MBED library for LCD-TFT display: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/2.8inch_TFT_Touch_Shield

Dependents:   DiffPressureMeter

diff -r 000000000000 -r b036dfb76a75 HX8347D/LCD.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HX8347D/LCD.cpp	Tue Apr 03 20:08:18 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+#include <LCD.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+	: __LCD_CS_OUT()
+	, __LCD_DC_OUT()
+	, __LCD_BKL_OUT()
+void LCD::lcd_init()
+	__LCD_DC_SET();
+    __LCD_CS_SET();
+    __LCD_BKL_OFF();
+	//Driving ability Setting
+	lcd_write_register(0xEA,0x00); //PTBA[15:8]
+	lcd_write_register(0xEB,0x20); //PTBA[7:0]
+	lcd_write_register(0xEC,0x0C); //STBA[15:8]
+	lcd_write_register(0xED,0xC4); //STBA[7:0]
+	lcd_write_register(0xE8,0x38); //OPON[7:0]
+	lcd_write_register(0xE9,0x10); //OPON1[7:0]
+	lcd_write_register(0xF1,0x01); //OTPS1B
+	lcd_write_register(0xF2,0x10); //GEN
+	//Gamma 2.2 Setting
+	lcd_write_register(0x40,0x01); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x41,0x00); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x42,0x00); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x43,0x10); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x44,0x0E); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x45,0x24); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x46,0x04); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x47,0x50); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x48,0x02); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x49,0x13); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x4A,0x19); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x4B,0x19); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x4C,0x16); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x50,0x1B); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x51,0x31); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x52,0x2F); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x53,0x3F); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x54,0x3F); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x55,0x3E); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x56,0x2F); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x57,0x7B); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x58,0x09); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x59,0x06); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x5A,0x06); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x5B,0x0C); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x5C,0x1D); //
+	lcd_write_register(0x5D,0xCC); //
+	//Power Voltage Setting
+	lcd_write_register(0x1B,0x1B); //VRH=4.65V
+	lcd_write_register(0x1A,0x01); //BT (VGH~15V,VGL~-10V,DDVDH~5V)
+	lcd_write_register(0x24,0x2F); //VMH(VCOM High voltage ~3.2V)
+	lcd_write_register(0x25,0x57); //VML(VCOM Low voltage -1.2V)
+	//****VCOM offset**///
+	lcd_write_register(0x23,0x88); //for Flicker adjust //can reload from OTP
+	//Power on Setting
+	lcd_write_register(0x18,0x34); //I/P_RADJ,N/P_RADJ, Normal mode 60Hz
+	lcd_write_register(0x19,0x01); //OSC_EN='1', start Osc
+	lcd_write_register(0x01,0x00); //DP_STB='0', out deep sleep
+	lcd_write_register(0x1F,0x88);// GAS=1, VOMG=00, PON=0, DK=1, XDK=0, DVDH_TRI=0, STB=0
+	wait(5);
+	lcd_write_register(0x1F,0x80);// GAS=1, VOMG=00, PON=0, DK=0, XDK=0, DVDH_TRI=0, STB=0
+	wait(5);
+	lcd_write_register(0x1F,0x90);// GAS=1, VOMG=00, PON=1, DK=0, XDK=0, DVDH_TRI=0, STB=0
+	wait(5);
+	lcd_write_register(0x1F,0xD0);// GAS=1, VOMG=10, PON=1, DK=0, XDK=0, DDVDH_TRI=0, STB=0
+	wait(5);
+	//262k/65k color selection
+	lcd_write_register(0x17,0x05); //default 0x06 262k color // 0x05 65k color
+	lcd_write_register(0x36,0x00); //SS_P, GS_P,REV_P,BGR_P
+	//Display ON Setting
+	lcd_write_register(0x28,0x38); //GON=1, DTE=1, D=1000
+	wait(40);
+	lcd_write_register(0x28,0x3F); //GON=1, DTE=1, D=1100
+	lcd_write_register(0x16,0x18); 
+	//Set GRAM Area
+	lcd_write_register(0x02,0x00);
+	lcd_write_register(0x03,0x00); //Column Start
+	lcd_write_register(0x04,0x00);
+	lcd_write_register(0x05,0xEF); //Column End
+	lcd_write_register(0x06,0x00);
+	lcd_write_register(0x07,0x00); //Row Start
+	lcd_write_register(0x08,0x01);
+	lcd_write_register(0x09,0x3F); //Row End
+    lcd_clear_screen(WHITE);
+	__LCD_BKL_ON();
+//draw a point on the lcd with the specified color.
