I got the structure of the code but did not get every details right

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Feb 27 10:07:17 2020 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Mar 05 21:13:16 2020 +0000
@@ -3,29 +3,264 @@
   PinName const SDA = PTE25;
   PinName const SCL = PTE24;
+  EventQueue queue;
+  Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+  Thread eventThread ;
+  DigitalOut rled(LED1, 1); //red led
+    DigitalOut gled(LED2,1); //green led
+    DigitalOut bled(LED3,1); //blue led
+  EventFlags event_flags;
+  Timer x;
 #define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)
+  enum pos {up, down, left, right, flat, over, intermediate};
+  volatile int pos = intermediate;  
+  enum state {first, second, third, success, e};
+  volatile int state = first;
+  volatile uint32_t flags_read = 1;
+void seqchecking(){
+    switch(state){
+        case first:
+            flags_read = event_flags.wait_any(up|down|right|left|over|flat|intermediate,10000,true);
+            pc.printf("flag_read:%d\r\n", flags_read);
+            //if(flags_read == -2){rled = 1;}
+            //else{
+                if(flags_read == 4){if(flags_read == -2){state = second; x.reset();pc.printf("turn right please");}}
+                if(flags_read != 4 && x.read() < 10){state = e;}
+                if((flags_read != 4 && flags_read != 6) && x.read() < 10){state = e;pc.printf("b");} 
+            //}
+            break;
+        case second:
+            flags_read = event_flags.wait_any(up|down|right|left|over|flat|intermediate,6000,true);
+            if(flags_read != 3 && x.read() < 2){state = e;}
+            if(flags_read == 0 && x.read() >= 2){state = second; x.reset();pc.printf("turn upward please");}
+            if((flags_read != 3 && flags_read != 0)){state = e;}
+            break;
+        case third:
+            flags_read = event_flags.wait_any(up|down|right|left|over|flat|intermediate,8000,true);
+            if(flags_read != 0 && x.read() < 4){state = e;}
+            if(flags_read == 4 && x.read() >= 4){state = second; x.reset();}
+            if((flags_read != 4 && flags_read != 0)){state = e;}
+            break;
+        case success:
+            gled = 0;
+            break;
+        case e:
+            rled = 0;
+            event_flags.wait_any(flat, osWaitForever, true);
+            state = first;
+            x.reset();
+            break;
+    } 
 int main(void)
     MMA8451Q acc(SDA, SCL, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
-    PwmOut rled(LED1);
-    PwmOut gled(LED2);
-    PwmOut bled(LED3);
-    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
     pc.printf("MMA8451 ID: %d\n", acc.getWhoAmI());
+    rled = 1; // turn off all leds when initialising
+    gled = 1;
+    bled = 1;
+    x.start();
+    eventThread.start(callback(&queue, &EventQueue::dispatch_forever));
+    queue.call_every(10, seqchecking) ; 
     while (true) {
         float x, y, z;
-        x = acc.getAccX();
-        y = acc.getAccY();
-        z = acc.getAccZ();
-        rled = 1.0f - abs(x);
-        gled = 1.0f - abs(y);
-        bled = 1.0f - abs(z);
+        x = acc.getAccX(); // get x axis value
+        y = acc.getAccY(); // get y axis value
+        z = acc.getAccZ(); // get z axis value
         ThisThread::sleep_for(300);  // wait(0.3);
-        pc.printf("X: %1.2f, Y: %1.2f, Z: %1.2f\n", x, y, z);
+        switch (pos){
+            case intermediate:
+                if(x > 0.9){ //if the board is in position down
+                    pos = down;
+                    event_flags.set(down);
+                    pc.printf("down\n"); // print up on pc screen
+                }
+                if(x < -0.9){ //if the board is in position up
+                    pos = up;
+                    event_flags.set(up);
+                    pc.printf("Up\n");// print down on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y > 0.9){ //if the board is in position left
+                    pos = left;
+                    event_flags.set(left);
+                    pc.printf("left\n");// print left on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y < -0.9){ //if the board is in position right
+                    pos = right;
+                    event_flags.set(right);
+                    pc.printf("right\n");// print right on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z > 0.9){ //if the board is in position flat
+                    pos = flat;
+                    event_flags.set(flat);
+                    pc.printf("Flat\n");// print flat on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z < -0.9){ //if the board is in position over
+                    pos = over; 
+                    event_flags.set(over);
+                    pc.printf("Over\n");// print over on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z<0.8 && z>-0.8 && x<0.8 && x>-0.8 && y<0.8 && y>-0.8){
+                    pos = intermediate;
+                    event_flags.set(intermediate);
+                }
+                break;
+            case up:
+                if(x > 0.9){ //if the board is in position down
+                    pos = down;
+                    pc.printf("Down\n");// print down on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y > 0.9){ //if the board is in position left
+                    pos = left;
+                    pc.printf("left\n");// print left on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y < -0.9){ //if the board is in position right
+                    pos = right;
+                    pc.printf("right\n");// print right on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z > 0.9){ //if the board is in position flat
+                    pos = flat;
+                    pc.printf("Flat\n");// print flat on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z < -0.9){ //if the board is in position over
