JTAG pinout detector

Dependencies:   mbed

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Wed Jul 14 23:20:48 2010 +0000
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main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 948e97043afb main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jul 14 23:20:48 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ * JTAG pinout detector
+ * Version 0.1
+ * 2010-07-15
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Igor Skochinsky
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ * arising from the use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ *    1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ *    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ *    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ *    appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ *    2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ *    misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ *    3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
+ *    distribution.
+ The overall idea:
+ 1) choose any 2 pins as TMS and TCK
+ 2) using them, reset TAP and then shift DR, while observing the state of all other pins
+ 3) for every pin that received anything like a TAP ID (i.e. bit 0 is 1):
+ 4)   using the pin as TDI, feed in a known pattern into the TAP
+ 5)   keep shifting and monitor the rest of the pins
+ 6)   if any of the remaining pins received the pattern, it is TDO
+ Current algorithm assumes chain length of 1
+#include "mbed.h"
+// pin description structure
+struct PinInfo
+  DigitalInOut pin;
+  const char *name;
+// define the pins to use for bruteforcing
+PinInfo g_pins[] = { 
+    {p21, "pin 21", },
+    {p22, "pin 22", },
+    {p23, "pin 23", },
+    {p24, "pin 24", },
+    {p25, "pin 25", },
+#define NPINS sizeof(g_pins)/sizeof(g_pins[0])
+// indexes of found pins
+int pin_TCK = -1;
+int pin_TMS = -1;
+int pin_TDO = -1;
+int pin_TDI = -1;
+inline const char *pinname(int pinno)
+  return pinno == -1 ? "unknown" : g_pins[pinno].name;
+// print current layout
+inline void printpins()
+  printf("TCK: %s, TMS: %s, TDO: %s, TDI: %s\n",
+    pinname(pin_TCK), pinname(pin_TMS), pinname(pin_TDO), pinname(pin_TDI));
+// set pin with a given index
+inline void setpin(int pinno, int value)
+  g_pins[pinno].pin.write(value != 0);
+// read pin with a given index
+inline int getpin(int pinno)
+  return g_pins[pinno].pin.read();
+// make a pin output pin
+inline void makeoutput(int pinno)
+  g_pins[pinno].pin.output();
+// make a pin input pin
+inline void makeinput(int pinno)
+  g_pins[pinno].pin.input();
+// init all pins as inputs
+void InitGPIO()
+  for (int i=0; i<NPINS; i++)
+    makeinput(i);
+// feed in one tms pulse with given value
+void clock_tms(int tms)
+  //TMS is sampled by TAP on the rising edge of TCK, i.e. on change from 0 to 1
+  //so the proper sequence is TCK=0; TMS=value; TCK=1
+  setpin(pin_TCK, 0);
+  setpin(pin_TMS, tms);
+  //printpins(1);
+  //Delay(1);
+  setpin(pin_TCK, 1);
+  //printpins(1);
+  setpin(pin_TCK, 0);//to make sure the TDO value gets set
+// same as above but also set the tdi and return tdo
+int clock_tms_tdi(int tms, int tdi)
+  setpin(pin_TCK, 0);
+  setpin(pin_TMS, tms);
+  setpin(pin_TDI, tdi);
+  //printpins(2);
+  //Delay(1);
+  setpin(pin_TCK, 1);
+  //printpins(2);
+  setpin(pin_TCK, 0);//to make sure the TDO value gets set
+  return getpin(pin_TDO);
+// the end
+void exit_on_button(char* msg)
+  printf(msg);
+  while(1);
+const unsigned int pattern=0xAA55AA55;
+void try_tdi(int tdi)
+  int output;
+  if (tdi==pin_TCK || tdi==pin_TMS || tdi==pin_TDO)
+    return;  
+  //at this point we know which pin is TDO
+  //so we'll shift a known pattern into all possible TDIs and monitor the TDO
+  //since we were shifting in garbage into them during reading the IDCODE, 
+  //we'll skip the 32 bits of output while we're shifting in the pattern
+  pin_TDI = tdi;
+  printf("Trying %s as TDI\n", pinname(tdi));
+  makeoutput(tdi);
+  printpins();
+  //reset TAP (11111)
+  puts("Resetting TAP\n");