+//hwXpos specify x position.
+//hwYpos specify y position.
+//hwColor color of the point.
+void LCD::lcd_draw_point(uint16_t hwXpos, uint16_t hwYpos, uint16_t hwColor) 
+	if (hwXpos >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+		return;
+	}
+	lcd_set_cursor(hwXpos, hwYpos);
+	lcd_write_byte(0x22, LCD_CMD);
+    lcd_write_word(hwColor);
+//display a char at the specified position on lcd.
+void LCD::lcd_display_char(uint16_t hwXpos, //specify x position.
+                         uint16_t hwYpos, //specify y position.
+                         uint8_t chChr,   //a char is display.
+                         uint8_t chSize,  //specify the size of the char
+                         uint16_t hwColor) //specify the color of the char
+	uint8_t i, j, chTemp;
+	uint16_t hwYpos0 = hwYpos, hwColorVal = 0;
+	if (hwXpos >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+		return;
+	}
+    for (i = 0; i < chSize; i ++) {   
+		if (FONT_1206 == chSize) {
+			chTemp = c_chFont1206[chChr - 0x20][i];  
+		} else if (FONT_1608 == chSize) { 
+			chTemp = c_chFont1608[chChr - 0x20][i];
+		}
+        for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
+    		if (chTemp & 0x80) {
+				hwColorVal = hwColor;
+				lcd_draw_point(hwXpos, hwYpos, hwColorVal);
+    		}			
+			chTemp <<= 1;
+			hwYpos ++;
+			if ((hwYpos - hwYpos0) == chSize) {
+				hwYpos = hwYpos0;
+				hwXpos ++;
+				break;
+			}
+		}  	 
+    } 
+static uint32_t _pow(uint8_t m, uint8_t n)
+	uint32_t result = 1;
+	while(n --) result *= m;    
+	return result;
+//display a number at the specified position on lcd.
+void LCD::lcd_display_num(uint16_t hwXpos,  //specify x position.
+                          uint16_t hwYpos, //specify y position.
+                          uint32_t chNum,  //a number is display.
+                          uint8_t chLen,   //length ot the number
+                          uint8_t chSize,  //specify the size of the number
+                          uint16_t hwColor) //specify the color of the number
+	uint8_t i;
+	uint8_t chTemp, chShow = 0;
+	if (hwXpos >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+		return;
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < chLen; i ++) {
+		chTemp = (chNum / _pow(10, chLen - i - 1)) % 10;
+		if(chShow == 0 && i < (chLen - 1)) {
+			if(chTemp == 0) {
+				lcd_display_char(hwXpos + (chSize / 2) * i, hwYpos, ' ', chSize, hwColor);
+				continue;
+			} else {
+				chShow = 1;
+			}	 
+		}
+	 	lcd_display_char(hwXpos + (chSize / 2) * i, hwYpos, chTemp + '0', chSize, hwColor); 
+	}
+//display a string at the specified position on lcd.
+void LCD::lcd_display_string(uint16_t hwXpos, //specify x position.
+                         uint16_t hwYpos,   //specify y position.
+                         const uint8_t *pchString,  //a pointer to string
+                         uint8_t chSize,    // the size of the string 
+                         uint16_t hwColor)  // specify the color of the string 
+	if (hwXpos >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+		return;
+	}
+    while (*pchString != '\0') {       
+        if (hwXpos > (LCD_WIDTH - chSize / 2)) {
+			hwXpos = 0;
+			hwYpos += chSize;
+			if (hwYpos > (LCD_HEIGHT - chSize)) {
+				hwYpos = hwXpos = 0;
+				lcd_clear_screen(0x00);
+			}
+		}
+        lcd_display_char(hwXpos, hwYpos, (uint8_t)*pchString, chSize, hwColor);
+        hwXpos += chSize / 2;
+        pchString ++;
+    } 
+//draw a line at the specified position on lcd.
+void LCD::lcd_draw_line(uint16_t hwXpos0, //specify x0 position.
+                      uint16_t hwYpos0, //specify y0 position.
+                      uint16_t hwXpos1, //specify x1 position.
+                      uint16_t hwYpos1, //specify y1 position.
