A simple pong game with a NUCLEO board and ILI9163C TFT display.

Dependencies:   mbed TFT_ILI9163C Adafruit_GFX_MBED

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jan 20 16:21:57 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
+#include "TFT_ILI9163C.h"
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+// Define TFT to NUCLEO_F446RE pin connection
+#define TFT_MOSI    PA_7
+#define TFT_SCLK    PA_5
+#define TFT_CS      PB_6
+#define TFT_DC      PC_7
+#define TFT_RST     PA_9
+// SPI speed
+#define SPI_BITRATE 50000000L
+// Color definitions
+#define BLACK       0x0000
+#define BLUE        0x001F
+#define RED         0xF800
+#define GREEN       0x07E0
+#define CYAN        0x07FF
+#define MAGENTA     0xF81F
+#define YELLOW      0xFFE0
+#define WHITE       0xFFFF
+// Create display object
+AnalogIn        a1(PA_0);
+AnalogIn        a2(PA_1);
+DigitalIn       startButton(PC_13);
+int             bx = 64;
+int             by = 64;
+int             P1x1 = 0, P1x2 = 3, P1y1, P1y2;
+int             P2x1 = 124, P2x2 = 127, P2y1, P2y2;
+float           angle;
+int             speed;
+int             P1S = 0, P2S = 0;
+int             hold, h1, h2;
+char            score[32];
+ * @brief
+ * @note
+ * @param
+ * @retval
+ */
+int main()
+    //    display.text_width(1);
+    //    display.text_height(1);
+    //    display.baudrate(300000);
+    // Initialize random angle between 0 and 360
+    srand(time(NULL));
+    do
+    {
+        angle = rand() % 361;
+    } while
+    (
+        (angle < 20) ||
+        (angle > 70 && angle < 110) ||
+        (angle > 160 && angle < 200) ||
+        (angle > 250 && angle < 290) ||
+        (angle > 340)
+    );
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    while (1) {
+        if (startButton == 0) {
+            hold = 0;
+            h1 = 0;
+            h2 = 0;
+        }
+        if (hold == 1)
+            speed = 0;
+        else
+            speed = 5;
+        // Set position of the paddles
+        P1y1 = (a1 * 103) + 8;
+        P1y2 = P1y1 + 16;
+        P2y1 = (a2 * 103 + 8);
+        P2y2 = P2y1 + 16;
+        // Control motion of ball
+        display.fillCircle(bx, by, 2, WHITE);
+        if ((bx > 122 && (by > P2y1 && by < P2y2)) || (bx < 5 && (by > P1y1 && by < P1y2)))
+            angle = 180 - angle;
+        else
+        if (by > 125 || by < 10)    // I think this is where our problem is
+            angle = -angle;
+        //P1 Scores
+        else
+        if (bx > 122) {
+            P1S++;
+            bx = 5;
+            by = P1y1 + 8;
+            hold = 1;
+            h1 = 1;
+            angle = rand() % 120 + 120 + 180;
+            //P2 Scores
+        }
+        else
+        if (bx < 5) {
+            P2S++;
+            bx = 122;
+            by = P2y1 + 8;
+            hold = 1;
+            h2 = 1;
+            angle = rand() % 120 + 120;
+        }
+        if (hold == 1 && h1 == 1) {
+            bx = 6;
+            by = P1y1 + 8;
+        }
+        else
+        if (hold == 1 && h2 == 1) {
+            bx = 121;
+            by = P2y1 + 8;
+        }
+        else {
+            bx = bx + speed * cos(angle * 2 * M_PI / 360);
+            by = by - speed * sin(angle * 2 * M_PI / 360);
+        }
+        // Print paddles and ball
+        display.fillCircle(bx, by, 2, WHITE);
+        display.fillRect(0, P1y1, 3, P1y2, WHITE);
+        display.fillRect(124, P2y1, 127, P2y2, WHITE);
+        display.fillRect(0, 9, 3, P1y1 - 1, 0);
+        display.fillRect(0, P1y2 + 1, 3, 127, 0);
+        display.fillRect(124, 9, 127, P2y1 - 1, 0);
+        display.fillRect(124, P2y2 + 1, 127, 127, 0);
+        display.fillRect(5, 8, 122, 8, WHITE);
+        // Print scores
+        display.setCursor(2, 0);
+        //display.printf("P1: %d    P2: %d", P1S, P2S);
+        sprintf(score, "P1: %d    P2: %d", P1S, P2S);
+        display.print(score);
+        wait(.005);
+    }