+  clock_tms(1);clock_tms(1);clock_tms(1);clock_tms(1);clock_tms(1);
+  //go to Shift DR (0100)
+  puts("Go to Shift DR\n");
+  clock_tms(0);clock_tms(1);clock_tms(0);clock_tms(0);
+  puts("Shifting in pattern.\n");
+  for (int i=0; i<32; i++)
+  {
+    //printf("%d: ",i);
+    clock_tms_tdi(0, pattern & (1<<i));
+    //puts(stringbuf);putc('\r');putc('\n');        
+  }
+  printf("Reading in the output.\n");
+  //now keep shifting and read output from TDO
+  output = 0;
+  for (int i=0;i<32;i++)
+  {
+    //printf("%d: ",i);
+    output |= getpin(pin_TDO) << i;
+    clock_tms_tdi(0, 0);
+    //puts(stringbuf);putc('\r');putc('\n');    
+  }
+  printf("Got %08X (expected %08X)\n", output, pattern);
+  if (output==pattern)
+  {
+    printf("Success! Final pinout:\n");
+    printpins();
+    exit_on_button("Found!");
+  }
+  else if (output!=0 && output!=0xFFFFFFFF)
+  {
+    printf("Got some pattern but not ours...");
+  }
+  makeinput(tdi);
+union idcode_reg {
+  struct {
+    unsigned int res: 1;
+    unsigned int manuf_id: 11;
+    unsigned int part_no: 16;
+    unsigned int version: 4;
+  };
+  unsigned int reg32;
+// check if we can see a valid TAP id on any of the pins
+void try_id()
+  int outputs[NPINS] = {0};
+  printf("Trying TCK %s, TMS %s\n", pinname(pin_TCK), pinname(pin_TMS));
+  makeoutput(pin_TCK);
+  makeoutput(pin_TMS);
+  printpins();
+  //reset TAP (11111)
+  printf("Resetting TAP\n");
+  clock_tms(1);clock_tms(1);clock_tms(1);clock_tms(1);clock_tms(1);
+  //go to Shift DR (0100)
+  printf("Go to Shift DR\n");
+  clock_tms(0);clock_tms(1);clock_tms(0);clock_tms(0);
+  //shift out the DR
+  printf("Shifting DR\n");
+  //printpins(1);
+  //puts(stringbuf);putc('\r');putc('\n');
+  for (int i=0;i<32;i++)
+  {
+    //printf("%d: ",i);
+    for (int j=0;j<NPINS;j++)
+    {
+      if (j!=pin_TCK && j!=pin_TMS)
+        outputs[j] |= getpin(j) << i;
+    }
+    clock_tms(0);
+    //puts(stringbuf);putc('\r');putc('\n');
+    //printpins(1);
+  }
+  puts("Done. Checking pin outputs.\n");
+  bool found = false;
+  for (int j=0;j<NPINS;j++)
+  {
+    if (j==pin_TCK || j==pin_TMS) 
+      continue;
+    //printf("%2d: %08X\n", j, outputs[j]);    
+    //check for possible ID code: 32 bits captured are not all zeroes or ones and the 0th bit is 1
+    if (outputs[j]!=0 && outputs[j]!=0xFFFFFFFF && (outputs[j]&1) )
+    {
+      found = true;
+      union idcode_reg idc;
+      idc.reg32 = outputs[j];
+      printf("Found a possible TDO on %s. ID code reply is %08X (manufacturer: %02X, part no.: %02X, version: %X)\n",
+        pinname(j), outputs[j], idc.manuf_id, idc.part_no, idc.version);
+      pin_TDO = j;
+      for (int k=0;k<NPINS;k++)
+        try_tdi(k);
+    }
+  }
+  if ( !found )
+    printf("Didn't find any good reply...\n");
+  makeinput(pin_TCK);
+  makeinput(pin_TMS);
+// try the selected pins
+void try_comb(int v[], int maxk)
+    //for (int i=0; i<maxk; i++) printf ("%i ", v[i]);
+    //printf ("\n");
+    pin_TCK = v[0];
+    pin_TMS = v[1];
+    try_id();
+    pin_TCK = v[1];
+    pin_TMS = v[0];
+    try_id();
+// source: http://userweb.cs.utexas.edu/users/djimenez/utsa/cs3343/lecture25.html
+void combinations(int v[], int start, int n, int k, int maxk)
+    int     i;
+    /* k here counts through positions in the maxk-element v.
+     * if k >= maxk, then the v is complete and we can use it.
+     */
+    if ( k >= maxk )
+    {
+        try_comb(v, maxk);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* for this k'th element of the v, try all start..n
+     * elements in that position
+     */
+    for (i=start; i<n; i++)
+    {
+        v[k] = i;
+        /* recursively generate combinations of integers
+         * from i+1..n
+         */
+        combinations (v, i+1, n, k+1, maxk);
+    }
+int main()
+    int v[NPINS];
+    InitGPIO();
+    // try all combinations of 2 pins
+    combinations (v, 0, NPINS, 0, 2);
diff -r 000000000000 -r 948e97043afb mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Jul 14 23:20:48 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@