mbed library sources: Modified to operate FRDM-KL25Z at 48MHz from internal 32kHz oscillator (nothing else changed).

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official

The only file that changed is: mbed-src-FLL48/targets/cmsis/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_KL25Z/system_MKL25Z4.h

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC11CXX/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_CS/startup_LPC11xx.s	Tue Sep 10 15:14:19 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+    .equ    Stack_Size, 0x80
+    .section ".stack", "w"
+    .align  3
+    .globl  __cs3_stack_mem
+    .globl  __cs3_stack_size
+    .if     Stack_Size
+    .space  Stack_Size
+    .endif
+    .size   __cs3_stack_mem,  . - __cs3_stack_mem
+    .set    __cs3_stack_size, . - __cs3_stack_mem
+    .equ    Heap_Size,  0x80
+    .section ".heap", "w"
+    .align  3
+    .globl  __cs3_heap_start
+    .globl  __cs3_heap_end
+    .if     Heap_Size
+    .space  Heap_Size
+    .endif
+    .section ".cs3.interrupt_vector"
+    .globl  __cs3_interrupt_vector_cortex_m
+    .type   __cs3_interrupt_vector_cortex_m, %object
+    .long   __cs3_stack
+    .long   __cs3_reset
+    .long   NMI_Handler
+    .long   HardFault_Handler
+    .long   0
+    .long   0
+    .long   0
+    .long   0
+    .long   0
+    .long   0
+    .long   0
+    .long   SVC_Handler
+    .long   0
+    .long   0
+    .long   PendSV_Handler
+    .long   SysTick_Handler
+    .long   DEF_IRQHandler
+    .size   __cs3_interrupt_vector_cortex_m, . - __cs3_interrupt_vector_cortex_m
+    .thumb
+    .section .cs3.reset,"x",%progbits
+    .thumb_func
+    .globl  __cs3_reset_cortex_m
+    .type   __cs3_reset_cortex_m, %function
+    .fnstart
+    LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+    BLX     R0
+    LDR     R0,=__cs3_start_c
+    BX      R0
+    .pool
+    .cantunwind
+    .fnend
+    .size   __cs3_reset_cortex_m,.-__cs3_reset_cortex_m
+    .section ".text"
+    .weak   NMI_Handler
+    .type   NMI_Handler, %function
+    B       .
+    .size   NMI_Handler, . - NMI_Handler
+    .weak   HardFault_Handler
+    .type   HardFault_Handler, %function
+    B       .
+    .size   HardFault_Handler, . - HardFault_Handler
+    .weak   SVC_Handler
+    .type   SVC_Handler, %function
+    B       .
+    .size   SVC_Handler, . - SVC_Handler
+    .weak   PendSV_Handler
+    .type   PendSV_Handler, %function
+    B       .
+    .size   PendSV_Handler, . - PendSV_Handler
+    .weak   SysTick_Handler
+    .type   SysTick_Handler, %function
+    B       .
+    .size   SysTick_Handler, . - SysTick_Handler
+    .globl  Default_Handler
+    .type   Default_Handler, %function
+    B       .
+    .size   Default_Handler, . - Default_Handler
+    .macro  IRQ handler
+    .weak   \handler
+    .set    \handler, Default_Handler
+    .endm
+    IRQ     DEF_IRQHandler
+    .end