NXP's driver library for LPC17xx, ported to mbed's online compiler. Not tested! I had to fix a lot of warings and found a couple of pretty obvious bugs, so the chances are there are more. Original: http://ics.nxp.com/support/documents/microcontrollers/zip/lpc17xx.cmsis.driver.library.zip

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 0:1063a091a062:

 * @file    : lpc17xx_wdt.h
 * @brief    : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes
 *                 support for WDT firmware library on LPC17xx
 * @version    : 1.0
 * @date    : 9. April. 2009
 * @author    : HieuNguyen
 * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
 * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
 * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
 * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
 * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
 * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
 * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
 * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
 * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
 * use without further testing or modification.

/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup WDT
 * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers
 * @{

#ifndef LPC17XX_WDT_H_
#define LPC17XX_WDT_H_

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "cmsis.h"
#include "lpc_types.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup WDT_Private_Macros
 * @{

 * @{
/************************** WDT Control **************************/
/** WDT interrupt enable bit */
#define WDT_WDMOD_WDEN                ((uint32_t)(1<<0))
/** WDT interrupt enable bit */
#define WDT_WDMOD_WDRESET            ((uint32_t)(1<<1))
/** WDT time out flag bit */
#define WDT_WDMOD_WDTOF                ((uint32_t)(1<<2))
/** WDT Time Out flag bit */
#define WDT_WDMOD_WDINT                ((uint32_t)(1<<3))
/** WDT Mode */
#define WDT_WDMOD(n)                ((uint32_t)(n<<1))

/**************************** PRIVATE TYPES ***************************/
/** Define divider index for microsecond ( us ) */
#define WDT_US_INDEX    ((uint32_t)(1000000))
/** WDT Time out minimum value */
#define WDT_TIMEOUT_MIN    ((uint32_t)(0xFF))
/** WDT Time out maximum value */
#define WDT_TIMEOUT_MAX    ((uint32_t)(0xFFFFFFFF))

/**************************** GLOBAL/PUBLIC TYPES ***************************/
/** Watchdog mode register mask */
#define WDT_WDMOD_MASK            (uint8_t)(0x02)
/** Watchdog timer constant register mask */
#define WDT_WDTC_MASK            (uint8_t)(0xFFFFFFFF)
/** Watchdog feed sequence register mask */
#define WDT_WDFEED_MASK         (uint8_t)(0x000000FF)
/** Watchdog timer value register mask */
#define WDT_WDCLKSEL_MASK         (uint8_t)(0x03)
/** Clock selected from internal RC */
#define WDT_WDCLKSEL_RC            (uint8_t)(0x00)
/** Clock selected from PCLK */
#define WDT_WDCLKSEL_PCLK        (uint8_t)(0x01)
/** Clock selected from external RTC */
#define WDT_WDCLKSEL_RTC        (uint8_t)(0x02)

 * @}

 * @}

/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup WDT_Public_Types
 * @{

/** @brief Clock source option for WDT */
typedef enum {
    WDT_CLKSRC_IRC = 0, /*!< Clock source from Internal RC oscillator */
    WDT_CLKSRC_PCLK = 1, /*!< Selects the APB peripheral clock (PCLK) */
    WDT_CLKSRC_RTC = 2 /*!< Selects the RTC oscillator */
/** @brief WDT operation mode */
typedef enum {
    WDT_MODE_INT_ONLY = 0, /*!< Use WDT to generate interrupt only */
    WDT_MODE_RESET = 1    /*!< Use WDT to generate interrupt and reset MCU */

 * @}

/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup WDT_Public_Functions
 * @{

void WDT_Init (uint32_t ClkSrc, uint32_t WDTMode);
void WDT_Start(uint32_t TimeOut);
void WDT_Feed (void);
FlagStatus WDT_ReadTimeOutFlag (void);
void WDT_ClrTimeOutFlag (void);
void WDT_UpdateTimeOut ( uint32_t TimeOut);
uint32_t WDT_GetCurrentCount(void);

 * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* LPC17XX_WDT_H_ */

 * @}

/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */