Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of LG by igor Apu



File content as of revision 22:12e6183f04d4:

 *   $Id:: uart.h 5751 2010-11-30 23:56:11Z usb00423                        $
 *   Project: NXP LPC17xx UART example
 *   Description:
 *     This file contains UART code header definition.
 * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
 * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
 * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
 * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
 * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
 * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
 * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
 * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
 * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
 * use without further testing or modification.
#ifndef __UART_H 
#define __UART_H


/*	State-machine variable to control application functionality */
enum state_machine {
	WRITE4SECTOR = 101,	// actions with flash: erase
	WAIT_ENTRANCE,		// waiting for bootloader entrance
	WAIT_FLASHACTION = 113,   // waiting for an action with flash
	READ_FLASH = 114,	// actions with flash: read
	WRITE_FLASH = 119	// actions with flash: write

#define IER_RBR		0x01
#define IER_THRE	0x02
#define IER_RLS		0x04

#define IIR_PEND	0x01
#define IIR_RLS		0x03
#define IIR_RDA		0x02
#define IIR_CTI		0x06
#define IIR_THRE	0x01

#define LSR_RDR		0x01
#define LSR_OE		0x02
#define LSR_PE		0x04
#define LSR_FE		0x08
#define LSR_BI		0x10
#define LSR_THRE	0x20
#define LSR_TEMT	0x40
#define LSR_RXFE	0x80

#define BUFSIZE		0x40
#define FIFOs_En			0x00000001
#define RX_FIFO_Reset		0x00000002
#define TX_FIFO_Reset		0x00000004
#define DMA_Mode_UART		0x00000008
#define RX_TrigLvl_1		0x00000000
#define RX_TrigLvl_4		0x00000040
#define RX_TrigLvl_8		0x00000080
#define RX_TrigLvl_14		0x000000C0

#define	word_length_8		0x00000003

#define one_stop_bit	    0x00000000

#define no_parity			0x00000000

#define back_trans_dis	    0x00000000

#define DLAB_access			0x00000080

#define TRANS_SHIFT_BUF_EMPTY		0x00000040
#define RecievBufNOTEmpty		0x00000001
#define DIS_ALL_INT			0x00000000
#define RBR_IntEnabl		0x00000001

void UART2_Init(void);

int UART2_SendByte (int ucData);

#endif /* end __UART_H */
**                            End Of File