mbed library sources: Modified to operate FRDM-KL25Z at 48MHz from internal 32kHz oscillator (nothing else changed).

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official

The only file that changed is: mbed-src-FLL48/targets/cmsis/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_KL25Z/system_MKL25Z4.h

--- a/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC81X/gpio_irq_api.c	Mon Aug 19 18:17:02 2013 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-/* mbed Microcontroller Library
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include "cmsis.h"
-#include "gpio_irq_api.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#define CHANNEL_NUM    8
-static uint32_t channel_ids[CHANNEL_NUM] = {0};
-static gpio_irq_handler irq_handler;
-static inline void handle_interrupt_in(uint32_t channel) {
-    uint32_t ch_bit = (1 << channel);
-    // Return immediately if:
-    //   * The interrupt was already served
-    //   * There is no user handler
-    //   * It is a level interrupt, not an edge interrupt
-    if ( ((LPC_GPIO_X->IST & ch_bit) == 0) ||
-         (channel_ids[channel] == 0      ) ||
-         (LPC_GPIO_X->ISEL & ch_bit      ) ) return;
-    if ((LPC_GPIO_X->IENR & ch_bit) && (LPC_GPIO_X->RISE & ch_bit)) {
-        irq_handler(channel_ids[channel], IRQ_RISE);
-        LPC_GPIO_X->RISE = ch_bit;
-    }
-    if ((LPC_GPIO_X->IENF & ch_bit) && (LPC_GPIO_X->FALL & ch_bit)) {
-        irq_handler(channel_ids[channel], IRQ_FALL);
-    }
-    LPC_GPIO_X->IST = ch_bit;
-void gpio_irq0(void) {handle_interrupt_in(0);}
-void gpio_irq1(void) {handle_interrupt_in(1);}
-void gpio_irq2(void) {handle_interrupt_in(2);}
-void gpio_irq3(void) {handle_interrupt_in(3);}
-void gpio_irq4(void) {handle_interrupt_in(4);}
-void gpio_irq5(void) {handle_interrupt_in(5);}
-void gpio_irq6(void) {handle_interrupt_in(6);}
-void gpio_irq7(void) {handle_interrupt_in(7);}
-int gpio_irq_init(gpio_irq_t *obj, PinName pin, gpio_irq_handler handler, uint32_t id) {
-    if (pin == NC) return -1;
-    irq_handler = handler;
-    int found_free_channel = 0;
-    int i = 0;
-    for (i=0; i<CHANNEL_NUM; i++) {
-        if (channel_ids[i] == 0) {
-            channel_ids[i] = id;
-            obj->ch = i;
-            found_free_channel = 1;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!found_free_channel) return -1;
-    /* Enable AHB clock to the GPIO domain. */
-    LPC_SYSCON->PINTSEL[obj->ch] = pin;
-    // Interrupt Wake-Up Enable
-    LPC_SYSCON->STARTERP0 |= 1 << obj->ch;
-    void (*channels_irq)(void) = NULL;
-    switch (obj->ch) {
-        case 0: channels_irq = &gpio_irq0; break;
-        case 1: channels_irq = &gpio_irq1; break;
-        case 2: channels_irq = &gpio_irq2; break;
-        case 3: channels_irq = &gpio_irq3; break;
-        case 4: channels_irq = &gpio_irq4; break;
-        case 5: channels_irq = &gpio_irq5; break;
-        case 6: channels_irq = &gpio_irq6; break;
-        case 7: channels_irq = &gpio_irq7; break;
-    }
-    NVIC_SetVector((IRQn_Type)(PININT_IRQ + obj->ch), (uint32_t)channels_irq);
-    NVIC_EnableIRQ((IRQn_Type)(PININT_IRQ + obj->ch));
-    return 0;
-void gpio_irq_free(gpio_irq_t *obj) {
-    channel_ids[obj->ch] = 0;
-    LPC_SYSCON->STARTERP0 &= ~(1 << obj->ch);
-void gpio_irq_set(gpio_irq_t *obj, gpio_irq_event event, uint32_t enable) {
-    unsigned int ch_bit = (1 << obj->ch);
-    // Clear interrupt
-    if (!(LPC_GPIO_X->ISEL & ch_bit))
-        LPC_GPIO_X->IST = ch_bit;
-    // Edge trigger
-    LPC_GPIO_X->ISEL &= ~ch_bit;
-    if (event == IRQ_RISE) {
-        if (enable) {
-            LPC_GPIO_X->IENR |= ch_bit;
-        } else {
-            LPC_GPIO_X->IENR &= ~ch_bit;
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (enable) {
-            LPC_GPIO_X->IENF |= ch_bit;
-        } else {
-            LPC_GPIO_X->IENF &= ~ch_bit;
-        }
-    }