MBED library for LCD-TFT display: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/2.8inch_TFT_Touch_Shield

Dependents:   DiffPressureMeter

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HX8347D/LCD.h	Tue Apr 03 20:08:18 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#ifndef LCD_h
+#define LCD_h
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "interfaces.h"
+#include "font.h"
+//Basic Colors
+#define WHITE          0xFFFF
+#define BLACK          0x0000	  
+#define BLUE           0x001F  
+#define BRED           0XF81F
+#define GRED 		   0XFFE0
+#define GBLUE		   0X07FF
+#define RED            0xF800
+#define MAGENTA        0xF81F
+#define GREEN          0x07E0
+#define CYAN           0x7FFF
+#define YELLOW         0xFFE0
+#define BROWN 		   0XBC40 
+#define BRRED 		   0XFC07 
+#define GRAY  		   0X8430
+#define LCD_CMD      0
+#define LCD_DATA     1
+#define FONT_1206    12
+#define FONT_1608    16
+#define LCD_WIDTH    240
+#define LCD_HEIGHT   320
+#define LCD_DC_PIN         PA_8
+#define LCD_BKL_PIN        PC_7
+#define LCD_CS_PIN         PB_6
+#define __LCD_CS_OUT()    lcd_cs_pin(LCD_CS_PIN)
+#define __LCD_CS_CLR()    lcd_cs_pin.write(LOW)
+#define __LCD_CS_SET()    lcd_cs_pin.write(HIGH)
+#define __LCD_DC_OUT()    lcd_dc_pin(LCD_DC_PIN)
+#define __LCD_DC_CLR()    lcd_dc_pin.write(LOW)
+#define __LCD_DC_SET()    lcd_dc_pin.write(HIGH)
+#define __LCD_BKL_OUT()   lcd_bkl_pin(LCD_BKL_PIN)
+#define __LCD_BKL_OFF()   lcd_bkl_pin.write(LOW)
+#define __LCD_BKL_ON()    lcd_bkl_pin.write(HIGH)
+#define __LCD_WRITE_BYTE(__DATA) HwInterfaces::instance()::getHwInterface<SPI__1>().handle().transfer(__DATA)
+class LCD
+	LCD();
+	void lcd_write_byte(uint8_t chByte, uint8_t chCmd)
+	{
+	    if (chCmd) {
+	        __LCD_DC_SET();
+	    } else {
+	        __LCD_DC_CLR();
+	    }
+	    __LCD_CS_CLR();
+	    __LCD_WRITE_BYTE(chByte);
+	    __LCD_CS_SET();
+	}
+	inline void lcd_write_word(uint16_t hwData)
+	{
+		__LCD_DC_SET();
+	    __LCD_CS_CLR();
+	    __LCD_WRITE_BYTE(hwData >> 8);
+	    __LCD_WRITE_BYTE(hwData & 0xFF);
+	    __LCD_CS_SET();
+	}
+	//write a word(two bytes) to the specified register of lcd.
+	//chRegister address of the register of lcd.
+	//hwValue value is written to the specified register.
+	void lcd_write_register(uint8_t chRegister, uint8_t chValue)
+	{
+		lcd_write_byte(chRegister, LCD_CMD);
+		lcd_write_byte(chValue, LCD_DATA);
+	}
+	//set the specified position of cursor on lcd.
+	//hwXpos specify x position
+	//hwYpos specify y position
+	void lcd_set_cursor(uint16_t hwXpos, uint16_t hwYpos)
+	{
+		if (hwXpos >= LCD_WIDTH|| hwYpos >= LCD_HEIGHT) {
+			return;
+		}
+		lcd_write_register(0x02, hwXpos >> 8);
+		lcd_write_register(0x03, hwXpos & 0xFF); //Column Start
+		lcd_write_register(0x06, hwYpos >> 8);
+		lcd_write_register(0x07, hwYpos & 0xFF); //Row Start
+	}
+    //clear the lcd with the specified color.
+	void lcd_clear_screen(uint16_t hwColor)  
+	{
+		uint32_t i, wCount = LCD_WIDTH;
+		wCount *= LCD_HEIGHT;
+		lcd_set_cursor(0, 0);
+		lcd_write_byte(0x22, LCD_CMD);
+	    __LCD_DC_SET();
+		__LCD_CS_CLR();
+		for (i = 0; i < wCount; i ++) {
+			__LCD_WRITE_BYTE(hwColor >> 8);
+			__LCD_WRITE_BYTE(hwColor & 0xFF);
+		}
+		__LCD_CS_SET();
+	}
+	void lcd_init ();
+	void lcd_draw_point(uint16_t hwXpos, uint16_t hwYpos, uint16_t hwColor);
+	void lcd_display_char(uint16_t hwXpos, //specify x position.
+                         uint16_t hwYpos, //specify y position.
+                         uint8_t chChr,   //a char is display.
+                         uint8_t chSize,  //specify the size of the char
+                         uint16_t hwColor); //specify the color of the char
+	//display a number at the specified position on lcd.
+	void lcd_display_num(uint16_t hwXpos,  //specify x position.
+	                          uint16_t hwYpos, //specify y position.
+	                          uint32_t chNum,  //a number is display.
+	                          uint8_t chLen,   //length ot the number
+	                          uint8_t chSize,  //specify the size of the number
+	                          uint16_t hwColor); //specify the color of the number
+	//display a string at the specified position on lcd.
+	void lcd_display_string(uint16_t hwXpos, //specify x position.
+	                         uint16_t hwYpos,   //specify y position.
+	                         const uint8_t *pchString,  //a pointer to string
+	                         uint8_t chSize,    // the size of the string 
+	                         uint16_t hwColor);  // specify the color of the string
+    void lcd_draw_line(uint16_t hwXpos0, //specify x0 position.
+                      uint16_t hwYpos0, //specify y0 position.
+                      uint16_t hwXpos1, //specify x1 position.
+                      uint16_t hwYpos1, //specify y1 position.
+                      uint16_t hwColor); //specify the color of the line
+    void lcd_draw_circle(uint16_t hwXpos,  //specify x position.
+                        uint16_t hwYpos,  //specify y position.
+                        uint16_t hwRadius, //specify the radius of the circle.
+                        uint16_t hwColor);  //specify the color of the circle.
+    void lcd_fill_rect(uint16_t hwXpos,  //specify x position.
+                   uint16_t hwYpos,  //specify y position.
+                   uint16_t hwWidth, //specify the width of the rectangle.
+                   uint16_t hwHeight, //specify the height of the rectangle.
+                   uint16_t hwColor);  //specify the color of rectangle.
+    void lcd_draw_v_line(uint16_t hwXpos, //specify x position.
+                        uint16_t hwYpos, //specify y position. 
+                        uint16_t hwHeight, //specify the height of the vertical line.
+                        uint16_t hwColor);  //specify the color of the vertical line.
+    void lcd_draw_h_line(uint16_t hwXpos, //specify x position.
+                        uint16_t hwYpos,  //specify y position. 
+                        uint16_t hwWidth, //specify the width of the horizonal line.
+                        uint16_t hwColor); //specify the color of the horizonal line.
+	void lcd_draw_rect(uint16_t hwXpos,  //specify x position.
+                      uint16_t hwYpos,  //specify y position.
+                      uint16_t hwWidth, //specify the width of the rectangle.
+                      uint16_t hwHeight, //specify the height of the rectangle.
+                      uint16_t hwColor);  //specify the color of rectangle.
+	DigitalOut lcd_cs_pin;
+	DigitalOut lcd_dc_pin;
+	DigitalOut lcd_bkl_pin;
+extern LCD lcd;