+                    pos = over; 
+                    pc.printf("Over\n");// print over on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z<0.8 && z>-0.8 && x<0.8 && x>-0.8 && y<0.8 && y>-0.8){
+                    pos = intermediate;
+                }
+                break;
+            case down:
+                if(x < -0.9){ //if the board is in position up
+                    pos = up;
+                    pc.printf("Up\n"); // print up on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y > 0.9){ //if the board is in position left
+                    pos = left;
+                    pc.printf("left\n");// print left on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y < -0.9){ //if the board is in position right
+                    pos = right;
+                    pc.printf("right\n");// print right on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z > 0.9){ //if the board is in position flat
+                    pos = flat;
+                    pc.printf("Flat\n");// print flat on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z < -0.9){ //if the board is in position over
+                    pos = over; 
+                    pc.printf("Over\n");// print over on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z<0.8 && z>-0.8 && x<0.8 && x>-0.8 && y<0.8 && y>-0.8){
+                    pos = intermediate;
+                }
+                break;
+            case left:
+                if(x > 0.9){ //if the board is in position down
+                    pos = down;
+                    pc.printf("Down\n"); // print up on pc screen
+                }
+                if(x < -0.9){ //if the board is in position up
+                    pos = up;
+                    pc.printf("Up\n");// print down on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y < -0.9){ //if the board is in position right
+                    pos = right;
+                    pc.printf("right\n");// print right on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z > 0.9){ //if the board is in position flat
+                    pos = flat;
+                    pc.printf("Flat\n");// print flat on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z < -0.9){ //if the board is in position over
+                    pos = over; 
+                    pc.printf("Over\n");// print over on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z<0.8 && z>-0.8 && x<0.8 && x>-0.8 && y<0.8 && y>-0.8){
+                    pos = intermediate;
+                }
+                break;
+            case right:
+                if(x > 0.9){ //if the board is in position down
+                    pos = down;
+                    pc.printf("Down\n"); // print up on pc screen
+                }
+                if(x < -0.9){ //if the board is in position up
+                    pos = up;
+                    pc.printf("Up\n");// print down on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y > 0.9){ //if the board is in position left
+                    pos = left;
+                    pc.printf("left\n");// print left on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z > 0.9){ //if the board is in position flat
+                    pos = flat;
+                    pc.printf("Flat\n");// print flat on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z < -0.9){ //if the board is in position over
+                    pos = over; 
+                    pc.printf("Over\n");// print over on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z<0.8 && z>-0.8 && x<0.8 && x>-0.8 && y<0.8 && y>-0.8){
+                    pos = intermediate;
+                }
+                break;
+            case flat:
+                if(x > 0.9){ //if the board is in position down
+                    pos = down;
+                    pc.printf("Down\n"); // print up on pc screen
+                }
+                if(x < -0.9){ //if the board is in position up
+                    pos = up;
+                    pc.printf("Up\n");// print down on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y > 0.9){ //if the board is in position left
+                    pos = left;
+                    pc.printf("left\n");// print left on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y < -0.9){ //if the board is in position right
+                    pos = right;
+                    pc.printf("right\n");// print right on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z < -0.9){ //if the board is in position over
+                    pos = over; 
+                    pc.printf("Over\n");// print over on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z<0.8 && z>-0.8 && x<0.8 && x>-0.8 && y<0.8 && y>-0.8){
+                    pos = intermediate;
+                }
+                break;
+            case over:
+                if(x > 0.9){ //if the board is in position down
+                    pos = down;
+                    pc.printf("Down\n"); // print up on pc screen
+                }
+                if(x < -0.9){ //if the board is in position up
+                    pos = up;
+                    pc.printf("Up\n");// print down on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y > 0.9){ //if the board is in position left
+                    pos = left;
+                    pc.printf("left\n");// print left on pc screen
+                }
+                if(y < -0.9){ //if the board is in position right
+                    pos = right;
+                    pc.printf("right\n");// print right on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z > 0.9){ //if the board is in position flat
+                    pos = flat;
+                    pc.printf("Flat\n");// print flat on pc screen
+                }
+                if(z<0.8 && z>-0.8 && x<0.8 && x>-0.8 && y<0.8 && y>-0.8){
+                    pos = intermediate;
+                }
+                break;
+        }