+                      uint16_t hwColor) //specify the color of the line
+	int x = hwXpos1 - hwXpos0;
+    int y = hwYpos1 - hwYpos0;
+    int dx = abs(x), sx = hwXpos0 < hwXpos1 ? 1 : -1;
+    int dy = -abs(y), sy = hwYpos0 < hwYpos1 ? 1 : -1;
+    int err = dx + dy, e2;
+	if (hwXpos0 >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos0 >= LCD_HEIGHT || hwXpos1 >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos1 >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+		return;
+	}
+    for (;;){
+        lcd_draw_point(hwXpos0, hwYpos0 , hwColor);
+        e2 = 2 * err;
+        if (e2 >= dy) {     
+            if (hwXpos0 == hwXpos1) break;
+            err += dy; hwXpos0 += sx;
+        }
+        if (e2 <= dx) {
+            if (hwYpos0 == hwYpos1) break;
+            err += dx; hwYpos0 += sy;
+        }
+    }
+//draw a circle at the specified position on lcd.
+void LCD::lcd_draw_circle(uint16_t hwXpos,  //specify x position.
+                        uint16_t hwYpos,  //specify y position.
+                        uint16_t hwRadius, //specify the radius of the circle.
+                        uint16_t hwColor)  //specify the color of the circle.
+	int x = -hwRadius, y = 0, err = 2 - 2 * hwRadius, e2;
+	if (hwXpos >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+		return;
+	}
+    do {
+        lcd_draw_point(hwXpos - x, hwYpos + y, hwColor);
+        lcd_draw_point(hwXpos + x, hwYpos + y, hwColor);
+        lcd_draw_point(hwXpos + x, hwYpos - y, hwColor);
+        lcd_draw_point(hwXpos - x, hwYpos - y, hwColor);
+        e2 = err;
+        if (e2 <= y) {
+            err += ++ y * 2 + 1;
+            if(-x == y && e2 <= x) e2 = 0;
+        }
+        if(e2 > x) err += ++ x * 2 + 1;
+    } while(x <= 0);
+//fill a rectangle out at the specified position on lcd.
+void LCD::lcd_fill_rect(uint16_t hwXpos,  //specify x position.
+                   uint16_t hwYpos,  //specify y position.
+                   uint16_t hwWidth, //specify the width of the rectangle.
+                   uint16_t hwHeight, //specify the height of the rectangle.
+                   uint16_t hwColor)  //specify the color of rectangle.
+	uint16_t i, j;
+	if (hwXpos >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+		return;
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < hwHeight; i ++){
+		for(j = 0; j < hwWidth; j ++){
+			lcd_draw_point(hwXpos + j, hwYpos + i, hwColor);
+		}
+	}
+//draw a vertical line at the specified position on lcd.
+void LCD::lcd_draw_v_line(uint16_t hwXpos, //specify x position.
+                        uint16_t hwYpos, //specify y position. 
+                        uint16_t hwHeight, //specify the height of the vertical line.
+                        uint16_t hwColor)  //specify the color of the vertical line.
+	uint16_t i, y1 = min(hwYpos + hwHeight, LCD_HEIGHT - 1);
+	if (hwXpos >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+		return;
+	}
+    for (i = hwYpos; i < y1; i ++) {
+        lcd_draw_point(hwXpos, i, hwColor);
+    }
+//draw a horizonal line at the specified position on lcd.
+void LCD::lcd_draw_h_line(uint16_t hwXpos, //specify x position.
+                        uint16_t hwYpos,  //specify y position. 
+                        uint16_t hwWidth, //specify the width of the horizonal line.
+                        uint16_t hwColor) //specify the color of the horizonal line.
+	uint16_t i, x1 = min(hwXpos + hwWidth, LCD_WIDTH - 1);
+	if (hwXpos >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+		return;
+	}
+    for (i = hwXpos; i < x1; i ++) {
+        lcd_draw_point(i, hwYpos, hwColor);
+    }
+void LCD::lcd_draw_rect(uint16_t hwXpos,  //specify x position.
+                      uint16_t hwYpos,  //specify y position.
+                      uint16_t hwWidth, //specify the width of the rectangle.
+                      uint16_t hwHeight, //specify the height of the rectangle.
+                      uint16_t hwColor)  //specify the color of rectangle.
+	if (hwXpos >= LCD_WIDTH || hwYpos >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+		return;
+	}
+	lcd_draw_h_line(hwXpos, hwYpos, hwWidth, hwColor);
+	lcd_draw_h_line(hwXpos, hwYpos + hwHeight, hwWidth, hwColor);
+	lcd_draw_v_line(hwXpos, hwYpos, hwHeight, hwColor);
+	lcd_draw_v_line(hwXpos + hwWidth, hwYpos, hwHeight + 1, hwColor);
+LCD lcd = LCD();