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MPL3115A2 Class Reference

MPL3115A2 Class Reference

MPL3115A2 I2C Barometric Pressure and Tempurature Sensor Library This class wraps most of the function in the MPL3115A2 sensor leaving out the FIFO and interrupt system. More...

#include <MPL3115A2.h>

Public Member Functions

 MPL3115A2 (I2C *i2c, Serial *pc=NULL)
 Constructs an MPL3115A2 object and associates an I2C and optional Serial debug object.
void init ()
 Initializes the sensor, defaulting to Altitude mode.
char whoAmI ()
 Queries the value from the WHO_AM_I register (usually equal to 0xC4).
AltitudereadAltitude (Altitude *a)
 Reads Altitude data from the sensor and returns it in the Altitude object passed in.
PressurereadPressure (Pressure *p)
 Reads Pressure data from the sensor and returns it in the Pressure object passed in.
TemperaturereadTemperature (Temperature *t)
 Reads Temperature data from the sensor and returns it in the Temperature object passed in.
char offsetAltitude ()
 Returns the altitude offset stored in the sensor.
void setOffsetAltitude (const char offset)
 Sets the altitude offset stored in the sensor. The allowed offset range is from -128 to 127 meters.
char offsetPressure ()
 Returns the pressure offset stored in the sensor.
void setOffsetPressure (const char offset)
 Sets the pressure offset stored in the sensor. The allowed offset range is from -128 to 127 where each LSB represents 4 Pa.
char offsetTemperature ()
 Returns the temperature offset stored in the sensor.
void setOffsetTemperature (const char offset)
 Sets the temperature offset stored in the sensor. The allowed offset range is from -128 to 127 where each LSB represents 0.0625ºC.
void setModeStandby ()
 Puts the sensor into Standby mode. Required when using methods below.
void setModeActive ()
 Activates the sensor to start taking measurements.
void setModeBarometer ()
 Puts the sensor into barometric mode, be sure to put the sensor in standby mode first.
void setModeAltimeter ()
 Puts the sensor into altimeter mode, be sure to put the sensor in standby mode first.
void setOversampleRate (char rate)
 Sets the number of samples from 1 to 128, be sure to put the sensor in standby mode first.
void enableEventFlags ()
 Sets all the event flags, be sure to put the sensor in standby mode first.

Detailed Description

MPL3115A2 I2C Barometric Pressure and Tempurature Sensor Library This class wraps most of the function in the MPL3115A2 sensor leaving out the FIFO and interrupt system.

Definition at line 104 of file MPL3115A2.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MPL3115A2 ( I2C *  i2c,
Serial *  pc = NULL 

Constructs an MPL3115A2 object and associates an I2C and optional Serial debug object.

*i2cThe I2C object to use for the sensor.
*pcAn optional serial debug connection object.

Definition at line 6 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void enableEventFlags (  )

Sets all the event flags, be sure to put the sensor in standby mode first.

Definition at line 157 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

void init (  )

Initializes the sensor, defaulting to Altitude mode.

This should be called before using the sensor for the first time.

Definition at line 11 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

char offsetAltitude (  )

Returns the altitude offset stored in the sensor.

Definition at line 144 of file MPL3115A2.h.

char offsetPressure (  )

Returns the pressure offset stored in the sensor.

Definition at line 148 of file MPL3115A2.h.

char offsetTemperature (  )

Returns the temperature offset stored in the sensor.

Definition at line 152 of file MPL3115A2.h.

Altitude * readAltitude ( Altitude a )

Reads Altitude data from the sensor and returns it in the Altitude object passed in.

If no data could be read, the Altitude object is left as is.

aA pointer to an Altitude object that will receive the sensor data.
The Altitude pointer that was passed in.

Definition at line 45 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

Pressure * readPressure ( Pressure p )

Reads Pressure data from the sensor and returns it in the Pressure object passed in.

If no data could be read, the Pressure object is left as is.

aA pointer to a Pressure object that will receive the sensor data.
The Pressure pointer that was passed in.

Definition at line 78 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

Temperature * readTemperature ( Temperature t )

Reads Temperature data from the sensor and returns it in the Temperature object passed in.

If no data could be read, the Temperature object is left as is.

aA pointer to an Temperature object that will receive the sensor data.
The Temperature pointer that was passed in.

Definition at line 102 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

void setModeActive (  )

Activates the sensor to start taking measurements.

Definition at line 139 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

void setModeAltimeter (  )

Puts the sensor into altimeter mode, be sure to put the sensor in standby mode first.

Definition at line 125 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

void setModeBarometer (  )

Puts the sensor into barometric mode, be sure to put the sensor in standby mode first.

Definition at line 130 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

void setModeStandby (  )

Puts the sensor into Standby mode. Required when using methods below.

Definition at line 135 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

void setOffsetAltitude ( const char  offset )

Sets the altitude offset stored in the sensor. The allowed offset range is from -128 to 127 meters.

Definition at line 146 of file MPL3115A2.h.

void setOffsetPressure ( const char  offset )

Sets the pressure offset stored in the sensor. The allowed offset range is from -128 to 127 where each LSB represents 4 Pa.

Definition at line 150 of file MPL3115A2.h.

void setOffsetTemperature ( const char  offset )

Sets the temperature offset stored in the sensor. The allowed offset range is from -128 to 127 where each LSB represents 0.0625ºC.

Definition at line 154 of file MPL3115A2.h.

void setOversampleRate ( char  rate )

Sets the number of samples from 1 to 128, be sure to put the sensor in standby mode first.

Definition at line 144 of file MPL3115A2.cpp.

char whoAmI (  )

Queries the value from the WHO_AM_I register (usually equal to 0xC4).

The fixed device ID from the sensor.

Definition at line 118 of file MPL3115A2.h.