IoT ID-20LA RFID Facebook Authenticator

An ID-20LA RFID reader module, authenticating a user to grant access to a Facebook profile, using Windows-specific keyboard shortcuts. In this demo, we're interacting with the mbed.

The purpose of this demo is to show a proof of concept for using an RFID tag as an authentication method, granting special permissions to users of a specific application or website.

As hinted at above, more advanced forms of RFID authentication can be extended to meet a wide variety of needs. One future work may include using a more capable RFID reader, capable of distinguishing between tags of different frequencies and bit numbers.


The ID-20LA RFID reader is compatible with the below ID12RFID library.
This reader is only compatible with 64-bit 125 MHz tags.

USBKeyBoard Library

Import libraryUSBDevice

USB device stack

ID12RFID Library

Import libraryID12RFID

ID12 RFID library for reading 125KHz RFID tags

Import library

Public Member Functions

ID12RFID (PinName rx)
Create an ID12 RFID interface, connected to the specified Serial rx port.
int readable ()
Non blocking function to determine if an ID has been received.
int read ()
A blocking function that will return a tag ID when available.


#include "mbed.h"
#include "ID12RFID.h"
#include "USBKeyboard.h"
#include <string>

using namespace std;

ID12RFID rfid(p14); // uart rx
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
USBKeyboard keyboard;

int tagArr[2] = {36910393, 36926259}; // 2 known tags
string unArr[2] = {"", ""};
string pwArr[2] = {"myPassword1", "myPassword2"};

int tagNum;

int tagFound(int tag) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        if (tag == tagArr[i])
            return i; // known tag
    return 3; // tag ID not found

int main() {    
    while(1) {
        // blocking. return when new rfid detected        
        if(rfid.readable()) { 
            tagNum =;
            int id = tagFound(tagNum);
            if (id != 3) {
                // if familiar tag
                // find username & password   

                keyboard.keyCode('r', KEY_LOGO); // (Windows-specific) Run program
                wait(0.3); // may not be necessary
                keyboard.printf("chrome --incognito\r\n");
                wait (1.2); // determined experimentally
                keyboard.keyCode('l', KEY_CTRL); // "Ctrl + L" = web address change
                // input username, tab to PW field      
                keyboard.printf("%s\t", unArr[id].c_str());
                // hit "ENTER" (\n) to login
                keyboard.printf("%s\n", pwArr[id].c_str());
            } else {
                // new tag (unfamiliar)
               // do nothing   


You'll need a breakout USB board to be wired to D+ (p30) and D- (p31) of your mbed. A mini USB-B breakout was used for this demo, but any type USB should suffice.

Wiring Schematic


The wiring schematic for both the ID-12 and the ID-20LA are identical.

Breadboard Circuit

/media/uploads/itatchi42/diagram_11.jpg /media/uploads/itatchi42/diagram12.jpg

Video Demo

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