\n", rc);
00101                 while ( 1 );
00102             //    return (0);
00103             }
00104 printf("All OK in main()\r\n");
00105         } else {
00106 printf("ERROR %d in MS_Init()\r\n", rc);
00107             while ( 1 );
00108 //            return (0);
00109         }
00110     } else {                            
00111 printf("ERROR %d in Host_EnumDev()\r\n", rc);
00112         while ( 1 );
00113 //        return (0);
00114     }
00115     while(1);
00116 }